By Stephen Dinan, founder and CEO of The Shift Network
We at The Shift Network hold a deep commitment to equal honoring of feminine and masculine ways of being in the world. It is vital that each of us learn to honor and embody this balance within ourselves and help to create it in our communities, businesses, and political bodies.
That’s also why we see it as so important that we support women who embody deep feminine wisdom in leadership roles.
For too long, women have been marginalized by masculine-dominant societies and systems. Throughout history, there have been exceptional women helping to transform their communities and the world — such as Rosa Parks and Ella Baker, to the spiritual activist Aung San Suu Kyi to name a few — yet their stories are often overshadowed by men in parallel roles.
As part of The Shift Network’s commitment to shifting this paradigm, we are launching the exciting new Rising Women Rising World online summit, which begins Tuesday and is hosted by one of the world’s leading peacebuilders and changemakers, Scilla Elworthy. (To register for free, click here.)
Scilla has been described by Jean Houston as the Eleanor Roosevelt of the United Kingdom — meaning she is a highly respected and loved leader and peacebuilder. Scilla is the founder of the Oxford Research Group, a non-governmental organisation she set up in 1982 to develop effective dialogue between nuclear weapons policy-makers worldwide and their critics, for which she was nominated three times for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Scilla also worked with Peter Gabriel, Desmond Tutu and Richard Branson in setting up The Elders. Scilla truly embodies deep feminine spiritual wisdom while working effectively in mainstream world. She is also gracious and incredibly accessible to all of us through her humility and love of humanity. (You also can sign up for a free event on Saturday just with Scilla – click here.)
By highlighting inspiring women leaders (and remarkable men too) who embody the deep feminine, the Rising Women Rising World summit aims to accelerate the shift in consciousness needed on individual and societal levels to take effective action in addressing crises such as climate change, sex trafficking, economic corruption, suicide bombings, etc....
In this edition, we are delighted to feature exceptional articles by Scilla Elworthy, Dr. Rama Mani, Dr. Monica Sharma, and Sefi Shliselberg that are in the spirit of the Summit. We also are profiling Charlie Wilson, an inspiring woman who has worked closely with my beloved wife Devaa, in bringing forth her leadership qualities as a master chef serving her community.
I also want to bring special attention to The Future is Calling Us to Greatness, a free online series with breakthrough perspectives on global sustainability featuring 55 luminaries (See Movement News). I know Michael Dowd, the creator of the series, from the Evolutionary Leaders and am delighted to have participated in this seminal series.
Finally, we are highlighting Antigone Rising as the Featured Artist and the Pachamama Alliance in Shift Philanthropy.
Let’s write a new history in which masculine and feminine perspectives join in a sacred dance, empowering a more just, wise, and joyful future!
(And if you want to join the 22,000 other participants in the Winter of Wellness, featuring 40 of the top wellness pioneers, you can still do so — click here!)
The Top 10 TED Talks Every Woman Should See
"There are now more than 1,700 TED talks — 'ideas worth spreading,'" TED Prize Deputy Director Anna Verghese told Glamour [Magazine]. "I'm honored to make recommendations of just 10 of the many talks, from scientists to artists, writers to leaders, that have made me feel smarter and more prepared to take on the world in just 18 minutes or less."
Featured Winter of Wellness Recording — Free!
The Winter of Wellness is a free online gathering of 40 health pioneers.
Supercharging your Life: Tips and Tools to Maximize your Well Being in 2015 With David Wolfe: Health, Eco, Nutrition, and Natural Beauty Expert. Hosted by Stephen Dinan. To listen free, click here.
