By Stephen Dinan, founder and CEO of The Shift Network
The Shift Network is deeply committed to our Indigenous brothers and sisters. My dear friend Saniel Bonder said it well — America’s spiritual destiny can likely never be fully realized without the healing of its relationship with its Indigenous Peoples.
The same is true for all nations of the world where Indigenous Peoples have suffered from colonisation and Western “progress.” Globally we must heal our relationships with Indigenous Peoples; and, it is time for all of us to embrace and embody the deep wisdom from Indigenous traditions about our oneness, and how to be in right relationship, with Mother Earth, one another and all of life.
With this in mind, we are launching the second annual Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit (November 17–19, 2016) – click here to register free. This free online summit is “a unified gathering of Indigenous leaders from around Mother Earth who will share how we can co-create a new era together.” The Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit includes an exciting “Festival of the Americas” Video Day, featuring interviews conducted at The Indigenous Summit of the Americas in Panama.
We are thankful to the many Shift Network community members around the world who responded to the emergency call to action earlier in the year to help make the Indigenous Summit of the Americas possible. Together, we helped co-create an historic Indigenous gathering in Panama and now we all can enjoy seeing video messages from our brothers and sisters who participated in it.
We are grateful for Chief Phil Lane, Jr.’s leadership at the Indigenous Summit of the Americas and with the Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit. We deeply appreciate and value our friendship and partnership with “Brother Phil.”
I also want to thank our very own Alison Marks, Director of Summits, for stepping up to assist Brother Phil in Panama with translating, and conducting the video interviews. Alison also led the production of the Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit. These initiatives have been and are clearly a labor of love for Brother Phil, Alison, myself and many others.
In this edition of The Catalyst we have inspiring articles from Brother Phil, Audri Scott Williams and Steven Newcomb, all whom were at the Parliament of World’s Religions and Audri spoke with us on the Healing our Hearts at Wounded Knee panel.
We also have emotionally powerful profiles from Jean Fleury and Dr. Stephanie Pratt, two sisters guided to assist the healing at Wounded Knee and around the world. We have joined Jean and Stephanie, Saniel Bonder and a number of Indigenous Peoples in creating a campaign to support healing ceremonies for the 125th Memorial of the Wounded Knee Massacre.
Our Shift Philanthropy continues to bring attention to the 125th Memorial of the Wounded Knee Massacre Campaign. We are slowly moving towards our goal of $50,000 and invite you to be part of this historic healing opportunity.
Our Featured Media highlights an incredible film: The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code. The film documents how the Catholic church helped create a legal framework for the genocide of Indigenous Peoples. It is vital that we look honestly at the roots of genocide so we can heal and co-create a positive future. We strongly encourage you to watch the trailer and the film.
Also, we are celebrating Canada’s new Prime Minister Trudeau, who has made bold steps towards gender balance and social justice in the naming of his new Cabinet.
Brother Phil also provided an inspiring quote in the Featured Media about the importance of Sacred Ceremonies for all people at this time. And, finally, our Featured Artist is R. Carlos Nakai, we want to acknowledge and celebrate his lifetime achievement in bringing Native American flute music to the world.
Trailer: The Doctrine of Discovery: Unmasking the Domination Code
A film based on the book: Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery. It is a story of historical truth, spirituality, and resistance, told on behalf of the original nations and peoples of Great Turtle Island, and elsewhere on Mother Earth. To learn more about this film, click here.
Shared by Hereditary Chief Phil Lane, Jr.
"The Sacred Ceremonies do not belong to Indians alone, they can be done by all who have the right attitude and who are honest and sincere about their beliefs in Wakan Tanka (Great Spirit) and follow the rules. Survival of the World depends on sharing what we have and working together. If we don't the whole world will die, first the Planet and then the People."
(Ceremonial Chief Frank Fools Crow, Teton Sioux 1890–1989)
Justin Trudeau's new cabinet 'looks like Canada'
Canada's new cabinet is not only gender balanced, it's the most diverse in history. |
A New, Emerging World Civilization: An Indigenous Perspective
By Hereditary Chief Phil Lane, Jr.
Indigenous prophecies clearly foretell a “New World Civilization” that is inherently harmoniously interrelated, equitable, unified and just. This is not to be confused, even remotely, with the various New World Orders that are fearfully alluded to by various contending sources.
