By Stephen Dinan, founder and CEO of The Shift Network
The Shift Network is committed to empowering a global shift in consciousness through personal transformation and inspired action. To put it boldly, we aim to co-create heaven on earth in partnership with you.
The phrase “heaven on earth” implies a full embodiment and expression of our higher selves. A key element often overlooked is what has become known as “body intelligence.” Too often we take our bodies for granted as we pursue enlightenment or abstract ideals.
This is why we are expanding upon the themes of our upcoming Body Intelligence Summit in this edition. It is vital that we learn to create a sacred relationship with our bodies and to listen to the vast wisdom that is available when we honor them. Our bodies are literally a vehicle for our souls to experience and express our full potential on Earth.
The speakers in The Body Intelligence Summit were carefully selected to represent a wide range of backgrounds: neurobiology, breathwork, dance, bodywork, and emerging healing modalities. I want to give a heartfelt thanks to our wonderful co-hosts and dear friends: Gay and Katie Hendricks, Lamara Heartwell and Mark Metz. They are truly brilliant in their lived-understanding of body intelligence. (To register free for the summit, click here.)
In this Catalyst, we feature remarkable articles from Gay and Katie, Lamara, Nilima Bhat, and Sofia Diaz. I love the breadth and depth that they cover, from the role of body intelligence in relationships, to listening to our bodies’ wisdom, to profound insights about our bodies and higher consciousness from spiritual masters.
Our member profile features Marguerite Rigoglioso, and our partner highlight is The Dance First Association, founded by our summit co-host Mark Metz.
Our featured artist is Alice DiMicele from Oregon, whose song Made of Water is a wonderful reminder that our bodies are made largely of water. It is also a perfect prelude to the United Nation’s World Water Day which is coming up on March 22, 2015. (We will be announcing a special celebration on World Water Day soon!)
Finally, we are featuring Virgin Unite in Shift Philanthropy. We greatly respect how they use business to improve the world. I am looking forward to getting to meet Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Unite and Virgin Companies, alongside 40 other entrepreneurs during a special event in April.
On other fronts, we want to congratulate our partner One Billion Acts of Peace for being nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by seven Nobel Laureates, a testament to their accomplishments and service. You can join One Billion Acts of Peace’s global campaign here (see Movement News) and look forward to them in the Summer of Peace 2015.
Finally, the Winter of Wellness Summit is continuing to be a source of great inspiration and truly helpful insights. In this edition, we are featuring a free recording from David Crow on Medicinal Plants and Spiritual Evolution. (See below and, you can still register for Winter of Wellness Summit for free – click here.)
Body Intelligence in Relationships: An Essential Element of Conscious Loving
By Gay Hendricks, Ph.D. and Kathlyn Hendricks, Ph.D.
Why Your B-IQ — Your Body Intelligence Quotient — Is As Important As Your IQ
In the years since our book, Conscious Loving, first came out in the early 90s, we've had the opportunity to work with couples and singles from many cultures around the world. Whether we're teaching a seminar in Berlin or Bangkok or Beverly Hills, we've found that the issues people struggle with are remarkably similar: money, chores, children, sex and communication. Often, though, the real issue isn't what it looks like on the surface. Whether it's in the area of chores or children or sex, the real underlying issue is a lack of Body Intelligence . . . [read more]
Listening to Your Body's Intelligence
By Lamara Heartwell
"More, better, bigger, faster. More, better, bigger, faster."
This is one of the most prevalent mantras of our time.
Do you sometimes wish today's world more resembled a time when we lived in tribes, close to earth and each other, in a very simple lifestyle? Certainly I catch myself wishing that our modern world was slower and more simple . . . [read more]
Salvation is Physical! The Body's Quest for Immortality
By Nilima Bhat
As an ardent student of Integral Yoga, I have spent many years absorbing the yogic experiences described by The Mother (Mirra Alfassa) to Satprem in his book Mind of the Cells . . . [read more]
My Relationship to THE Feminine
By Sofia Diaz
Maybe, and, we never really know…my path of this word and reality called The Feminine, was instigated by the small group of Masters of the Balasaraswati Parampara, Chennai (Madras), South India.
I arrived at the door of my natya (bodily posture) Master, Srimati Shyamala Mohanraj of Parameshwari Nagar. She said, instantly, "Today is a good day to dance... maybe you can stay here starting on Wednesday." It was a Monday, a million hours to get there, a huge slew of miracles to land at her door, but I did, and I was too tired to expect anything and certainly not in the "best shape to dance." But I arrived, whether it was dance or fumbling, I cannot say, but she took me in . . . [read more]
Pema Chödrön – New Course: We all get triggered from time to time, hooked in habitual reactions and emotional spinning. When caught, we can feel so stuck, unsure of where to turn. Receive a free 37-minute video teaching by Pema Chödrön and learn more about The Freedom to Choose Something Different, an 8-part online video course offering effective and practical tools and techniques for working with our triggers and difficult emotions, while cultivating profound levels of peace, compassion, and inner freedom. To learn more, click here.
