In-bodying the Divine: My Journey to Womb Mysteries and Walking Goddesshood

By Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D.

He held the plant in front of me. “Behold, your birthright,” he intoned with the authority of an ancient Egyptian priest. It was November 1999 and I was in ceremony with Robert Owings, the man who was to become my partner of nine years as well as my greatest spiritual teacher to date.

I hesitate to tell you that I took this plant into my body and entered into other realms where I suddenly knew without any doubt that the gods were real, because I don’t know if you’ll judge me, nod knowingly, or simply be deeply curious. But there it is.

That first journey inward took me into dimensions of understanding that made all of my studies about the Goddess come to life. I was a graduate student at the California Institute of Integral Studies in women’s spirituality, but no book learning, no slide lecture, no women’s circle could have taught me what I re-membered that night.

I’ve been on the road to rediscovery since well before I was born, as so many of us have. That night, others to follow, and numerous numinous events prior have been but touchstones of re-awakening. My path also has included hunkering down with clairvoyant skills development at the Foundation for Spiritual Development in San Rafael, CA.

And it has involved paying attention to direct intuitional hits on the inner planes, as well as synchronicities in the outer. Synchronicities are your soul’s way of reminding you that you’re embodied in a nested, holographic, multi-dimensional, fabulously magical reality.

Along the way I’ve earned a master’s in philosophy and religion, and a doctorate in humanities. I’ve published two scholarly books, I’ve taught at universities and in workshops around the world, and I’ve founded Seven Sisters Mystery School, an online & residential enterprise dedicated to restoring the ancient way of the priestess –– and the authentic priest –– in service to today’s world.

I’ve been all about uniting the spiritual and the academic, the right and left hemispheres of the brain, because I know this integration is what’s needed to pop us into 5th dimensional consciousness –– what I entered that fateful plant journey night.

Divine Birth as a Reality for Women
I stepped into that consciousness spontaneously in January 2001, when I had this striking non-ordinary thought: Priestesses in ancient Greece were actually involved in divine birth as a spiritual practice.

There’s a backstory here, because I was working on my master’s thesis at the time and was primed with scholarly information, but suffice it to say things had come together for that thought to penetrate my mind. At last.

As many of you know, we agree to missions on the planet. One of mine is to remind humans that women’s wombs are holographic representations of the womb of all creation, sometimes known as Sophia.

Yes, we’ve got replicas of the Goddess right inside us. Think about that for a minute.

Our wombs can do amazing things that we’ve only scratched the surface of remembering. Tantric practice is a part of that continuum, but at the far end we’re talking about a deeper inner tantra known as, yes, virgin birth.

And no, according to my extensive research in earthly and astral libraries, apparently Mary wasn’t the only one to have done it successfully. The purpose of the practice is to draw an avatar –– a representation of higher divine intelligence –– down from the spirit planes into your own body, so that this being may walk the planet and remind us who we are and where we’re ultimately wanting to go –– personally and collectively.

Women’s divine birth capability is one of the earth plane’s means of evolution, but, like so much other important spiritual information, it has gotten obscured by scientism, dogma, and the patriarchal control of women’s bodies.

I know you’re as tired of hearing about these repressions as I am. That’s why I’m focusing on helping women to move ahead –– regarding discovering their womb wisdom, their miraculous abilities, their spiritual gifts, and their right use of power.

If You Want to Know More
I can only tease you here with these ideas. Consider this an introduction to me and to Seven Sisters Mystery School. If want to find out more about my teachings, I’m offering a new online course called Claiming Your Divine Feminine Power: Webinar for Women Who Want to Transform Themselves and the Planet with Spirit. If you’re excited about leading the healing of our troubled world as a natural and joyful part of your life, take a look - click here. We start February 18.

Meanwhile, I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to contact -- click here.

And remember: Whether you have a womb or have lost any of it to surgery, it’s all still there energetically. May you re-ignite the divine spark therein, and remember that you are a walking goddess.

Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D., is the founding director of Seven Sisters Mystery School. She is a scholar/practitioner of the ancient Mediterranean mystery traditions, author, university faculty member, spiritual teacher, channeler, and clairvoyant guide who mentors women and men to help them cultivate their spiritual knowledge and bring their sacred calling to fruition. Marguerite is also the author of The Cult of Divine Birth in Ancient Greece and Virgin Mother Goddesses of Antiquity, pioneering volumes that explore women’s shamanic abilities in an evolutionary new light. Visit

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2015 Catalyst, Issue 3: Accessing Your Body Intelligence (BQ)
