By Stephen Dinan, founder and CEO of The Shift Network
In the Summer of Peace teleseries we have heard many speakers talk about the importance of bringing inner peace practices into outer action, especially to transform difficult situations. Most recently, Dr. Sakena Yacoobi, who operates schools for women in Afghanistan, described in an interview "the inner foundation for peacebuilding" that sustains her compassionate efforts (see Summer of Peace free recordings below).
His Holiness the Dalai Lama said it well in The Art of Happiness, "Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive."
With compassion in mind, our lead article for this edition is about Foday Sajuma of Radio Moa in Sierra Leone, West Africa. We have up-to-date information from Foday, who is a courageous peacebuilder heroically running a community radio station in the heart of the Ebola epidemic. Foday is a friend and former colleague of Philip Hellmich, our Director of Peace. Foday and Radio Moa need our support so they can battle this horrific disease and help save the lives of potentially thousands of people. I strongly encourage you to stand with our brothers and sisters in West Africa and to support Radio Moa – click here. (Also, see Action of the Week.)
Ebola is only one example where we must marry compassion and action in this time of global crisis. We also must learn to express these soul qualities in our day-to-day lives in practical ways that make a positive impact on people around us.
When Stanford University asked if we would be promotional co-sponsors of their upcoming CompassionWeek 2014 conference in San Francisco November 10–16, 2014, we enthusiastically said YES!
Stanford's Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) is on the forefront of bridging scientific research on compassion with practical application in daily life. In this edition, we have three articles from CCARE — one by its founder, Dr. James Doty on The Science of Compassion; a beautiful piece by Dr. Emma Seppala on The Scientific Benefits Of Self-Compassion; and, finally an article about CompassionWeek 2014. I encourage you to attend CompassionWeek 2014 if at all possible – click here.
We also have a wonderful piece by Sande Hart about Diversity in the Compassion Games — Survival of the Kindest. The Compassion Games start on September 11 and run through September 21 (International Day of Peace), so be sure to join the global activities and start training now — get your compassion game on!
Also, our close friend and partner Rick Ulfik wrote about the upcoming 10th Anniversary of 11 Days of Global Unity, which also takes place from September 11 through September 21. We are proud to partner with Rick and want to thank him for organizing an amazing 11 Days of Global Unity min-summit as part of the Summer of Peace. This free series will include dialogues with Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, our beloved Barbara Marx Hubbard and many more. It will be an outstanding 11 days, culminating with special celebrations on the International Day of Peace. You can register free for the summit – click here; and, learn how you can participate in hundreds of 11 Days of Global Unity events around the world – click here.
Our member profile is from our friend Shajen Joy Aziz who shares how she overcame the loss of her mother and childhood home at the age of 12. Shajen's triumphant journey through hardships has made her a passionate and loved international teacher of Discover the Gift.
We are also republishing Katia Petersen's inspiring article about the Institute of Noetic Sciences' Worldview Exploration program. We apologize for any inconvenience with the web links in the last edition. (See Member Profile.)
Finally, be sure to enjoy the free Summer of Peace recordings available in this edition. The range of topics is truly awe-inspiring! We've included an interview with award-winning musician Yuval Ron who is using music to bridge Israeli-Palestinian divides (see free recordings below and Featured Artist).
Foday Sajuma of Radio Moa: Fighting Ebola in Sierra Leone
By Philip M. Hellmich
The Ebola outbreak in West Africa is breaking my heart, as I am sure it is for you too.
It is a horrible situation. It is also personal for me as I have many, many friends in Sierra Leone, where I lived and worked for years; and, also in Guinea, Liberia, and Nigeria, where I visited and supported peacebuilding programs as a staff member of Search for Common Ground, one of the world's leading conflict transformation organizations . . . [read more]
The Science Of Compassion
By James R. Doty, MD
It is indeed a paradox that so many from what are considered developing countries wish to come to the West, where we have an epidemic of depression, isolation, and loneliness, while the U.S. alone consumes 25 percent of the world's resources. However, it is often these "third-world" cultures that offer some of the most profound wisdom and insights that have been garnered over thousands of years, while our own history spans a few hundred years . . . [read more]
The Scientific Benefits Of Self-Compassion Infographic
By Dr. Emma Seppala
We mistakenly think that being competitive and pushing ourselves hard is required for success. Research, however, is proving these theories wrong. Most of us don't stop to consider whether our self-critical and competitive attitude are helping us achieve our goals. We don't realize that they are actually standing in our way.
Scientific data shows that self-criticism makes us weaker in the face of failure, more emotional, and less likely to assimilate lessons from our failures. Studies are finding that there is a far better alternative to self-criticism: self-compassion . . . [read more]
CompassionWeek 2014
Stanford University's Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE), the Tenzin Gyatso Institute, Inc. (TGI) and The Charter for Compassion will host "Compassion Week" in San Francisco from November 10–16, 2014 with lead sponsorship from Dignity Health. This will include the 2nd Science of Compassion conference, the inaugural conference on Compassion & Healthcare, the 3rd Empathy and Compassion in Society conference, and The Charter for Compassion Day at the historic Fort Mason Center. During the weekend a "Living Compassionately" retreat will be held on the Stanford University campus . . . [read more]
Diversity in the Compassion Games — Survival of the Kindest
By Sande Hart
The Compassion Games finds compassion where it is, or is it the other way around?