These include:
A New World Order where the extremely wealthy or a secret elite enslave most of humanity for their own selfish and greedy purposes
- A New World Order where everyone is forced to look, act and think the same
- A New World Order dominated by any one Nation State
- A New World Order created by an Anti-Christ prior to an Armageddon
This “New World Civilization,” firmly and unshakably rooted in the spiritual understanding and consciousness of the Oneness and Prior Unity of the Human Family and the understanding that the Hurt of One is the Hurt of All and the Honor of One is the Honor of All, was envisioned by Indigenous prophecies across the Americas, including
. . . [read more]
The Great Return
By Audri Scott Williams
While preparing to write this article, I thought deeply about what perspective or insight I could bring to this Shift Network publication on Global Indigenous Wisdom. As I prayed for guidance, I did what my elders, from many traditions, have taught me, I sat in silence with Mother Earth. I journeyed down to the Gulf of Mexico and sat watching the waves and the vast body of water -- remembering the Creator, not just out there but in here, in my heart, as well. In other words, I became fully present to my relationship to all of life and the wonder of creation itself . . . [read more]
Toward a Paradigm Change for Mother Earth
By Steven Newcomb
A Speech given to some 8,000 people at the Parliament of the World’s Religions, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 19, 2015.
Good Morning Everyone,
I want to pay my respects to the Original Nations on whose territory this building now stands. I want to acknowledge the ancestors who have loved this land with prayerful and ceremonial conduct, based on their insight about the need for sacred relations with Mother Earth, with pristine Waters, and with Life in all its forms and manifestations. I want to acknowledge the original free and independent existence of our nations and peoples extending back to the beginning of time through our oral histories and our oral traditions . . . [read more]
Great Calling: Healing Hearts at Wounded Knee
Ending War that the World May Heal
By Jean Fleury
Sacred companionship in following a great calling; this is what I am endeavoring to do. I share with you some pieces of the deepest and most profound experience of great calling in doing the work of “Wounded Knee.”
First and foremost is anunciation. I choose this word especially to honor the mysterious, but unmistakeable way the “holy” made itself known in my small life. There assuredly cannot be any greater treasure nor gift than a direct knowing of mystery’s personal and intimate love, radiance, omnipotence, and infinite power . . . [read more]
An Inspiring few days on the Crow Creek Dakota Sioux Reservation at Fort Thompson, South Dakota
By Dr. Stephanie Pratt
This summer in late May, I was hugely rewarded through my involvement in the re-establishment of the Horse Dance Ceremony and foundation of the first Grandmothers’ (Kunsi/Unci) Society on the Crow Creek Dakota Reservation in Fort Thompson, South Dakota. From my arrival around the 25th May, things started evolving in significant and profoundly moving ways. People gathered, families were brought together, food was made and consumed, feelings were shown, even some strong words were spoken but overall a general welling up of goodness, hope and healing from trauma was starting to emerge . . . [read more] |
Sign the Universal Declaration for the Rights of Mother Earth - We are nature. When nature thrives we thrive. Yet, existing legislation around the planet has failed miserably in so many ways, that in the last 40 years it allowed us to extinguish 50% of all species on Earth. Bolivia presented the Universal Declaration for the Rights of Mother Earth to the UN in 2010. This year we have a once in a lifetime opportunity, when heads of State will meet during the UN Climate Change Conference in Paris. Click here to sign the petition in support.
Friends Committee on National Legislation — Building A Pathway to Peace: Annual Meeting, Quaker Public Policy Institute & Lobby Day — November 12–15, 2015 — Washington, DC. This November, we'll be asking Congress to prevent violence before it starts. The US too often waits until war or atrocities begin, and then it only provides military solutions. But it doesn't have to be that way. We believe that by paying attention to warning signs, the international community can respond before deadly conflict erupts. Participants will learn how to lobby from FCNL's expert staff; hear from congressional staff and other speakers; connect with people from your state; practice lobbying skills; meet with your representative and senators and hear presentations on peacebuilding. To learn more, click here.
Kia Miller and Tommy Rosen are so excited to announce the 2015 Recovery 2.0 Thanksgiving Retreat to Costa Rica from November 19–26, 2015. They will be back at Blue Spirit in Nosara for what is always a powerful and blissful Recovery 2.0 experience. The retreat always sells out. If this calls to you, apply today to secure your space.
Free Livestream — Naam Yoga Super Class — November 29, 2015 at 8:30 am (CST), the world will witness yet another historical event in the name of global healing. Led by Dr. Joseph Michael Levry, founder of Naam Yoga, this year our goal is to unite 100,000 people, both in person (Mexico City) and via Livestream from all over the world, to send healing vibrations of Love Peace Light to All people, everywhere. Our mission is to ease the suffering of the afflicted and to bring hope to humanity through the raising consciousness, uniting hearts and the infinite power of heartfelt prayer and meditation. To learn more and to sign up free, click here. To find us Facebook – click here.
