Body Intelligence Summit 2016

Freeform Movement Mix

With DJ Mark Ameeba

World-class DJ Mark Ameeba provides a 25-minute musical journey to enliven your mind, body, and soul.

Because this session consists of music, intended for listening, there is no transcript.

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DJ Mark Ameeba

DJ, Founder of the DanceFirst Association and Publisher of Conscious Dancer Magazine

DJ Mark Ameeba (aka Mark Metz) is the founder of the DanceFirst Association and Publisher of Conscious Dancer Magazine. Mark’s path to founding DanceFirst began in the early 90s in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury, when his artisan clothing store Ameba became ground zero for the rave explosion. He began writing about the spiritual side of the movement, helping with the legendary renegade Full Moon gatherings, and opening up the in-store turntables as a learning lab for fledgling DJs. A decade later he coined the term "conscious dance" to describe DJ events or workshops at hot springs and yoga studios, and in 2007, launched Conscious Dancer Magazine with co-founder Aspen Madrone. Years of tracking the growth of the movement and serving its leaders have led him to establish the Dance First Association, a professional organization for facilitators advocating the cause of “movement before medication”.
