By Stephen Dinan, founder and CEO of The Shift Network
We are living in an extraordinary time when diverse transformational disciplines are emerging to help accelerate humanity’s ability to self actualize.
One of the exciting emerging trends is the convergence of neuroscience, spiritual practice and psychotherapy in creating practical approaches to help people heal old trauma, address addictive spirals and to live full, productive and empowered lives.
Hakomi is one of the fastest growing integrated healing modalities because it blends deep mindfulness practices with an experience-based somatic approach to fully embrace each person in a grounded and holistic way. We can attest to the deep value.
This is why we created the Hakomi Global Summit (September 29 – October 1, 2015), to highlight over 15 Hakomi experts from around the world who are creating powerful shifts in the fields of healing, transformation and personal growth. (To register free: click here.)
We want to thank Manuela Mischke-Reeds and Rob Fisher for their leadership in producing and hosting the Hakomi Global Summit. Rob and Manuela have provided two moving featured articles for this edition of The Catalyst. I am especially touched by Manuela’s experience of working with victims of trauma and learning the importance of self-care as a healer.
Mukara Meredith provides a powerful article that expands the application of Hakomi into transforming organizations and business by bringing in the wisdom of natural systems.
We also have a beautiful article from our dear friend and faculty, Mirabai Starr, about The Art of Surrender, the deep spiritual and healing practice of opening to grief.
Our two member profiles are quite inspiring — Mary Fukuyama talks about her experience as a Japanese-American psychologist working with cross-cultural and spiritual aspects in therapy; and, Susan Epstein shares practical insights about parenting from her direct experience as a mother and therapist.
In Shift Philanthropy, we are highlighting the Harbin Relief Fund. The fires in California hit close to home and many of our friends and allies were affected. Harbin is a beautiful sanctuary with natural healing springs. Our hearts have been broken open by the fires and we are stepping forward in supporting the relief efforts.
Our featured video is from Oprah about her upcoming seven-part TV series Belief premiering October 18, 2015. Our Featured Artists are Karin and Mike Kelleher, a dynamic husband-wife team performing a jazz/classical fusion in the Washington, DC area.
Thank you for partnering with us to advance the frontiers of conscious change!
Belief by Oprah
Oprah Winfrey presents Belief, a groundbreaking television event exploring humankind’s ongoing search to connect with something greater than ourselves. This original, seven-part series allows viewers to witness some of the world’s most fascinating beliefs through the eyes of the believer. Belief premieres on October 18, 2015. To learn more, click here.
Featured Summer of Peace Recordings — FREE
The Summer of Peace is our commitment to peace in the world.
This season-long free event provides tangible skills you can apply in your daily life. Here are four recent sessions we are gifting you today:
11 Days of Global Unity Summit:
Special Guided Meditation:
Register to listen to over 75+ FREE interviews – click here!
A Simple Moment
By Rob Fisher, MFT
Driving home from teaching a Hakomi training, I felt tired as well as deeply satisfied in the way that one feels after eating a delicious meal — an emotional meal that nourishes the heart, full of tears and joy, laughter, and the dark, creative elements of the shadow.
The sky in the late afternoon light was grey and hinted at rain. I saw by the side of the road an old upright piano covered by a torn cloth, seemingly abandoned by its owner
Not one to ignore an orphan of this magnitude, I was compelled to pull my car over to the side of the road, and to the rhythm of switching cars going by too fast, I uncovered the old instrument and begin to play it — standing up . . . [read more]
A Practical Therapist Tool: How to Self-Resource When Overwhelmed
By Manuela Mischke-Reeds, MFT
When I was in graduate school I was not taught much on self-care as a health professional. In fact, I was told in a side comment that we needed to stay healthy but my teacher failed to mention how. I was briefly instructed to exercise, hold my boundaries and not take the work home. I was sent into clinical settings equipped with lots of theory, some basic clinical practicum experience and a healthy dose of good-luck-out-there optimism.