Off the Grid, Into the Heart – A groundbreaking meditation CD for those on the move, by Sister Jenna. As technology continues to accelerate our lives, sitting still and reflecting on what matters most can be difficult. We bring so much more to our experiences and relationships when we make time to think in a powerful way. Those who are busiest are the ones who are most in need of a break. Off the Grid, Into the Heart offers those moving at a steady pace in life a chance to step inside the heart, even as the busy scenes continue. Off the Grid will magically return us to our inner world, where true power always resides. Off the Grid, Into the Heart is about moving us into meditation while staying on the move. To learn more, click here. (Sister Jenna is an esteemed member of the Summer of Peace Wisdom Council.)
New Film screenings of Awake: The Life of Yogananda are taking place in Theaters across the United States and Canada. To find a showing near you or to arrange for a screening, click here. (The filmmakers were interviewed in the Summer of Peace, the recording is available for free.)
Conscious Leadership Summit – Creating a World that Works for All. Inviting multi sector leaders and professionals from business, education, NGOs, politics, government, science and the arts. Come to India and experience the awareness of World Unity that beings with YOU. Learn the tools for intra and interpersonal and collective unity. February 21–24, 2015 at the World Temple for Human Unity, Aurovalley Ashram, India. Faculty includes Swami Brahmdev, Nilima Bhat and Ann Dinan. To learn more, click here.
The Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence commences for the 18th consecutive year on January 30, 2015 in cities across the globe. The annual 64 day campaign, co-founded in 1998 by Dr. Arun Gandhi and The Association for Global New Thought, is an educational, media and grassroots awareness campaign spanning the January 30 and April 4 memorial anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. To learn how you, your family, school and/or place of worship can participate, click here.
The Nonviolence Handbook by Michael Nagler is now available on audible.com. If one subscribes with it as her/his first purchase Metta gets a nice "bonus." Wonderful way to learn nonviolence basics and support Metta. My only suggestion is, don't listen to it while you're driving! Life is too precious. To learn more, click here. (Michael Nagler is an esteemed member of the Summer of Peace Wisdom Council.)
James O'Dea's New Book: The Shift Network is delighted to announce our lead peace faculty James O'Dea has published a new book: The Conscious Activist: Where Activism Meets Mysticism. The Conscious Activist is truly a masterpiece for our time as it describes the many rigorous initiations needed before the power of the activist can become one with the power of the mystic. To order your copy, click here.
The Economics of Peace: Freedom, the Golden Rule and the Broadening of Prosperity. A new peace book from author and International Cities of Peace founding director J. Fred Arment has been published by McFarland Publishers. "From the Arab Spring to the Occupy and Tea Party movements," the author states, "the 'What now?' solution to economic disparity and power politics has been largely unarticulated." This work details how the Golden Rule ethic and a technology-driven global consciousness are causing epic shifts in our economic and governing systems. To order your copy, click here.
Free Film — Journey from Zanskar features the Dalai Lama himself and is narrated by Richard Gere. The story concerns two monks who take 17 children from Zanskar to lower India in order to help preserve their dying Tibetan culture. The story is framed as one illustration of the monks’ ongoing commitment to fulfill their Boddhisattva vows. We're inspired by them so we're doing our small part too! To stream online free – click here. The password is Save Zanskar.
Praxis Peace Institute:
- DVDs & CD — The Economics of Sustainability Conference in 2014 offered some of the best ideas and examples of how we can co-create and live on a sustainable planet. DVDs and Audio CDs of all presentations are available from Praxis Peace Institute, including Gar Alperovitz, Ellen Brown, David Korten, George Lakoff, Mayor Gayle McLaughlin, Osprey Orielle Lake and many others. A complete list of titles is on the Order form on our website. www.praxispeace.org
- Seminars Abroad — Mondragón, Spain – May 10–16, 2015 — Praxis Peace Institute will bring its 6th group to Mondragón and the Basque Country. If you have not yet experienced this extraordinary movement and culture, and are feeling a bit depressed by all the discordant strife in mainstream culture, come to Mondragón with us and be inspired by what the human spirit is capable of — and, be motivated to make these changes in your own communities. Details on our website: click here.
- Cuba — November 29–December 6, 2015 — Praxis Peace Institute, in conjunction with Cuba Educational Travel has prepared a spectacular program for our travelers. Lecture and Discussions with Cuban economists, historians, and journalists at Havana University and the Center for the Study of the Cuban Economy. Visit agricultural cooperatives, organicfarms, and meet locals in their homes, and much more. To learn more and register, click here.
