By Stephen Dinan, founder and CEO of The Shift Network
In this edition, we are proud to announce, together with Fred Arment, the founder of the International Cities of Peace, a bold and unifying goal to have 1,000 International Cities of Peace by 2020.
As you will see in the article by Fred Arment, Philip Hellmich (our Director of Peace), and Carol Anne Robinson, a Peace Ambassador, there has been a groundswell of practical, grassroots peacebuilding initiatives emerging around the world. Creating International Cities of Peace offers a tangible way to celebrate and accelerate the spread of these peacebuilding efforts.
International Cities of Peace, along with Compassionate Cities, serve as a way of building an infrastructure for peace on a local and global level that can lead to the establishment of Departments of Peace on both local and national levels. Our future cities can become shining examples of the new peaceful planetary culture.
There are so many positive things happening beneath the surface while much of the news focuses on tragedies such as the senseless shootings that recently took place in Santa Barbara, California, along with the ongoing violence in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond.
In this Catalyst, you will witness the global call for peace as expressed by people who have helped and/or are helping create International Cities of Peace — Furaha Soleil in Bujumbura, Burundi; Inés Palomoque in Buenos Aires, Argentina; Lisa Parker in Philadelphia, USA; Loizos Loukaidis in Nicosia, Cyprus; and, Mabwe Lucien in Fizi, Democratic Republic of Congo.
These International Cities of Peace are sharing best practices and a sense of brotherhood/sisterhood.
Many Peace Ambassador graduates are engaged with the International Cities of Peace and we want to encourage more Shift Network members to join this local-global effort. Fred Arment and his team make it easy for people to start where they are and with their current resources.
You can help your community become a City of Peace and/or support International City of Peace – click here.
Together, we can reach the United Nations' goal of creating a global culture of peace.
We also want to mention the passing of Maya Angelou this week. When a truly great soul passes such as her, let us all take a moment to remember her life and impact.
Two Red Beads, One Human Heart — International Cities of Peace
Nearly 100 cities of peace around the world are now part of International Cities of Peace. The Two Red Beads, One Human Heart campaign helps raise funds for important grassroots programs that need just a little help to make a huge difference. Please go to this website and donate today. Please accept our small token of appreciation — handmade keepsake wristbands made by women victims of abuse in Bujumbura, Burundi – click here. |
2020 GOAL: 1,000 Cities of Peace!
Be a founder of a city of peace movement in your community.
By Fred Arment with Carol Anne Robinson and Philip Hellmich
Can you help your community take practical steps to create lasting prosperity, safety and quality of life; and, at the same time contribute to a global culture of peace?
The answer is yes!
There is great hope to be found in the exponential growth of personal and organizational peacebuilding initiatives around the world. Over ten million people in the United States alone are now meditating and scientists are proving the benefits of these ancient practices. There are hundreds of colleges and universities with peace and conflict resolution programs compared to only a handful in 1984. Community mediation, alternative dispute resolution and restorative justice are becoming common practice around the world, providing cost effective ways to resolve conflicts while strengthening relationships and communities . . . [read more]
Bujumbura, Burundi: City of Peace
By Furaha Soleil, President of the Women's Union for Peace in Burundi
Buterere is a neighborhood located in north of Bujumbura, capital of Burundi ... this is the least urbanized area, with the poorest people. A dozen women gathered near the Ajeca school; they are idle; they have nothing to do; they did not hope to eat today... They chat sadly ... their future is bleak ... they are there . . . [read more]
Buenos Aires: City Committed to Peace
By Inés Palomoque, Founder Mil Milenios de Paz
"It is not enough," declares InĂ©s Palomoque, "to have one day of peace, we need to ensure a thousand millenniums for present and future generations." That idea, shared with so many around the world, is the core of Mil Milenios de Paz, the organization Inés founded in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Today through her efforts, nearly twenty cities have declared by Proclamation as Cities Committed to Peace . . . [read more]
Philadelphia: The City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection
Peace Day Philly and U.N. International Day of Peace
By Lisa Parker founder of Peace Day Philly
Peace Day Philly formed in 2011 to encourage local participation in the U.N. International Day of Peace, observed worldwide on September 21. Peace Day Philly's logo includes the words "Personal - Local - Global" — expressing the essential interconnectivity between different levels of peace . . . [read more]
Nicosia, Cyprus: A City of Peace ... in the making
By Loizos Loukaidis
On September 22nd 2013, on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, celebrations were held at the Home for Cooperation in the UN Buffer zone in Nicosia, Cyprus. The Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) and POST Research Institute (POST RI) announced the declaration of Nicosia as a City of Peace and formed the Nicosia, Cyprus – City of Peace Committee as part of the International Cities of Peace network. On that special day, the two organizations and civil society actors from all communities across the existing divide reaffirmed their willingness for contributing towards an alternative sustainable future, which comprises of an egalitarian Cypriot society and recognizes the dignity of every living being, and joined efforts towards an education that prepares children and youth to live in a multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi-faith society in Cyprus . . . [read more]
For submissions and recommendations, email editor@theshiftnetwork.com.
Mabwe Lucien — Fizi, Democratic Republic of the Congo: City of Peace
By Fred Arment with quotes from Mabwe Lucien
Mabwe Lucien is a man of peace ... and action. He has organized seminars on non-violence and peace in fifty-two cities and villages in Rwanda, Burundi, DR Congo and Tanzania. He has led sessions for reconciliation between warring tribes, including the Babuyu and Bembe; the Bafuliru and Bembe; the Banyamulenge and Bembe; as well as the Bafuliro and Banyamulenge tribes.