On my first big clinical assignment working as a hospital therapy intern with political torture / PTSD survivors, I got a taste of how much I was out of my depth . . . [read more]
The Art of Surrender
By Mirabai Starr
The landscape of loss is wild, and grief is unpredictable. Still, Elizabeth Kubler-Ross recognized certain universal features of the territory and offered them as signposts for those of us who find ourselves exiled to the wilderness of the heart when someone we love very much dies: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. We all navigate this journey in our own way, and it is almost never a linear process. Nor is it a matter of checking each of these stations off some psychological checklist, at the end of which we will be “over it.” Grief is not a virus. It is a natural response to shattering loss, and conscious grieving is a path to integration and wisdom . . . [read more]
Hakomi with Groups: Matrixworks
By Mukara Meredith
The Greatness of Hakomi applied to Groups and Organizations
is called Matrixworks
We all want to relieve suffering. Whether for ourselves, our relationships and groups, or the planet, the one thing that unites our work in the world aims at the relief of unnecessary suffering. Some attempt this by accomplishments, some through spiritual work, and some through the harmony of relationships and group dynamics. MatrixWorks focuses on the power of groups as a means to balance all three. Just as Hakomi utilizes an understanding of living systems to inform healing in the body, so does MatrixWorks use this understanding to inform our work in healing groups and creating healthy communities. Here’s how we apply the 5 underlying principles Hakomi to group work . . . [read more]
Evolution of Psychotherapy — Personal Reflections
By Mary A. Fukuyama, PhD
My work as a counseling psychologist began in the 1980s, when mental health Professionals of Color in the United States were introducing race consciousness and multiculturalism into the helping professions. Over the past thirty-plus years psychotherapy has continued to be shaped by sociocultural forces both domestically and globally. I appreciate this opportunity to offer some personal reflections on this dynamic process from my lifelong career position at the University of Florida Counseling & Wellness Center . . . [read more]
One Perfect Day
By Susan Epstein, LCSW
Would you like one perfect day with your kids? One day where there was no hitting, kicking, screaming, no “You can’t make me!,” homework completed without nagging, teeth brushed without reminding, wonderful dinner time conversations and loads of smiles when you tuck your angels into bed?
Oh, to all be so happy and relaxed! I remember wishing for this many times . . . [Read more]
New Book: Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation
David Thomas Nicol introduces the concept of “subtle activism” to describe the use of consciousness-based practices like meditation and prayer to support collective transformation, such as global meditation directed toward peaceful resolution of a conflict. Subtle activism represents a bridge between the consciousness movement and the movements for peace, environmental sustainability, and social justice. It is not a substitute for physical action but rather a potentially crucial component of a more integrated approach to social change. To learn more and order a copy, click here.
Awake: The Life of Yogananda — DVDs available with subtitles in Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Dutch and Japanese. Plus there are new film showings in Australia and United States! You also can bring Awake to your yoga studio or community. To learn more click here. (The filmmakers were interviewed in the Yoga Day Summit, the recording is available for free.)
The Transformative Technology Conference — Engineering the Future of Human Wellbeing — October 2–3, 2015 — Palo Alto, CA — Sofia University. If you’re excited by technology’s potential to elevate the human experience and solve global problems from the inside out, this is your conference. Our focus is on getting technology that supports mental and emotional wellbeing out to the world. From leading neuroscientists to ground-breaking start-ups, this is your community. To learn more, click here.
Search for Common Ground: invites you to a conversation with Shamil Idriss, President — Sunday, October 4, 2015, San Rafael, CA. At this intimate gathering, Shamil will talk about our newest program, “Battle for Humanity,” an online platform to counter ISIS-like recruitment; our work with former terrorist prisoners in Indonesia and Morocco; potential work on race relations in the US; and the behind-the-scenes essential role Search played in the nuclear agreement with Iran. You will get a sense of the “new” Search, reaching even more people with more ways to find common ground. For more information and to RSVP, contact Susie Dillon by clicking here or by calling 202-777-2231.
Emerging Women invites you to join us for our free live stream of Emerging Women Live, October 8–11 in San Francisco, California – click here. Invest in yourself by joining Dr. Jane Goodall, Brené Brown, Elizabeth Gilbert, Dr. Tererai Trent and other inspiring women! Learn from the female founders of innovative companies like Stitch Fix and New Belgium Brewery. Join a global community of emerging women and explore what it means to lead from a place of personal power. As a special bonus, the live stream will be available to you on-demand for 30 days after the event! Find out more on the Emerging Women Live 2015 Live Stream Page – click here.
The Parliament of the World's Religions — Salt Lake City this October 15–19. The world’s premier interfaith event is coming back to the United States bringing 10,000 people together from 80 nations and 50 faith traditions to commit to the challenges of war, violence and hate speech, climate change, and income inequity. Five nobel peace laureates led by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, an Inaugural Women's Assembly for Global Advancement, religious scholars, faith leaders, and the heart of grassroots will round out 5 days of programming to mobilize the global interfaith movement. The Shift Network can take advantage of advance registration and reclaim the heart of our humanity in 2015 by clicking here.
