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Body Intelligence Summit 2016
The Body Now Healing Mandala
Alana Shaw
Awakening Love
Amara Pagano
Guided Movement Dance of Oneness Daily
Banafsheh Sayyad
Human Emotion Emotional Intelligence
Daniel Cordaro
Marc Brackett
Body Intelligence At Work Use More Than Your Head to Get Ahead
Dr. Daphne R. Scott
Diana Chapman
Stepping Inside Myself
Eileen Fisher
Creativity Starts In Our Bodies
Gillian Ferrabee
Busting the Myth of Self-Improvement Discovering the Divine Perfection Even in Your Imperfections
Jeff Foster
Self Movement Intention
Jon Eisman
Freeform Movement Mix
DJ Lamont
Guided Movement Cold Pricklies Warm Fuzzies A Non-linear Inter-active Reset Meditation for Kids
Laura Cirolia
Freeform Movement Mix
DJ Mark Ameeba
Somatic Movement Education Body Intelligence Peaceful Play
Dr. Martha Eddy, RSMT
Embodied Parenting in the Age of Disconnection
Mikki Willis
Nadia Salamanca & more...
Shakti Leadership Body Intelligence
Nilima Bhat
Lower Your Consciousness
Philip Shepherd
Our Harmonic Universe
Randy Masters
The Body as Foundation A Fourth Way Approach
Russ Hudson
The Deep Intelligence of the Sensual Body
Shakti Malan
Guided Movement Pranify Your Life Breathing Techniques To Transform Stress Expand Your Vitality
Shems Heartwell
Embodying Prana Yoga the Tantric
Shiva Rea
Body Conscious Earth Conscious
Sophie Chiche
Freeform Movement Mix
DJ Soul Salaam
Freeform Movement Mix
DJ Tom Simonian Thump
The Shamanic Mandala of Movement Medicine
Ya'Acov Darling Kahn