Collective Coherence: Co-Creating a New World — December 2–6, 2015 — Tao Wellness Center, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico —
HeartMath and Global Coherence Initiative Special Event: Come join us for a transformative experience in Collective Coherence: Co-Creating a New World, our fourth annual Mexico event. We will practice tools for Collective Coherence and learn how this accelerates our personal unfoldment into higher potentials. Energetic connectivity will be explored and why it is effective for co-creating a new world. Be sure to use code "Mexico1" when you register to receive the Early Registration discount rate. To learn more, click here.
Costa Rica Retreat — Light On Kundalini is delighted to invite you to our 2015 Costa Rica Retreat December 12 to 19, 2015 led by Karuna, an Academy Member of the Kundalini Research Institute. Experience a week of deep spiritual exploration in the serene and beautiful surrounds of the Blue Spirit Yoga and Meditation Retreat Center in Nosara, Costa Rica. Join us in Chanting, Dancing, Breath Walking, Meditation and Kundalini Yoga. All levels welcome. For more information and registration click here.
The Four Directions programs, inspired by the work of Angeles Arrien, are designed to support full engagement in your personal, work and community life. These tools that are cross-cultural and can be applied in any environment where leadership, wellbeing, creativity and wisdom are valued. We’re excited to offer a 2016 Vision Quest experience during the third gathering of the four session program. We hope that you can join us for this exciting and transformational journey. Receive a discount if you register before December 1, 2015. To learn more, click here.
Iran! Splendors of the Persian Empire — April 3–16, 2016 — Tehran, Kerman, Yazd, Shiraz, Persepolis, Isfahan and Kashan. Join Cross Cultural Journeys on an odyssey to the Republic of Iran, commonly called Persia by the West. A multicultural nation with many ethnic and linguistic groups (mostly Shi’ites), this ancient country straddles Eurasia, Western Asia, the Caspian Sea and the Indian Ocean. Iran has played a vital role in the Islamic Golden Age, producing hundreds of influential scientists, scholars, artists, and thinkers. To learn more, click here.
Just released: Positive Peace Report 2015 — Positive Peace is a transformational approach to achieving development, resilience and peace. It offers an alternative perspective to identify and measure long-term investments that create an optimum environment for human potential to flourish. The Positive Peace Report 2015 analyses the factors that build sustainable peace, and includes a statistical analysis of Positive Peace in 162 countries, covering 99 per cent of the world’s population. It is the first global, quantitative approach to defining and measuring Positive Peace and is based on the social factors that have the strongest statistically significant relationships with the absence of violence.To learn more, click here.
Awake: The Life of Yogananda — DVDs available with subtitles in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Dutch and Japanese. Plus there are new film showings in Australia and United States! You also can bring Awake to your yoga studio or community. To learn more, click here. (The filmmakers were interviewed in the Yoga Day Summit, the recording is available for free.)
New Book: Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation —
David Thomas Nicol introduces the concept of “subtle activism” to describe the use of consciousness-based practices like meditation and prayer to support collective transformation, such as global meditation directed toward peaceful resolution of a conflict. Subtle activism represents a bridge between the consciousness movement and the movements for peace, environmental sustainability, and social justice. It is not a substitute for physical action but rather a potentially crucial component of a more integrated approach to social change. To learn more and order a copy, click here.
World Peace Library — Free Resource — Be sure to take advantage of the World Peace Library, a wide-ranging resource on peace newly compiled by the Shift Network: It contains more than 300 inspiring talks and mini-workshops from individuals such as Archbishop Tutu, Nobel Laureate Jody Williams, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, James O'Dea, Karen Armstrong, Chief Phil Lane and many more. With neuroscientists and lamas, faith-based activists and political leaders, this Library offers something for all in their peacebuilding efforts. The Shift Network has made the World Peace Library a free resource for all and encourages its use to promote peace in your families, schools, and wider community.
If you have an announcement to share, please write: editor@theshiftnetwork.com.