The Peace Alliance — Be the Movement National Conference — Washington, DC — October 16–20, 2015! The conference will focus on the Five Peacebuilding Cornerstones of Be the Movement: Empowering Community Peacebuilding, Teaching Peace in Schools, Humanizing Justice Systems, Cultivating Personal Peace, and Fostering International Peace. Come together with like-minded allies from around the nation as we dialogue with, and learn from, some of the world’s most inspiring leaders and experts for a kind of peacebuilding think tank. Speakers include: Sylvia Boorstein, Congressman Bobby Scott, Phil Donahue, Rep. Pete Lee and Lynn Lee, Jeffrey Weisberg, Michael Skolnik, Rabbi Gil Steinlauf and many more. To learn more, click here.
Friends Committee on National Legislation — Building A Pathway to Peace: Annual Meeting, Quaker Public Policy Institute & Lobby Day — November 12–15, 2015 — Washington, DC. This November, we'll be asking Congress to prevent violence before it starts. The US too often waits until war or atrocities begin, and then it only provides military solutions. But it doesn't have to be that way. We believe that by paying attention to warning signs, the international community can respond before deadly conflict erupts. Participants will learn how to lobby from FCNL's expert staff; hear from congressional staff and other speakers; connect with people from your state; practice lobbying skills; meet with your representative and senators and hear presentations on peacebuilding. To learn more, click here.
Kia Miller and Tommy Rosen are so excited to announce the 2015 Recovery 2.0 Thanksgiving Retreat to Costa Rica from November 19–26, 2015. They will be back at Blue Spirit in Nosara for what is always a powerful and blissful Recovery 2.0 experience. The retreat always sells out. If this calls to you, apply today to secure your space.
Collective Coherence: Co-Creating a New World — December 2–6, 2015 — Tao Wellness Center, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico —
HeartMath and Global Coherence Initiative Special Event: Come join us for a transformative experience in Collective Coherence: Co-Creating a New World, our fourth annual Mexico event. We will practice tools for Collective Coherence and learn how this accelerates our personal unfoldment into higher potentials. Energetic connectivity will be explored and why it is effective for co-creating a new world. Be sure to use code "Mexico1" when you register to receive the Early Registration discount rate. To learn more, click here.
Maadhiam World Peace Festival — December 23–30 — Middle East Cruise — Take time off to participate in The Maadhiam World Peace Festival aboard a cruise — the Costa Fortuna. The Festival will bring together like minded people from many diverse backgrounds, talents and domains of expertise who are committed to promoting world peace. The Festival will explore many innovative ways to communicate about peace through yoga, literature, music, dance and art. Travel on an awesome mind transforming and life changing journey. And of course, do experience the warmth and hospitality of the Middle East as the cruise stops in ports in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman. To learn more, click here. (Note: Shift Network’s Philip Hellmich will be a guest speaker on the cruise.)
World Peace Library — Free Resource — Be sure to take advantage of the World Peace Library, a wide-ranging resource on peace newly compiled by the Shift Network: It contains more than 300 inspiring talks and mini-workshops from individuals such as Archbishop Tutu, Nobel Laureate Jody Williams, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, James O'Dea, Karen Armstrong, Chief Phil Lane and many more. With neuroscientists and lamas, faith-based activists and political leaders, this Library offers something for all in their peacebuilding efforts. The Shift Network has made the World Peace Library a free resource for all and encourages its use to promote peace in your families, schools, and wider community.
If you have an announcement to share, please write: editor@theshiftnetwork.com.
