By Stephen Dinan, founder and CEO of The Shift Network
As fall arrives in California, we switch our gears at Shift to focus on Abundance. Autumn is a time of harvest and we focus our large free events on how we can make profound shifts in business, money, the economy, and philanthropy to create a world where everyone has the resources they need to THRIVE.
We kick things off with the Enlightened Business Summit on Tuesday, which has the most amazing lineup of speakers yet—from Deepak Chopra to an award-winning African billionaire philanthropist, from Jez Frampton (considered the top branding expert in the world), to two of the top pioneers at Google who are leading a revolution in conscious business there to Carol Moseley Braun, a former Senator turned CEO.
There's something for everyone, from the solo coach or holistic practitioner just starting out to leaders of mid- to large companies. And it's really about far more than business: it's about leadership, transformation, culture, marketing, and more. The disciplines of business teach us how to build the culture of tomorrow.
Sign up here for this amazing event with 32 inspiring speakers.
In this issue of the Catalyst, we feature a book excerpt from Summit co-host Tom Oliver, author of the forthcoming book Nothing Is Impossible, a provocative interview with Matthew Fox (soon to be featured in a free call event) and links to cool videos and articles.
We also honor the passing of a very bright light—Sidney Lanier—who was the behind-the-scenes life partner of Barbara Marx Hubbard and a real Priest for the new era.
We also share the amazing effort to create a grassroots-funded movie inspired by Eckhart Tolle, in partnership with the creators of What Dreams May Come.
(And for those interested, I've been loving my 45 hour maximum work week commitment and still keeping Shift moving. I highly recommend it!)
"Learn from Artists to Find Your True Passion"
Book Excerpt from Nothing Is Impossible
By Tom Oliver, Enlightened Business Summit Co-Host
"The guy looked at me. I could see the desperation in his eyes. We were gathered with about 30 students at a reception after one of my talks at the Manchester Business School. He said, "Tom, how do I find out what I really want? How do I know what I'm truly passionate about?"
Let's rewind to another scene a few years earlier.
I was having dinner with the Brazilian author Paulo Coelho at the Cannes Film Festival. Paulo has sold more than 100 million books, including The Alchemist, one of the 20 bestselling books of all time. He leaned over and said, "Tom, we as artists are passionate by nature. We fall in love every day!" . . . [read more] [buy Nothing Is Impossible]
Jumpstarting African Businesses
A short interview with Nigerian billionaire philanthropist Tony Elemelu, who will appear in the Enlightened Business Summit.
'Charity' as conventionally defined is not the best solution for our continent. Instead, we should focus on building the capacity of the private sector to create economic and social wealth by fostering a more enabling business environment . . . [read more]
An interview with Carol Moseley Braun about her biodynamic food company
Interview with Carol Moseley Braun on her transition from first major African American woman candidate for President to CEO of a biodynamic, organic foods company, based in philosophy of Rudolph Steiner. She is featured in this year's Enlightened Business Summit. Excerpt:
"Rudolph Steiner, who was the originator of what we now call biodynamic, said that our food would get to the point where it no longer nourished our bodies. He pointed to agriculture as a core value in terms of the health of the community, the physical health of individuals, the health of the planet. Biodynamics brings all of that together with a spirituality that speaks to the connectedness of all living things" . . . [read more]
From the Current Business Paradigm to the Second Renaissance
By Sam Yau and Rinaldo Brutoco
A comprehensive overview of the foundational shifts required to transform business culture, written by our allies at the World Business Academy . . . [read more]
Beyond a Job: Doing The Great Work
An Interview with Matthew Fox
By Mary NurrieStearns for personaltransformation.com
Work needs to be an occasion for our own and for others' spirits to prosper. There needs to be joy in work; the joy that we experience in it and the joy that others experience from our work, which also increases our joy, because to contribute to other people's joys is part of what makes one happy. Another important dimension of work is healing. Not only is joy a part of the human heart, so is grief and suffering. You could ask, "How does my work bring joy to myself and others?" and "How does my work relieve the suffering of others?" Are you creating something useful that people need that relieves their suffering? Work being the relief of suffering is a part of prospering because we have obstacles to prospering to being healthy and well and alive in spirit and so removing these obstacles is what our work is meant to do . . . [read more]
The Cost of Gridlock
By Philip M. Hellmich, The Director of Peace
The political gridlock in Washington, DC is showing us that we must learn to deal with our differences constructively. This is one reason why the Summer of Peace and its predecessor, PeaceWeek 2011, have provided an overview of peace from the inner to the international, including politics and good governance.