The Alliance for Peacebuilding – 2015 Annual Conference – Peacebuilding and Democracy in a Turbulent World – May 13 to 15, 2015 – Washington, DC — Issues of governance, legitimacy, fragility, and disenfranchisement underlie many conflicts raging around the world, including ISIS in Syria and Iraq, Ukraine, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, Ebola in West Africa and with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that ebbs and flows without a clear path to resolution. The peacebuilding and governance/democracy communities recognize the need to work together. The conference will explore the links between these fields, and will help build bridges in both theory and practice to take on today’s most complex global crises. Registration coming soon. Look for updates – click here. For questions or concerns, contact Emily Mallozzi, Membership & Outreach Manager, at emily@allianceforpeacebuilding.org
Nibi Water Gathering – A Gathering of All Nations – June 4 and 5, 2015 - Ogimakamik Lodge of Leadership at Turtle Lodge – On the Shores of Lake Winnipeg – Sagkeeng First Nation, Manitoba, Canada. We are making an International Call to attend the Nibi Water Gathering at the Turtle lodge, on the Shores of Lake Winnipeg, one of our most endangered lakes, where the four rivers meet. At the Water Ceremony the Original People of Turtle Island (North America) will formally establish their leadership. The Nibi Water Gathering will coincide with the honouring of leaders in Earth stewardship, those who have been spiritually guided in their leadership, and the honouring of Youth completing their rites of passage to adulthood. It is our hope that People of all cultures will attend and make their gifts and offerings to the Water! For More Information, Please Click Here. Watch YouTube video on the Gathering Here.
Permaculture School: Design Ecology & Living Skills is a year-long ecological learning journey that begins with a 12-week residency and Permaculture Certification in Asheville, NC; May 23–August 14. 30 students will be accepted who want to build their Permaculture projects, pathways, and careers. Gain skills in: systems design; water retention landscapes; generative food sheds and perennial agriculture; natural building; energy efficient design; mapping and modeling; personal leadership and business; botany and herbalism; nature awareness and more. You will be supported to skill up and achieve your personal goals that you craft during your residency, with follow up courses and mentorship calls. Early Bird Discounts, partial work trades & scholarships are available. Details and registration: E-mail - click here. Website: click here.
World Peace Library – Free Resource — Be sure to take advantage of the World Peace Library, a wide-ranging resource on peace newly compiled by the Shift Network: It contains more than 300 inspiring talks and mini-workshops from individuals such as Archbishop Tutu, Nobel Laureate Jody Williams, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, James O'Dea, Karen Armstrong, Chief Phil Lane and many more. With neuroscientists and lamas, faith-based activists and political leaders, this Library offers something for all in their peacebuilding efforts. The Shift Network has made the World Peace Library a free resource for all and encourages its use to promote peace in your families, schools, and wider community.
1 Billion Acts of Peace — a global community of everyday people performing thoughtful actions that contribute to world peace. The Shift Network is delighted to join Peacejam Foundation, Google, Wells Fargo, Hill+Knowlton Strategies and many others have come together to create the "One Billion Acts of Peace" Campaign — an international global citizens' movement designed to tackle the most important problems facing our planet. To learn more, click here.
Free Nonviolent Peace Bibliography — The Citizens for Peace created two separate bibliographies of nonviolent materials for youth and adults. The purpose of researching these titles was caused by the fact there is no library classification for nonviolent materials. As titles came into their awareness they recorded them. There is now over 300 titles in each bliography. The purpose was to make accessible materials that document efforts for nonviolent social change and nonviolent conflict resolution between people and nations. To see the bibliographies, click here.
If you have an announcement to share, click here.
Catalyst: (#3, 2/8) (#2, 1/25) (#1, 1/11)
Catalyst: (#26, 12/28) (#25, 12/14) (#24, 11/30) (#23, 11/16) (#22, 11/1) (#21, 10/19) (#20, 10/5) (#19, 9/21) (#18, 9/14) (#17, 9/01) (#16, 8/17) (#15, 8/3) (#14, 7/20) (#13, 7/4) (#12, 6/15) (#11, 6/1) (#10, 5/18) (#9, 5/4) (#8, 4/20) (#7, 4/6) (#6, 3/23) (#5, 3/9) (#4, 2/22) (#3, 2/8) (#2, 1/26) (#1, 1/12)
2013 Catalyst: (#22, 12/14) (#21, 11/30) (#20, 11/16) (#19, 11/3) (#18, 10/20) (#17, 10/6) (#16, 9/21) (#15, 9/8) (#14, 8/25) (#13, 8/4) (#12, 7/21), (#11, 7/7), (#10, 6/16) (#9, 6/2) (#8, 5/12) (#7, 4/28) (#6, 4/14) (#5, 3/24) (#4, 2/24) (#3, 2/9) (#2, 1/26) (#1, 1/13)
Birth 2012 Catalyst: (#15, 12/9) (#14, 12/1) (#13, 11/22) (#12, 11/10) (#11, 11/3) (#10, 10/20) (#9, 10/6) (#8, 9/16) (#7, 9/8) (#6, 8/25) (#5, 8/16) (#4, 8/4) (#3, 7/28) (#2, 7/21) (#1, 7/14)

Find a Conscious Dance class near you and try out some 'moving meditation' as a new way to embody your Spirit! Search in Conscious Dancer magazine's directory for a class near you – click here!