And, where it is shows up in the most unique, diverse and creative places. It also shows up in the most mundane, usual and ordinary places too . . . [read more]
11 Days of Global Unity – Celebrates 10 Years of Compassionate Action for a Better World
By Rick Ulfik
Each year, during 11 Days of Global Unity, something extraordinary takes place that people never forget. This year, I predict it will be the Summer of Peace 11 Days Tele-Summit on the 11 Global Unity Themes. (Click here to register free.)
I believe that all the participants in 11 Days of Global Unity express some form of compassion in their activities. Here, for example, are the featured speakers of the 11 Days FREE Tele-Summit of the Summer of Peace and the 11 Global Unity Themes they are addressing . . . [read more]
For submissions and recommendations, email
Celebrating Peace – Through Compassionate Action
By Shajen Joy Aziz
Peace is a really big word these days. Inner peace, world peace, global peace ... So what is peace exactly? How do we obtain our own peace? Peace means many different things. As Ghandi teaches us, "We must be the change" and the Dalai Lama continually models for us that both peace and compassion originate with gratitude for life itself . . . [read more]
Transforming Through the Power of Perspective
By Katia Petersen
It often takes a transformative experience to reveal the water we swim in, and for me, it happened when the idyllic island of Cyprus where I grew up was descended upon by war. I was just a teenager, and I couldn't understand how it was possible to lose so much practically overnight. The question that really burned in my mind was, "Why?" . . . [read more]
Film premiere of Awake: The Life of Yogananda will take place in:
- Santa Fe Yoga Festival – Screening – Thursday, August 28, 2014 at 7:30PM – Santa Fe, New Mexico – click here.
- The Cleveland Museum of Art – Screening – Sunday, September 7, 2014 at 1:30PM – Cleveland, Ohio – click here.
- New York – Theatrical Run: – October 10–16, 2014 – New York, NY – click here.
- Los Angeles – Theatrical Run: – October 17–23, 2014 – Los Angeles, CA – click here.
To learn more about the film and future screenings, click here. The film directors will be interviewed in the Summer of Peace on Tuesday, September 2, 2014 at 9am Pacific.
Upcoming Conferences, Co-Sponsored by The Shift Network:
- The Economics of Sustainability – Emerging Models for a Healthy Planet – October 6–9, 2014 – Fort Mason, SF, CA – The Economics of Sustainability conference is looking 50 years into the future. Our challenge is to bring forth a transformation of cultural and economic relationships so that environmental sustainability, social justice, and economic democracy become our way of life. Speakers include: David Korten, Michael Brune (Sierra Club Director), Osprey Orielle Lake, Randy Hayes, Lynne & Bill Twist, Ellen Brown, Randy Hayes and Georgia Kelly. To learn more, click here.
- 10XSummit – Igniting Change – Los Angeles – October 10–12, 2014, produced by PeaceLink Live. The 10X Summit is calling together like-minded leaders, organizations and celebrities from 10 social activist movements. For three days groups will unite causes and implement innovative solutions to global challenges and develop the sustainable systems, legislation and initiative that will actualize change. (Shift Network members receive a 40% discount when registering by August 18. To register click here and use this coupon code: Shift Network).
- Join the Shift Network in supporting the 25th Anniversary Bioneers Summit Conference this October 17, 18 & 19 in Marin California! Practical solutions for the most urgent, paradigm-shifting issues of the day. (Shift Network members receive a 10% discount – use code "SNB14.") To learn more, click here.
Upcoming Global Peace Events
Lake Shrine of Self-Realization Fellowship is creating a spiritual opportunity for members and friends to join together in generating prayerful energy for peace in the world. Participate now through September 7, 2014. To learn more, click here.
International Day of Peace Activities:
- JOIN BeThePeace
and The Peace Pole Project for synchronized meditations around Peace Poles on
the International Day of Peace (September 21, 2014)
Peace Pole Project – where to order your Peace Pole, how to make one,
youth project, translations, etc. – click here.
BeThePeace - Find or create a meditation – click here.
The International Day of Peace – click here.
- JOIN the Compassion Games and make your community
safer, kinder, more just and a better place to live. By participating, players
are called upon to perform acts of service and kindness in our neighborhoods,
on the job, in service-providing agencies, and wherever their daily journey
takes them. The acts of service are organized projects or simple acts of
kindness to aid a neighbor in need or just for the pure joy of it! The 2014
Games will run from September 11 through September 21, 2014 and involves people
around the world. You can join now by clicking here!
- JOIN the Peace Day Global Broadcast – September 20–21 – Organizations and individuals can submit brief videos (3 to 4 minutes in length) for consideration by our selection committee. The quality of the videos must be in alignment with the overall quality of the Peace Day Global Broadcast. A Preview of the 2014 Peace Day Global Broadcast can be viewed at www.unityfoundation.org. The process is to send the links for the videos to unityfoundation1@aol.com by August 21, 2014. All submissions will be reviewed by September 1. A response from the selection committee will be sent to the senders by September 10.