Future in the Balance: Transformative leadership for a world that works
By Scilla Elworthy, PhD
Our world faces multiple crises, and attempts to address them are not working. The rich/poor gap gets wider. The richest 300 people in the world now have more wealth than the poorest 3,000,000,000 — nearly half of humanity. Forests disappear on a daily basis, oceans are literally being vacuumed of fish, disastrous crises lurch through unstable financial markets, religious fanaticism terrorizes large parts of the Middle East, a global economic system rewards the most greedy among us . . . [read more]
OURtopia! Co-Creating a World that Works for All
By Dr. Rama Mani
Rising Women Rising World, the new global women's initiative co-founded by Dr. Scilla Elworthy, Professor Jean Houston and myself, has one central vision that inspires us, one goal that underpins the diverse programs we propose: to co-create a world that works for all . . . [read more]
Future Systemic Transformation
Leadership for Paradigm Shifts in an Interdependent World
By Dr. Monica Sharma
The most urgent and sustainable response to the world's problems and our ability to harness new opportunities lies in our capacity to expand solutions for problems that are driven solely by technology, to responses that also create new patterns and systems generated from our wisdom . . . [read more]
Women in Sovereign Entities
By Sefi Shliselberg
In the course of a long career in the global financial services industry, I met with executives from central banks, public pension funds and other sovereign financial entities — government-owned or government-controlled investment funds, and government entities in charge of finances, economic policy and financial regulation. It seemed that the women in the sector formed a small geographically dispersed minority in the traditional male-dominated sector, and that, as a result, it was critical for them to have their own network with which to connect and support each other . . . [read more]
The Future Is Calling Us to Greatness: A worldwide movement has been emerging for decades, largely unnoticed, at the nexus of science, inspiration, and sustainability. Beliefs are secondary. What unites us is a pool of shared values and commitments — and the vision of a just and healthy future for humanity and the larger body of life. This historic series of 30–60 minute Skype interviews showcases the work of many of today’s leaders and luminaries regarding what to expect in the decades ahead, what’s being done — what still needs to be done — and how to stay empowered to be in action in the face of enormous challenges. These 55 experts represent a veritable Who’s Who of prophetic inspiration. To register free, click here.
The Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence commences for the 18th consecutive year on January 30, 2015 in cities across the globe. The annual 64 day campaign, co-founded in 1998 by Dr. Arun Gandhi and The Association for Global New Thought, is an educational, media and grassroots awareness campaign spanning the January 30 and April 4 memorial anniversaries of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. To learn how you, your family, school and/or place of worship can participate, click here.
World Interfaith Harmony Week and the Compassion Games’ Interfaith League are co-hosting an excitingly spirited coopetition to take place from February 1 to February 7, 2015. This coopetition is aimed to promote peace, harmony, collaboration and tolerance between all faith and spiritual traditions around the world through the spirit of competitive altruism, collaboration, and play! To learn more, click here.
James O'Dea's New Book: The Shift Network is delighted to announce our lead peace faculty James O'Dea has published a new book: The Conscious Activist: Where Activism Meets Mysticism. The Conscious Activist is truly a masterpiece for our time as it describes the many rigorous initiations needed before the power of the activist can become one with the power of the mystic. To order your copy, click here.
New Film screenings of Awake: The Life of Yogananda are taking place in Theaters across the United States and Canada. To find a showing near you or to arrange for a screening, click here. (The filmmakers were interviewed in the Summer of Peace, the recording is available for free.)
The Economics of Peace: Freedom, the Golden Rule and the Broadening of Prosperity. A new peace book from author and International Cities of Peace founding director J. Fred Arment has been published by McFarland Publishers. "From the Arab Spring to the Occupy and Tea Party movements," the author states, "the 'What now?' solution to economic disparity and power politics has been largely unarticulated." This work details how the Golden Rule ethic and a technology-driven global consciousness are causing epic shifts in our economic and governing systems. To order your copy, click here.
Free Film — Journey from Zanskar features the Dalai Lama himself and is narrated by Richard Gere. The story concerns two monks who take 17 children from Zanskar to lower India in order to help preserve their dying Tibetan culture. The story is framed as one illustration of the monks’ ongoing commitment to fulfill their Boddhisattva vows. We're inspired by them so we're doing our small part too! To stream online free – click here. The password is Save Zanskar.
World Peace Library – Free Resource — Be sure to take advantage of the World Peace Library, a wide-ranging resource on peace newly compiled by the Shift Network: It contains more than 300 inspiring talks and mini-workshops from individuals such as Archbishop Tutu, Nobel Laureate Jody Williams, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, James O'Dea, Karen Armstrong, Chief Phil Lane and many more. With neuroscientists and lamas, faith-based activists and political leaders, this Library offers something for all in their peacebuilding efforts. The Shift Network has made the World Peace Library a free resource for all and encourages its use to promote peace in your families, schools, and wider community.
