Body Intelligence Summit 2016

Guided Movement Cold Pricklies Warm Fuzzies A Non-linear Inter-active Reset Meditation for Kids

With Laura Cirolia

Go from Cold Pricklies to Warm Fuzzies! A non-linear inter-active Reset Meditation for children that is fun and easy. Quick and tangible results are a happy family biosphere and a lot less conflict and distress. This Reset quickly illuminates and allows negative information and bio-stress to release from the psyche and soma. Loving connections become tangible and easy to choose. Caregivers can use this inner- active somatic and word-free meditation to create a more loving family culture and positive interactions among friends or in groups. This works well for ages 5 and up. You will learn: * How to release less than loving attachments and make loving connections * The four channels we use to record our experience. The 4 areas we record them in * You can easily change your point of view and feel much better.

Because this session consists of an experiential practice, intended for listening, there is no transcript.

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Laura Cirolia

Epigenetic Medicine, Energy Psychology, Co-creator of WOW Processing, Creator of Reset Meditation--Epigenetic media-scripts for peak human performance
Laura Cirolia is noted developer of breakthrough Epigenetic Medi-Scripts (Reset Meditation) that up levels positivity, creativity and mind/body coherence— reciprocal interactions between the microbiome, heart-self and brain function. Her latest series of Reset Meditations allow you distinguish and internalize new and dynamic life affirming beliefs that resonate throughout your entire life creating vitality, healthy gene expressions, coherent body micro-movements and positive personal relationships. Each meditation has a specific focus, from activating a peak state to discreating trauma, confusion and resistance to reality, love and life. Laura’s creative techniques bring about gentle, easy and fast human growth and personal development for men, women and children.