Today he is leading a project very close to his heart. Lucien is organizing the building of a school for poor child victims of war at Kazimia in D.R. Congo. Kazimia is a peasant center of 20,000 inhabitants in Fizi, South Kivu, which was greatly affected by the world's deadliest war, killing over 5.4 million in the D.R. Congo since 1996 . . . [read more]
International Cities of Peace, for more information: click here.
- The Facebook page: click here.
- The Global Feast for Peace: click here.
- The Eugene City of Peace organization has many resources for communities working toward a culture of peace: click here.
Film festival premiere of Awake: The Life of Yogananda will take place at the Seattle International Film Festival, which plans to screen the movie on the evenings of May 18 and May 19. Follow this link for tickets, click here. The film will be screened on Friday, May 30 at 9:00 am at the Illuminate Film Festival in Sedona. For information and tickets, click here. To learn more about the film and future screenings, click here.
Children of the Earth has released a new CD — Wisdom of the Heart:
Songs to Inspire Transcendence and Peace. Accomplished celebrities include Tina Turner of international fame with Regula Curti and Dechen Shak-Dagsay. Children of the Earth also offer a Spiritual Activism Handbook to help young and older people to experience inner revolution for social evolution. To learn more, click here.
Search for Common Ground – 2014 San Francisco Bay Area Reception – June 8 at 11:00 AM–1:00 PM; featuring President John Marks, Senior Vice President Susan Collin Marks, Ex. VP Sandra Melone and a video message from President-Elect, Shamil Idriss. This is an excellent chance to introduce your friends, family and colleagues to Search for Common Ground. All guests need to be registered. To learn more, click here.
PeaceNow.com invites you to a free private screening of the celebrated 20-minute film for peace – Admissions, which stars Academy Award nominee James Cromwell and has won 25 international awards. Wednesday, June 11, 2014. Ann and Jerry Moss Theater in Santa Monica. Live panel with John Viscount, Creator of Admissions, Ms. Lekha Singh, Executive Producer and Co-Director of "Beyond Right & Wrong: Stories of Justice and Forgiveness" and Jess Larsen, Director of Corporate Partnerships, Arbinger, and Founder of ChildRescue.org. To learn more, click here.
The Fourth Annual Afterlife Conference! Portland, OR. June 5–8, 2014 – Learn about the world beyond death from mystics and mediums, ministers and medics, all under one roof during one amazing, life-altering weekend! To learn more, click here.
Breath Immersion – From Science to Samadhi – August 24–29 – Breath Immersion to explore leading-edge research and learn how to integrate and advance the power of breath into our modern world. Those new and experienced in breath practice are invited to participate in building a healthier world together. To learn more, click here.
The Economics of Sustainability – Emerging Models for a Healthy Planet – October 6–9, 2014 – Fort Mason, SF, CA – The Economics of Sustainability conference is looking 50 years into the future. Our challenge is to bring forth a transformation of cultural and economic relationships so that environmental sustainability, social justice, and economic democracy become our way of life. To learn more, click here.
Help Take Taiko to Bethlehem in Palestine – Bringing a week of Taiko drumming workshops to Bet Lahem Live Festival, building to performances by a local community group & professional duo performance. This project is sponsored by Peace Ambassador PJ Hirabayashi. To learn more, click here.
2014 Catalyst: (#11, 6/1) (#10, 5/18) (#9, 5/4) (#8, 4/20) (#7, 4/6) (#6, 3/23) (#5, 3/9) (#4, 2/22) (#3, 2/8) (#2, 1/26) (#1, 1/12)
2013 Catalyst: (#22, 12/14) (#21, 11/30) (#20, 11/16) (#19, 11/3) (#18, 10/20) (#17, 10/6) (#16, 9/21) (#15, 9/8) (#14, 8/25) (#13, 8/4) (#12, 7/21), (#11, 7/7), (#10, 6/16) (#9, 6/2) (#8, 5/12) (#7, 4/28) (#6, 4/14) (#5, 3/24) (#4, 2/24) (#3, 2/9) (#2, 1/26) (#1, 1/13)
Birth 2012 Catalyst: (#15, 12/9) (#14, 12/1) (#13, 11/22) (#12, 11/10) (#11, 11/3) (#10, 10/20) (#9, 10/6) (#8, 9/16) (#7, 9/8) (#6, 8/25) (#5, 8/16) (#4, 8/4) (#3, 7/28) (#2, 7/21) (#1, 7/14)

Help your community become a City of Peace and/or support International City of Peace – click here.
International Cities of Peace — grassroots organizing and individual actions of peacemakers. Two global programs by ICP offer the opportunity for city-to-city collaborations that generate enthusiasm and provide purpose beyond local programming. These efforts provide the potential for a more efficient alternative to the top-down bureaucratic efforts of standard NGOs. After all, it takes a global village ... To learn more, click here.

Eleanor Tara
I was inspired to share the heart's infinite wisdom through sacred music, so I created my debut EP, Ember, as an offering for you to connect more deeply with your own inner guidance. Each song is a prayer for deep healing and transformation. The lyrics are English mantras that will slip into your subconscious over time, gradually replacing ruminating thoughts and unproductive worries, and invoking your own wise heart to lead your way forward. Many blessings on your courageous journey as you walk the path of the heart! Listen to Ember, click here.