One Hundred Days of Darkness and Light

One Hundred Days of Darkness and Light is the first section in Robert Peng's book, The Master Key

Installment #20
Chapter Four

University Days 

Teaching English and Teaching Qigong 

Graduation day drew near. All the seniors were scheduled to meet with representatives of the Student Distribution Committee, the group responsible for job placement. My advisor, Assistant Dean Huang, was an administrator in the Foreign Languages Department. 

I knocked on his door. “Come in,” he said. 

Dean Huang was seated behind his desk. He scrutinized me through a distinctive pair of horn-rimmed glasses. He had lived abroad for two years, and the experience had imbued his style with an air of international sophistication. 

“Sit down, Robert.”

I did. 

“Have you considered your professional future?” he asked. “I have,” I answered.

“And . . . ?”

“I’d like to work for a foreign trade company.” 

“I see. Well, let me be direct with you. At this time we don’t have a quota for employment in a foreign trade company. Do you have any other ideas?” 

“Not really.”

He leafed through my file. 

“Overall, your grades are pretty good. You placed third last summer at the regional track meet, your behavior is exemplary, and,” he looked me straight in the eye, “I really appreciate what you guys did with Road to the New Horizon. I’d like you to consider staying on at the university. We need English teachers and I think you’d make an excellent one. What do you think?” 

I had never really thought about becoming an English teacher at the university, but the idea of staying on and becoming a member of the faculty appealed to me immediately. 

“All right.” I accepted the position on the spot. 

“Then let me be the first to welcome you to the Foreign Languages Department.” 

The class of nineteen eighty-six graduated. The campus thinned out, and I stayed on. I moved to the faculty dorm and spent that summer at the university preparing for the fall semester. 

One evening while I was working, there was a knock at my door. 

“Come in,” I said. 

It was Dr. Zhu.

“I hear you’re going to stay on and teach English. Congratulations!” he said.


“Look, I’m here to discuss a sensitive matter. Do you have time to talk?” 

“Sure. What’s wrong?” 

“I have a good friend. His name is Mr. Liu. He’s one of the top administrators. You’ve probably heard of him. Anyway, he has crippling lower-back pain. The doctors have tried to help, but he’s still suffering. He’s been lying in bed for more than a week. Can you give him a Qigong healing?” 


“But we’ll have to keep your visit quiet. He doesn’t want anyone to find out about it,” Dr. Zhu explained. 

“I understand,” I replied.

Dr. Zhu called his friend to inform him that we were on our way 

over. We walked to Mr. Liu’s home and found him in his room, flat on his back in bed. 

“Hello,” Mr. Liu said coldly. I realized instantly that he had agreed to indulge his friend’s whim and see me only out of desperation. 

“Hello, Mr. Liu,” I said.

I diagnosed his condition, and after I figured out the problem, I treated him and empowered a few energy points. While I worked, Mr. Liu kept making annoying, condescending comments. 

“Are you afraid of pain?” I asked him when I was done.

“No.” The question puzzled him.

“Good, then you won’t mind putting up with some,” I warned him, then added, “I’ll need a beer bottle. Do you have one lying around?” 

“A what?” he blurted out in a sour voice.

“A beer bottle.” 

He rebuked me with a surly expression and then finally said, “Yes. You’ll find one in the fridge downstairs.” 

I returned to Mr. Liu’s bedroom holding a chilled bottle by the neck. “Please raise your right leg, Mr. Liu,” I instructed. 

He looked at me in disbelief.

“Oh, all right,” he complained while he positioned himself on the edge of his bed, grunting and straining as he slowly lifted his leg. When his leg was perpendicular to the floor, I grabbed his foot 

and smashed the base of the beer bottle against his heel three times— bang, bang, bang!

“Ahhhhh!” he shrieked, turning pale. 

“Stand up,” I snapped before he had a chance to get angry and yell at me. 


“Stand up and walk, Mr. Liu,” I insisted.

“You’re not serious, young man?” he asked rhetorically. 