One of the most inspiring interviews on practical ways of bridging political divides was with Rob Fersh, the founder of Convergence . . . [read more]
It's with a heavy heart that we share that Barbara Marx Hubbard's partner Sidney Lanier died last week. Sidney was a long-time champion of conscious evolution, a Priest of the New Order (as well as a former Episcopal priest), and the creator of innovative theaters that explored a new vision for humanity. To read Sidney's poetic, powerful and philosophical book The Sovereign Person, you can buy it here.
For submissions and recommendations, email editor@theshiftnetwork.com.
Let's Make a Conscious Movie!
Eckhart Tolle has teamed up with the creators of What Dreams May Come for a beautiful movie project called Milton's Secret. They are currently running a special Indiegogo crowdsourcing campaign to raise the money to do it that gives you amazing perks, from a free copy of the movie to time on the actual set or being an extra in the movie. They've already raised more than $100K of the $1M so it's an opportunity for us to show the power of our movement: www.supportmiltonssecret.com
Global Oneness Day - October 24, 2013
Global Oneness Day was created to heal the illusion of separation that has such a powerful grip on the Earth. We're joining the United Nations, Humanity's Team, The Association for Global New Thought and NGO's around the world to call for an awakened world, a culture of solidarity and a compassionate and sustainable Earth. This year's program features renowned leaders such as: Michael Bernard Beckwith, Ervin Laszlo, Jean Houston, Ken Wilber, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Neale Donald Walsch, Paul Ray, Riane Eisler, Rickie Byars Beckwith, Gangaji, and many others. See Full Schedule and register >>
Andrew Harvey has been blowing away folks in the Shift this year with the explosive power of his words and insights on a new kind of mysticism. Andrew's first-of-its-kind online initiation into the sacred heart of Rumi and Sufi Mystics starts Tuesday and you can read all about it here. If you want to catch him live and in-person, there's a beautiful opportunity via our friends at The Sophia Institute this October in Charleston, SC who are hosting a weekend retreat called "Light the Flame: A Vision for a New Humanity." Read more at www.thesophiainstitute.org
Summer of Peace Highlights
It was an epic year for peacebuilding worldwide and here are some great ways to experience it:
Video Highlights from the International Day of Peace: Peacelink Live; Hollywood Production celebrating International Day of Peace
PeaceDay TV: Global Broadcast of International Day of Peace events
The Spirit of Peace: Awakening through Crisis; Philip M. Hellmich's presentation in Eugene, Oregon
Gender Reconciliation in Australia
Bringing healing between Women and Men. Transforming our relationships, our communities and the world. Facilitated by Will Keepin and Cynthia Brix as featured in the Summer of Peace 2012. Click here.
Anodea Judith
By Byron Belitsos
Anodea Judith, Ph.D. has been called "a prophet for our time" and was recently featured in the cover story for Om Times. A groundbreaking thought leader who is the founder and director of Sacred Centers, and a writer, therapist, and spiritual teacher. Her passion for the realization of human potential matches her concern for humanity's impending crises—her fervent wish is that we "wake up in time" . . . [read more]
2013 Catalyst: (#17, 10/6) (#16, 9/21) (#15, 9/8) (#14, 8/25) (#13, 8/4) (#12, 7/21), (#11, 7/7), (#10, 6/16) (#9, 6/2) (#8, 5/12) (#7, 4/28) (#6, 4/14) (#5, 3/24) (#4, 2/24) (#3, 2/9) (#2, 1/26) (#1, 1/13)
Birth 2012 Catalyst: (#15, 12/9) (#14, 12/1) (#13, 11/22) (#12, 11/10) (#11, 11/3) (#10, 10/20) (#9, 10/6) (#8, 9/16) (#7, 9/8) (#6, 8/25) (#5, 8/16) (#4, 8/4) (#3, 7/28) (#2, 7/21) (#1, 7/14)

Rumi and the Way of Passion
We continue our exploration of the depths of world mystical traditions with Andrew Harvey's 10-week journey into the ecstatic, transformative power of Rumi and the Sufi lineage. Simply put, Andrew's insights into Rumi's life and message are liberating and rigorous, ecstatic and extremely demanding: a true call for the marriage of the love of God and the love of justice. You can listen to his interpretations two of his favorite poems, one that explores Passion and the other Divine Tenderness, and access the original, scintillating free call event here.
Enlightened Business Summit
Growing businesses that can truly change the world! 2013 roster includes Deepak Chopra, Jez Frampton, Gopi Kallayi, Carol Moseley Braun, and 30 more.
Evolve Yourself, Evolve Our World with Shift Network Courses