1 Billion Acts of Peace — a global community of everyday people performing thoughtful actions that contribute to world peace. The Shift Network is delighted to join Peacejam Foundation, Google, Wells Fargo, Hill+Knowlton Strategies and many others have come together to create the "One Billion Acts of Peace" Campaign — an international global citizens' movement designed to tackle the most important problems facing our planet. To learn more, click here.
Special Peace, Dinner & Concert benefiting Peace Through Commerce – Austin, Texas – Saturday, February 7, 2105 – Featuring: Walt Wilkins, Tina Wilkins, Bill Small, Bill Worrell, & Sam Baker. To register – click here. (To learn more about Peace Through Commerce, click here).
Free Nonviolent Peace Bibliography — The Citizens for Peace created two separate bibliographies of nonviolent materials for youth and adults. The purpose of researching these titles was caused by the fact there is no library classification for nonviolent materials. As titles came into their awareness they recorded them. There is now over 300 titles in each bliography. The purpose was to make accessible materials that document efforts for nonviolent social change and nonviolent conflict resolution between people and nations. To see the bibliographies, click here.
2015 Balkans Academic Expedition — Environmental Peacebuilding & Sustainability: A Peace Park in the Balkans? May 10–June 1, 2015 — Sponsored by Ohio University and International Peace Parks Expedition, this accredited academic expedition will provide students with a unique, adventure based, experiential learning opportunity in one of the most beautiful places on Earth, one of the last bio-diversity hotspots in Europe, a place where the legacy of the conflict of the 1990s is being overcome with entrepreneurship, ecotourism and environmental peacebuilding. Register by February 15, 2015. To learn more, click here.
The Alliance for Peacebuilding – 2015 Annual Conference – Peacebuilding and Democracy in a Turbulent World – May 13 to 15, 2015 – Washington, DC — Issues of governance, legitimacy, fragility, and disenfranchisement underlie many conflicts raging around the world, including ISIS in Syria and Iraq, Ukraine, South Sudan, the Central African Republic, Ebola in West Africa and with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that ebbs and flows without a clear path to resolution. The peacebuilding and governance/democracy communities recognize the need to work together. The conference will explore the links between these fields, and will help build bridges in both theory and practice to take on today’s most complex global crises. Registration coming soon. Look for updates – click here. For questions or concerns, contact Emily Mallozzi, Membership & Outreach Manager, at emily@allianceforpeacebuilding.org.
If you have an announcement to share, please write: editor@theshiftnetwork.com
Catalyst: (#2, 1/25) (#1, 1/11)
Catalyst: (#26, 12/28) (#25, 12/14) (#24, 11/30) (#23, 11/16) (#22, 11/1) (#21, 10/19) (#20, 10/5) (#19, 9/21) (#18, 9/14) (#17, 9/01) (#16, 8/17) (#15, 8/3) (#14, 7/20) (#13, 7/4) (#12, 6/15) (#11, 6/1) (#10, 5/18) (#9, 5/4) (#8, 4/20) (#7, 4/6) (#6, 3/23) (#5, 3/9) (#4, 2/22) (#3, 2/8) (#2, 1/26) (#1, 1/12)
2013 Catalyst: (#22, 12/14) (#21, 11/30) (#20, 11/16) (#19, 11/3) (#18, 10/20) (#17, 10/6) (#16, 9/21) (#15, 9/8) (#14, 8/25) (#13, 8/4) (#12, 7/21), (#11, 7/7), (#10, 6/16) (#9, 6/2) (#8, 5/12) (#7, 4/28) (#6, 4/14) (#5, 3/24) (#4, 2/24) (#3, 2/9) (#2, 1/26) (#1, 1/13)
Birth 2012 Catalyst: (#15, 12/9) (#14, 12/1) (#13, 11/22) (#12, 11/10) (#11, 11/3) (#10, 10/20) (#9, 10/6) (#8, 9/16) (#7, 9/8) (#6, 8/25) (#5, 8/16) (#4, 8/4) (#3, 7/28) (#2, 7/21) (#1, 7/14)

Identify a woman who has made a difference in your life and thank her for the impact she has made.. Also, identify a girl or younger woman in your life and offer words of encouragement on a regular basis for her to reach her dreams.
Shamanic Journeying for Community Healing: How Shamanic Practices Can Heal Families, Communities & Nations
— A free online event featuring renowned shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman —
Discover how you can bless, heal and transform collective emotions through the power of ceremony, journeying and prayer, working on the subtle level of consciousness in a way that frees up stuck patterns.