I raised my voice to ensure him I was. “Get out of bed.” 

Mr. Liu eased himself off the edge of the mattress and slowly stood up. 

“Now walk,” I instructed. 


“Yes, walk.” 

He took a cautious step. His face lit up, and he smiled. 

“Hey, I can walk!” 

Mr. Liu paced back and forth alongside his bed a few times. 

“Dr. Zhu, look. I can walk!” 

Dr. Zhu, who had been watching the whole time, seemed relieved. 

“Young man, you wait here,” Mr. Liu said to me cheerfully. 

He left the room for a few moments and came back with a bowl full of Mandarin oranges. 

“Please take these as a token of my appreciation. They are very sweet.” 

I thanked him and left with Dr. Zhu. 

“What on earth did you do to him?” Dr. Zhu asked in astonishment as we walked back to campus. 

“The doctors couldn’t help him because the source of his pain was not physical. Mr. Liu had a stubborn energy block and a lot of damp Qi in his lower back. I removed the blockage and I empowered him to revitalize his weary body. The beer bottle helped ground his Qi, but it also served a second function. The shock of the pounding helped clear his mind of doubt. Without the acute pain, it would have taken longer for him to ‘believe’ that he could walk,” I explained. 

After witnessing Mr. Liu’s successful healing, Dr. Zhu began to discreetly send me more of his friends and colleagues for treatments. A small group of notable university professors became my first patients.


To be continued in the next issue of Catalyst...

Click on the following to read:   Installment #1    lnstallment #2    lnstallment #3    lnstallment #4    lnstallment #5    lnstallment #6     lnstallment #7    lnstallment #8    lnstallment #9    lnstallment #10   lnstallment #11   lnstallment #12   lnstallment #13   lnstallment #14   lnstallment #15   lnstallment #16   lnstallment #17   lnstallment #18   lnstallment #19

Robert Peng is a world-renowned Qigong Master, healer, and author of the book, The Master Key: Qigong Secrets for Vitality, Love, and Wisdom.

Click here for a free access of the audiobook, 100 Days of Darkness and Light, which is the first section in Robert's book, The Master Key.

Robert's companion resources include:

The Master Key Video Series (4 DVDs of Qigong practices)
The Master Key Audio Series (5 CDs of Qigong practices)
Qigong Ecstasy (45-minute Qigong practice video)
AM/PM Qigong (Two 30-minute Qigong routines video)

Robert was born and raised in Hunan, China. At age eight, he began an intensive apprenticeship under the close guidance of the legendary monk Xiao Yao, an enlightened master known for his profound healing ability and martial arts skill. At age 15, Robert performed a 100-day water fast in a small dark room at a secluded monastery in the remote mountains of Hunan province. He underwent a radical spiritual transformation and awakened amazing healing powers. Master Xiao Yao encouraged Robert to develop his healing skills by studying with other Chinese masters.

After pursuing his training quietly while attending university in Changsha, where he majored in English Literature, at 29 years old he began to teach publicly, and within five years had trained over 150,000 students all over China, Australia, and the U.S. 

With his deep understanding and practice of Qigong, and with extensive life and teaching experience in the western world, Robert has developed a unique way to teach Qigong that people from different cultures can easily understand and follow while enjoying the real essence of this ancient Chinese healing art of wisdom, love, and vitality. 

Robert has been a regular presenter at the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, The Esalen Institute, Integrative Health Symposium, and many other organizations and schools. 

Together with Bishop Desmond and Pema Chodron, he was honored as one of "Top Ten Heroes of 2013" for his contribution to transform "the ancient Chinese healing art of Qigong into today's fast-growing holistic practices — in addition to use as a spiritual practice for inner balance and peace, Qigong movement is gaining acceptance as a gentle movement for chronic illness and pain."

Click here to visit Robert’s website.
Click here to watch and participate in Robert’s 8-minute Qigong practice, Scooping Universal Qi to Empower our Wisdom, Love & Vitality.


Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2020 Catalyst, Issue 18: Readers Write