Activating the Integral Heart: 4 Keys to Unlocking the Hidden Powers of Your Heart Intelligence — A free online event with Integral Pioneer Terry Patten.
Terry will share the fruits of four decades of advanced mystical, intellectual and embodied investigation into the higher reaches of the heart's intelligence and capacity for love.
February 11, 2015 at 5:30pm Pacific
Shamanic Journeying for Guidance and Healing Part 2: Practices for Divination, Collective Blessing & Helping Others — A 12-Week Immersion with Shamanic Teacher Sandra Ingerman.
A powerful opportunity to expand your ability to use shamanic practices to access hidden dimensions, unseen allies and healing wisdom in order to make a positive impact on your family, community and society.
New Live Training Starts Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Rising Women Leadership Jumpstart: Getting into Soul-Powered Action on Your Most Heartfelt Dream — Have you held a cherished dream for your life, one in which you joyfully manifest something of real benefit to the world?
With Global Change Agent Scilla Elworthy
New Live 7-Week Training Starts Wednesday, February 18, 2015
More Upcoming Events: (all subject to change)
• Body Intelligence Summit
• Katie & Gay Hendricks 7-week course
• Terry Patten 7-week course
• Sofia Diaz 7-week course
• Andrew Harvey 7-week course
• Tim Kelley 6-month intensive
• Transforming Aging Summit
• HeartMath 7-week course
• Ron Pevny 7-week course
• Mark Matousek 7-week course
• Michael Gelb 7-week course
• Ken Page 10-week course
• Patricia Ellsberg 20-week intensive
• Earth Day Summit
• Shelly Lefkoe 7-week course
• Tim Kelley 7-week course
• Gay Hendricks 7-week course
• Miranda Macpherson 14-week course
• Andrew Harvey & Sally Kempton 6-month intensive
• Inspiring Woman Summit
• Spiritual Progressive Summit
• Oscar Miro-Quesada 7-week course
• Margaret Paul 7-week course
• Robert Moss 7-week course
• Luisah Teish 8-week course
• Rabbi Michael Lerner & Cat Zavis 10-week course
• Andrew Harvey 9-month intensive |
Virgin Unite — The Shift Network is delighted to be a supporter of Virgin Unite, the working name of The Virgin Foundation, the independent charitable arm of the Virgin Group. Their aim is to unite great people and entrepreneurial ideas, reinventing how we live and work to help make people's lives better. They believe business can and must be a force for good in the world — and that this is also good for business! They have a great model in that the funding for overhead is all covered by Virgin companies, so all donations go to frontline initiatives. Stephen Dinan is looking forward to getting to spend time on Necker Island with Richard Branson and 40 entrepreneurs. To learn more, click here.
The Dance First Association is a global body of movement professionals dedicated to the idea of "Movement before Medication." Founded in 2013 by Mark Metz, publisher of Conscious Dancer magazine, Dance First supports its members with practice building resources, tips, trainings, and tutorials. To learn more, click here.
Alice DiMicele
By Alison Marks
Alice DiMicele calls her music "organic acoustic groove." She is from Oregon and I absolutely love her downhome, earthy tone. I have seen Alice in concert several times. I especially appreciative her song Made of Water as we are largely made of water; and, I am working with our team in preparing for World Water Day on March 22. (Click here to listen to Made of Water.)
Alice is described as seeking "to uplift the human experience through music. Her lyrics are love incantations to the elements earth, water, fire, and air. Drawing from a rich musical background including folk, jazz, funk, rock, and soul DiMicele's acoustic music incorporates many styles creating a fresh funky stew all her own. With her powerful band behind her, or alone with her acoustic guitar Alice's multi-octave voice soars high and rumbles deep. As a lyricist and singer DiMicele invokes passionate emotion."
To me, Alice is a reminder of how to be heaven on Earth. To learn more about Alice and to listen to her music, click here.