Help your community become
an International City of Peace and together
we can reach the Goal 2020: 1000 Cities of Peace. For more information:
click here.
The Facebook page: click here.
The Global Feast for Peace: click here.
The Eugene City of Peace organization has many resources for communities
working toward a culture of peace: click here.
Summer of Peace – Featured Speakers Resources:
- Father John Dear was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. His latest book is a must read - The Nonviolent Life
- The Threshold Society, rooted within the traditions of Sufism and inspired by the life and work of Mevlâna Jalâluddîn Rumi, is a non-profit educational foundation with the purpose of facilitating the experience of Divine Unity, Love, and Truth in the world. (Founders: Kabir Edmund Helminski and Camille Adams Helminski.) To learn more, click here.
- United Religions Initiative – a supported network connecting people across religions and cultures in the service of peace and justice. (Rev. Victor H. Kazanjian is the Executive Trustee) To learn more, click here.
- Philip M. Hellmich – Publications exploring inner and international peacebuilding:
Organizations You Can Support to Help Stop Ebola:
Radio Moa – provides valuable information to people along the border of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone so they can prevent the spread of Ebola. Foday Sajuma is the station manager (see article above). Click here to help Foday Sajuma and Radio Moa Combat Ebola.
Four other organizations you can support to stop Ebola — Doctors without Borders, Catholic Relief Services, Africare and Samaritan's Purse – click here to learn more.
Catalyst: (#17, 8/31) (#16, 8/17) (#15, 8/3) (#14, 7/20) (#13, 7/4) (#12, 6/15) (#11, 6/1) (#10, 5/18) (#9, 5/4) (#8, 4/20) (#7, 4/6) (#6, 3/23) (#5, 3/9) (#4, 2/22) (#3, 2/8) (#2, 1/26) (#1, 1/12)
2013 Catalyst: (#22, 12/14) (#21, 11/30) (#20, 11/16) (#19, 11/3) (#18, 10/20) (#17, 10/6) (#16, 9/21) (#15, 9/8) (#14, 8/25) (#13, 8/4) (#12, 7/21), (#11, 7/7), (#10, 6/16) (#9, 6/2) (#8, 5/12) (#7, 4/28) (#6, 4/14) (#5, 3/24) (#4, 2/24) (#3, 2/9) (#2, 1/26) (#1, 1/13)
Birth 2012 Catalyst: (#15, 12/9) (#14, 12/1) (#13, 11/22) (#12, 11/10) (#11, 11/3) (#10, 10/20) (#9, 10/6) (#8, 9/16) (#7, 9/8) (#6, 8/25) (#5, 8/16) (#4, 8/4) (#3, 7/28) (#2, 7/21) (#1, 7/14)

The Emergence of the Co-Creator in You: Activating a New a Archetype for a New Era. A Free Teleseminar Event With beloved visionary Barbara Marx Hubbard.
Go beyond the competitive culture of the past into a joyfully co-creative and blessed future.
September 3, 5:30pm Pacific
The Deeper Dating Course: A Transformational Path to Lasting Love. 7-week course with author and psychotherapist Ken Page.
Ken will help you unravel your old beliefs about dating and illuminate a path to love that is authentic, fulfilling — and a lot more fun.
Begins Thursday, September 4
More Upcoming Events: (all subject to change)
• Tim Kelley 7-week course
• Soulful Women 7-week course
• Barbara Marx Hubbard 12-week course
• Miranda Macpherson 4-month course
• Lisa Schrader 9-month intensive
• Enneagram 9-month intensive
• Enlightened Business Summit
• Women's Wealth Revolution summit
• James O'Dea 7-week course
• Andrew Harvey 7-week course
• Sally Kempton 7-week course
• Enlightened Business Academy 6-month intensive
• Robert Moss 6-month intensive
• Sandra Ingerman 7-week course
• Joan Borysenko 10-week course
• Mirabai Starr 7-month course
• Andrew Harvey 7-week course
• Gangaji 7-week course
• Peace Ambassador Training 14-week course
• Patricia Albere 4-month course |
Stanford's Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education (CCARE) – CompassionWeek 2014 – San Francisco, CA – November 10-16, 2014.
Yuval Ron
By Philip M. Hellmich
Yuval Ron is a mystic musician being played like an instrument by his Beloved. Born in Israel, Yuval knew bomb raid sirens at the age of four. He later became a well-known musician in Los Angeles, including composing music for the academy award winning film, West Bank Story – a comedy about the Israel-Palestine conflict. Yuval's music expanded into peacebuilding when he brought musicians from different religions to play peace concerts for the Middle East. You will love Yuval's interview in the Summer of Peace on August 12, 2014. Also, Yuval's book, Divine Attunement, is a deep-dive into the science and mysticism of music. To learn more about Yuval, his music, books and workshops, click here.