Catalyst: (#22, 11/8) (#21, 10/25) (#20, 10/11) (#19, 9/27) (#18, 9/12) (#17, 8/30) (#16, 8/16) (#15, 8/2) (#14, 7/19) (#13, 7/5) (#12, 6/20) (#11, 6/7) (#10, 5/24) (#9, 5/10) (#8, 4/26) (#7, 4/5) (#6, 3/21) (#5, 3/15) (#4, 2/22) (#3, 2/8) (#2, 1/25) (#1, 1/11)
Catalyst: (#26, 12/28) (#25, 12/14) (#24, 11/30) (#23, 11/16) (#22, 11/1) (#21, 10/19) (#20, 10/5) (#19, 9/21) (#18, 9/14) (#17, 9/01) (#16, 8/17) (#15, 8/3) (#14, 7/20) (#13, 7/4) (#12, 6/15) (#11, 6/1) (#10, 5/18) (#9, 5/4) (#8, 4/20) (#7, 4/6) (#6, 3/23) (#5, 3/9) (#4, 2/22) (#3, 2/8) (#2, 1/26) (#1, 1/12)
2013 Catalyst: (#22, 12/14) (#21, 11/30) (#20, 11/16) (#19, 11/3) (#18, 10/20) (#17, 10/6) (#16, 9/21) (#15, 9/8) (#14, 8/25) (#13, 8/4) (#12, 7/21), (#11, 7/7), (#10, 6/16) (#9, 6/2) (#8, 5/12) (#7, 4/28) (#6, 4/14) (#5, 3/24) (#4, 2/24) (#3, 2/9) (#2, 1/26) (#1, 1/13)
Birth 2012 Catalyst: (#15, 12/9) (#14, 12/1) (#13, 11/22) (#12, 11/10) (#11, 11/3) (#10, 10/20) (#9, 10/6) (#8, 9/16) (#7, 9/8) (#6, 8/25) (#5, 8/16) (#4, 8/4) (#3, 7/28) (#2, 7/21) (#1, 7/14)

Begin planning how you will join the 125th Anniversary of Wounded Knee global healing ceremonies and prayers on December 29, 2015. To learn more, click here.
Are You Here to Co-create Heaven on Earth?
5 Tools to Empower Your Soul’s Work —
A Free Virtual Event
With Bestselling Author, International Speaker & Consultant Martin Rutte.
November 11, 2015 at 5:30pm Pacific
The Power of Embodied Shamanic Coaching
Essential Practices for Integrating Ancient Wisdom into Your Life —
A Free Virtual Event
With Shamanic Coach, Author & Teacher
Michael Stone.
November 14, 2015 at 10:00am Pacific
Deeper Sound Healing Through Qigong
Clearing Stress & Disease from Your Body, Emotions & Mind —
With Qigong Master Mingtong Gu
Learn in-depth practices to work effectively with energy and emotions to foster physical, emotional, mental and spiritual healing and well-being — especially during the winter season.
New 12-Week Live Video and Audio Training Starts
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Living the Divine Human
Embodying the Next Stage of Your Evolution — With Pioneering Contemporary Spiritual Teacher
& Internationally Renowned Mystic Scholar-Activist
Andrew Harvey.
New 12 Week Program Starts
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Purposeful Marketing
Growing Your Business in a Fulfilling, Impactful & Aligned Way — With Pioneering Teacher, Author & Internationally Renowned Change Agent Tim Kelley.
Learn how to make your marketing magnetic, powerful and effective because it expresses exactly who you are and the precise way you can help your ideal audience.
New 6-Month Training Live Training Starts
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
More Upcoming Events: (all subject to change)
• Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit
• Anodea Judith 7-week course
• Michael Stone 7-week course
• Robert Moss 12-week course
• George Kao 12-week course
• Martin Rutte 12-week course
• Wounded Knee Indigenous Healing Summit
• Andrew Harvey 7-week course
• Sandra Ingerman 7-week course
• Chief Phil Lane, Jr. 7-week course
• Peace Ambassador Training 16-week course
• Sherri Lasilla & Susan Cannon course
• Winter of Wellness Summit
• Caroline Casey 7-week course
• Jean Shinoda Bolen 7-week course
• Miranda Macpherson 8-week course
• David Crow 12-week course
• Devaa Haley Mitchell 1-year program
125th Memorial of the Wounded Knee Massacre — 2015 marks the 125th anniversary of the Wounded Knee Massacre that took place on December 29, 1890. The Shift Network is committed to standing with our Indigenous brothers and sisters to create healing ceremonies on this historic occasion. We invite you to join us in unity and determination to end massacre. Let us use this unique opportunity to collectively begin a great and momentous turning. Come heal with us in spirit at Wounded Knee! Click here to learn more.
R. Carlos Nakai
By Philip M. Hellmich
R. Carlos Nakai is credited for helping spread Native American flute music around the world. His music is dear to my heart as it has an ability to transport me (and most listeners) into a timeless awareness of one’s own essence and relationship with Spirit. Nakai is of Navajo-Ute heritage and “began his musical studies on the trumpet, but a car accident ruined his embouchure. His musical interests took a turn when he was given a traditional cedar flute as a gift and challenged to master it.” Nakai has sold over 4 million albums and has received numerous Grammy nominations. To learn more about Nakai and his music, click here.