January 31, 2015 10:00am Pacific
Rising Women Leadership Secrets: How Amazing Women Activate Their World-Changing Work
— A free online event featuring global changemaker Scilla Elworthy —
If you are called to be a changemaker who stands up against injustice or helps the poor, the marginalized and the destitute, but are uncertain about the path to take to make a real impact, come learn some of the secrets from women who have gone before you including how to express the compassion and resolve that are your feminine birthright.
January 31, 2015 at 11:00am Pacific
Feminine Alchemy Immersion: Reclaiming the Sacred Feminine, Empowering Passionate Service
— A 7-month Initiatory Journey that takes you into the deep inner work you need to deeply impact the world, and enjoy a fulfilling and prosperous life. With Devaa Haley Mitchell &
Elayne Kalila Doughty. New Live Training Starts Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Authentic Awakening: A 9-Week Virtual Intensive to Live an Enlightened Life in the 21st Century
— With Pioneering Contemporary Spiritual Teacher & Internationally Renowned Mystic
Thomas Huebl —
Discover the Essential Transformative Practices, Tools and Teachings to Fully Awaken Your Spiritual Potential and Live as the Full Expression of Who You Are, Amidst the Pressures and Challenges of “Real Life.”
Live Video and Audio Training Starts Wednesday, January 28, 2015
More Upcoming Events: (all subject to change)
• Winter of Wellness summit
• Rising Women Rising World summit
• Scilla Elworthy 7-week course
• Body Intelligence Summit
• Katie & Gay Hendricks 7-week course
• Terry Patten 7-week course
• Sofia Diaz 7-week course
• Andrew Harvey 7-week course
• Sandra Ingerman 12-week course
• Tim Kelley 6-month intensive
• Transforming Aging Summit
• HeartMath 7-week course
• Ron Pevny 7-week course
• Mark Matousek 7-week course
• Michael Gelb 7-week course
• Ken Page 10-week course
• Patricia Ellsberg 24-week intensive
• Earth Day Summit
• Shelly Lefkoe 7-week course
• Tim Kelley 7-week course
• Gay Hendricks 7-week course
• Miranda Macpherson 14-week course
• Andrew Harvey & Sally Kempton 6-month intensive |
Pachamama Alliance — The Shift Network is delighted to be a supporter of the Pachamama Alliance. The vision that informs the Pachamama Alliance’s work is of a world that works for everyone: an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling, socially just human presence on this planet — a New Dream for humanity. Its mission is to empower indigenous people of the Amazon rainforest to preserve their lands and culture and, using insights gained from that work, to educate and inspire individuals everywhere to bring forth a thriving, just and sustainable world. The Shift Network is a financial sponsor (cash and stocks) and supporter of Pachamama Alliance fundraising events. To learn more about Pachamama Alliance, click here.
Rising Women Rising World serves to build a vibrant community of women on all continents who take responsibility for pioneering a possible future. It is a growing circle of experienced women specialists with knowledge and expertise in the full spectrum of human development. To learn more, click here.
Antigone Rising
By Philip Hellmich
Antigone Rising came into my life during the International Day of Peace in 2012. Antigone Rising is an all-female alt-country rock band known for their driving and vivacious live shows. They also are engaged in social action. Besides celebrating the International Day of Peace, Antigone Rising conducted a tour in Israel-Palestine in 2012 as part of a Women’s History Month commemoration sponsored by the U.S. Consulate General in Jerusalem.
Founding member Kristen Ellis-Henderson is a recognized spokesperson for gay marriages and appeared on the cover of Time Magazine — "Gay Marriage Already Won" (April 8, 2013). She also is the author of a memoir published by Simon & Schuster, Times Two, Two Women in Love and the Happy Family They Made.
As for their music, Antigone Rising rocks! In 2005, their first album for a major record label, From the Ground Up, was in the top 20 of the US Billboard Heatseekers chart for most of the year.The band's 2013 single, That Was The Whiskey was co-written with the Nashville songwriter Lori McKenna. The New York City-based rock band has performed with The Rolling Stones, Aerosmith, The Allman Brothers Band, The Dave Matthews Band, Rob Thomas, Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, Lucinda Williams, the Bangles, and many others all over the United States.
To learn more about Antigone Rising and to hear their music, click here.