Catalyst: (#19, 9/27) (#18, 9/12) (#17, 8/30) (#16, 8/16) (#15, 8/2) (#14, 7/19) (#13, 7/5) (#12, 6/20) (#11, 6/7) (#10, 5/24) (#9, 5/10) (#8, 4/26) (#7, 4/5) (#6, 3/21) (#5, 3/15) (#4, 2/22) (#3, 2/8) (#2, 1/25) (#1, 1/11)
Catalyst: (#26, 12/28) (#25, 12/14) (#24, 11/30) (#23, 11/16) (#22, 11/1) (#21, 10/19) (#20, 10/5) (#19, 9/21) (#18, 9/14) (#17, 9/01) (#16, 8/17) (#15, 8/3) (#14, 7/20) (#13, 7/4) (#12, 6/15) (#11, 6/1) (#10, 5/18) (#9, 5/4) (#8, 4/20) (#7, 4/6) (#6, 3/23) (#5, 3/9) (#4, 2/22) (#3, 2/8) (#2, 1/26) (#1, 1/12)
2013 Catalyst: (#22, 12/14) (#21, 11/30) (#20, 11/16) (#19, 11/3) (#18, 10/20) (#17, 10/6) (#16, 9/21) (#15, 9/8) (#14, 8/25) (#13, 8/4) (#12, 7/21), (#11, 7/7), (#10, 6/16) (#9, 6/2) (#8, 5/12) (#7, 4/28) (#6, 4/14) (#5, 3/24) (#4, 2/24) (#3, 2/9) (#2, 1/26) (#1, 1/13)
Birth 2012 Catalyst: (#15, 12/9) (#14, 12/1) (#13, 11/22) (#12, 11/10) (#11, 11/3) (#10, 10/20) (#9, 10/6) (#8, 9/16) (#7, 9/8) (#6, 8/25) (#5, 8/16) (#4, 8/4) (#3, 7/28) (#2, 7/21) (#1, 7/14)

Take an inventory of the “self-care” practices you utilize while working. Read Manuela Mischke-Reeds’ featured article and begin to use the “backbody awareness practice” on a daily basis.
Discovering the Queen’s Code
How to Honor Yourself & Transform the Way You Relate to Men
A Free Virtual Event With Relationship Expert
Alison Armstrong.
September 30, 2015 at 5:30pm Pacific
The Subtle Activist Training
Activating Your Higher Capacities for Personal, Group & Collective Healing —
Expand your ability to access higher realms and take your spiritual practice to the next level of world-shifting impact
With Global Activist & Co-founder of the Gaiafield Project
David Thomas Nicol.
New Live Training Starts
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Deepening Your Client Relationships with the Enneagram:
Optimizing Your Work with Different Types —
A free Online Event With Teachers from Primary Wisdom Schools of the Enneagram
Russ Hudson, Helen Palmer, David Daniels & Jessica Dibb.
Saturday, October 3, 2015 10am Pacific
The Leading Edge of Meditation
Realizing Higher Levels of Awakening, Light & Inner Awareness —
A 7-week Practicum in Advanced Contemplative & Prayer Practices
With Pioneering Contemporary Spiritual Teacher & Internationally Renowned Mystic
Thomas Huebl.
Live Video and Audio Training Starts
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
More Upcoming Events: (all subject to change)
• Hakomi Global Summit
• Miranda Macpherson 10-week course
• Lisa Schrader 9-month intensive
• Sally Kempton 7-week course
• Alison Armstrong 8-week course
• Andrew Harvey 12-week course
• Mirabai Starr 12-week course
• Hakomi 12-week course
• Enneagram 5-month intensive
• Tim Kelley 6-month intensive
• Mingtong Gu 6-month intensive
• Co-creating Heaven on Earth Summit
• Global Indigenous Wisdom Summit
• Michael Stone 7-week course
• Robert Moss 12-week course
• George Kao 12-week course
• Martin Rutte 12-week course
• Andrew Harvey 7-week course
• Sandra Ingerman 7-week course
• Peace Ambassador Training 16-week course |
Harbin Relief Fund — The Shift Network staff members were heartbroken by the “Valley fires” that destroyed Harbin Hot Springs and surrounding areas. For years, Harbin Hot Springs has been a healing center and refuge for the San Francisco Bay Area and people around the world. The Shift Network is financially contributing to the Harbin Relief Fund to support the staff in this time of crisis. We are confident the Harbin community will emerge even stronger. To learn how you can support the Harbin Relief Fund, click here.
The Hakomi Institute is the original and most extensive organization providing training and information on Hakomi Experiential Psychotherapy worldwide. Building on the original method developed by Ron Kurtz, over the past 30 years the Institute has enhanced, expanded and refined the Hakomi Method to create updated and highly effective trainings for professionals and graduate students. To learn more, click here.
Karin and Mike Kelleher
By Philip M. Hellmich
I met Mike Kelleher in Sierra Leone, West Africa, where we were in the Peace Corps together. Mike spellbound Africans and Americans alike with his guitar and voice. Mike later married the love of his life, Karin, a professional violinist. Mike and Karin raised a family while Karin continued her professional music career and Mike worked on Capitol Hill, at the White House and later with the World Bank. Now that the kids are older, Karin and Mike have blended their love for each other into an incredible fusion of jazz and classical music that is captivating people in the Washington, DC area. I think you will enjoy Karin and Mike’s debut album, Melange. To learn more about Karin and Mike and to hear their music, click here.