Body Intelligence Summit 2016
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Human Emotion Emotional Intelligence
With Daniel Cordaro & Marc Brackett
Hosted by Lamara Heartwell
Marc Brackett and Daniel Cordaro from the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence discuss the foundational bridge between emotional intelligence and body intelligence. The discussion covers the evolution of human emotion, the growing field of emotional intelligence, and its power to create a happier, healthier, more compassionate world. You will learn:
• The nature of human emotions and their role in self and society
• How emotional intelligence is fundamentally linked to body intelligence
• The importance of cultivating emotional awareness in the self and in others
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Daniel Cordaro
Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence Postdoctoral Associate, Director of Project Contentment
Daniel Cordaro is a meditator, scientist, writer, and cross-cultural researcher at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. Daniel received his Ph.D. in emotion psychology from UC Berkeley after leading the Universal Expression Project - a massive global study of emotional expressions spanning ten industrialized nations and one previously uncontacted culture in remote Bhutan. As a result of his travels, Daniel was transformed by the power of contentment, an emotion that holds the promise for cultivating sustainable human wellness. He has recently launched Project Contentment at Yale, which aims to understand the deepest roots of fundamental wellness from a cultural, philosophical, and scientific perspective. Inspired by ancient wisdom traditions, the Contentment team is currently creating a sustainable wellbeing intervention involving meditation and self-enquiry for schools that aims to reach 1.5 million kids and teachers by 2017.
Marc Brackett
Director of the Yale Center of Emotional Intelligence
Marc Brackett, Ph.D., is Director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence. His research focuses the role of emotional intelligence in decision making, relationships, mental health, and both academic and workplace performance, as well as the impact of emotional intelligence training. He has published over 100 scholarly articles and is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Joseph E. Zins Award for his research on social and emotional learning. He is the co-creator of RULER, an evidence-based approach to teaching social and emotional learning that has been adopted by more than 1000 public and private schools reaching nearly one million students, including their educators and families. Dr. Brackett serves on a wide-range of Advisory Boards, including CASEL and Born This Way Foundation. For the last three years, he has collaborated with Facebook on three projects: (1) tools to help adolescents manage online bulling, (2) The Bullying Prevention Hub that provides resources for children, families, and educators; and (3) inspirED, a resource center to help high schools build more positive learning environments. He regularly consults with school systems and corporations around the world and his research has been featured in the NYT and Time Magazine; he also is a frequent guest on NPR.