With "Day One" fast approaching, you may want to use the new outreach tools introduced below in our Hub Report, including T-shirts, mugs, and posters. And, if you're a Birth 2012 philanthropist, consider becoming the Executive Producer for the documentary "Bold Mother Hubbard." Also, like the Birth 2012 Facebook page and share what you are birthing in your life or for Dec. 22nd. Begin your comment with the phrase "I am birthing . . ."
Barbara On the Challenge Ahead
In this excerpt from the forthcoming documentary "Bold Mother Hubbard,"
Barbara reveals the biggest challenge she's facing in the coming weeks, in what filmmaker Karen Everett calls "Barbara's heroic quest to unite one hundred million people . . . with a few months left to pull this off."
Everett is now seeking an Executive Producer to help with funding and bringing visibility to the project. No prior film experience required. Interested individuals can contact her at karen@newdocediting.com or through the film's website.
Growth Overseas and in the Search for Solutions By Byron Belitsos, Managing Editor
In this issue, we depict the far-flung impact of our movement as well as the challenges we all face, as epitomized by Barbara's video above. Our ideal of planetary renewal is fanning out from the U.S. to Latin America, Europe, and now Africa—including a small orphanage in Kenya that is celebrating with us. Our work also extends from our expanded awareness of the global crisis to a fervent identification of real solutions. As part of that search, we profile "innovations detective" Eleanor LeCain, who first coined the term "golden innovations."
And, to keep up with all this growth, Birth2012.com is being reorganized. One of its new features will include an "I am birthing . . . " video contest, soon to be formally announced, which will invite you to send in videos of two minutes or less—so start planning your shoot! Finally, this week we debut a large number of outreach tools that you will see highlighted in the Hub Report below, including our official T-shift, posters, flyers, and more—all in response to your requests!
Barbara: "The Welcoming Is at Hand!"
The Catalyst offers to our larger community this excerpt from a private letter to the Welcoming Committee. We thought you would find it as inspiring as we did . . .
The hour of our "welcoming" is at hand! Let us help nurture this current threshold of human evolution. The Birth 2012 work is rapidly becoming a global "moment" of transformation and love. The Welcoming Committee holds an important key to activate what is possible. I feel that this live council is vital for the whole world. Now, the fulfillment of the deeper purpose of our Welcoming is emerging . . . [read more]
In the First Earth Run, for over 86 days, a torch was run in a relay through 62 countries involving 45 heads of state, weaving a network of peace and collaboration around the world. It's one of the most inspiring stories of what is possible I've ever read and it fulfilled a very specific Hopi prophecy. The visionary behind this, David Gershon, is now actively involved in helping us with the design for Birth 2012. The saga of what it took to create the First Earth Run is deeply inspiring. Read it and pass it forward!
The Catalyst Recommends These Events
Global Oneness Day
This coming Wednesday (October 24), in partnership with Humanity's Team, the Shift Network celebrates this special day by offering access to inspiring global leaders such as Desmond Tutu, Yoko Ono, Ravi Shankar, Neale Donald Walsch, and many more. This event coincides with United Nations Day.
GCI Mexico Hosted by the Global Coherence Initiative and the Institute of HeartMath on December 5-9, 2012 at the TAO Resort in the Yucatan, this event will help attendees "access the intelligence of the heart, understand the interactions between humans and the earth's energetic fields, and use our collective 'heart' to help create more ease and flow through the coming changes."
THRIVE Solutions Summit
Using the twelve-sector model of the Wheel as the core structure for coordinating
"solutionaries," THRIVE goes on the road to Australia. Foster Gamble will also offer a Sector Model Workshop at Synthesis 2012 in Chichen Itza.
"Decoding Deepak" Film Debut This 84-minute film has just opened at major markets around the country and is available simultaneously on iTunes, Amazon, XBOX, and cable VOD platforms. "Decoding Deepak" is the first long-form look at Deepak's life, as told by his son, Gotham.
I am an enthused ACE mentor and I live in Sweden. Along with another mentor, Elizabeth Rogers, I've been looking for groups or organizations that we could invite to celebrate with us on December 22. Our criteria are simple and clear: These organizations should be based in Africa and have either a humanitarian purpose or an innovative approach to change. So we simply googled groups on that continent and contacted them. In each case, I sent a short email in which I invited them to celebrate a better world by envisioning it together with other groups around the globe. After all, who has anything against celebrations? A young woman named Emily Odera from an orphanage in Kenya answered . . . [read more]
Birth 2012 Overseas—Australia, Ireland, and Argentina
ACE student Elizabeth Ellames of "Unite the Light" in Adelaide, Australia writes: "Over the last 12 months myself and a team of 25 women have created an amazing infrastructure, which has now formed a strong Cocreative Society." She says the group is especially focused on social change with a focus on "new-style leadership for women." Ellames is also spearheading a large even event on December 22 entitled "Rise Up—Birth a New Humanity."
Richard Stone, who is part of "Ireland 2012," wrote us to say that Ireland's first National Winter Solstice festival will spread the word to his Irish audience about Birth 2012. "We plan to stream in Birth 2012 events from around the world so that our festival goers can continue to stay in touch with the global community of conscious evolution."
And Felisa Fligler de Gradowczyk of Buenos Aires wrote to Barbara about her unusual hub of about a dozen people. "We use the Vistar Method, and in every reunion we end by working on a sculpture called 'Interweaving.' It consists of metal modules interwoven with colored cables and other elements. Every one works with one module giving it shape and color, with a common intention from our hearts: We envision a cocreative country and humanity (homo universalis), conscious of our oneness, connection, and possibilities."
More Advanced Tools for Hub Outreach
Just think: Our planet's Birth Day is just two months away, and 99 percent of the planet is still waiting to hear about it. So, if you have a passion for outreach, we suggest you and your hub-mates turn your group into a base of operations to help tell millions about December 22—and to get them celebrating!
We know you'll need new tools for this, and so today we announce our long awaited T-shirt, posters, flyers, and mugs. A great company named Zazzle is our partner (we set the prices at their minimums) in producing and fulfilling these items.
Also available here are digital logos and banners of various sorts for your internet and Facebook outreach. Use them as you wish.
Finally, we have provided tips for basic and advanced outreach, and sample letters for fundraising for your hub.
Links to all of the above information are prominently displayed under the "Hubs" link at Birth2012.com.
"We can solve all our social problems, says Eleanor LeCain, a close colleague of Barbara's who's an expert in social innovation and author of Breakthrough Solutions: How to Improve Your Life and Change the World by Building on What Works. "The challenge is not so much to figure out what to do, but to identify and build on existing breakthrough solutions." For twenty years LeCain has been seeking out and communicating breakthrough solutions in a variety of fields. In fact, Eleanor coined the term "golden innovations" to describe solutions that can change their entire field, a term often used by Barbara . . . [read more]