Guidelines for Optional Use of Binaural Beats in a Shift Network Course or Educational Program

The Shift Network occasionally offers courses or educational programs where participants may elect to listen to recorded material that contains binaural beats, which are generally used for assistance in achieving deeply relaxed states of mind in order to facilitate certain practices such as meditation.

What Are Binaural Beats and How Do They Work?

Binaural beats are specific types of sound recordings that have been used for decades by a great many individuals for a variety of uses. Some users have reported that this technology has helped them to reduce their levels of stress, anxiety and pain, increase their focus and concentration, assist them to reach deeper meditative states or even enhance their creativity.

For binaural beats to really work, users must listen through headphones. A tone is played, like a humming sound or a chime for example, at a particular Hertz (hz) frequency level, which is usually overlaid with relaxing music. Each ear receives a slightly different frequency of the tone, and the brain responds by averaging out the left and right frequencies and following along at that averaged level. In other words, it adjusts itself to the frequency intended by the creator of the sound track.

Similar to how breathing and meditation can alter a person’s brainwave state from Alpha to Theta, using binaural beats seems to assist individuals into brainwave states that serve certain purposes such as learning, meditation, focus, sleep, etc.

Important Use Guidelines & Contraindications

Before deciding whether or not you wish to use this optional technology, please read the following information carefully. The Shift Network recommends that you always conduct your own research and consult with your healthcare provider(s) prior to engaging on a new regimen or practice.

Although binaural beats are widely used and generally considered safe to use for most people, they may not be right for everyone. Here are some important guidelines and advices to follow in determining if binaural beats are right for you, or to review with your healthcare provider(s) before using:

  • Those who suffer from epilepsy or seizures of any kind should avoid using binaural beats altogether.
  • Never use while driving or operating heavy machinery. Use them only when in a safe and secure environment during your free time when you are not supervising others or likely to be disturbed.
  • Always keep the volume in a low range, well below 85 decibels, as prolonged exposure to loud music or other sounds can contribute to hearing loss over time.
  • If you have an ear condition of any kind, please check with your medical professional(s) to determine if listening to music and/or binaural beats with a headset or earbuds is safe for you.
  • Binaural beats may be contra-indicated for individuals with heart conditions with pacemakers.
  • Individuals suffering from mental health or psychological conditions should avoid using binaural beats without direct supervision by a qualified mental health professional, including those taking tranquilizers or psychiatric medications.
  • Binaural beats are not recommended for pregnant women as certain frequencies could potentially stimulate labor.
  • Not recommended for children under the age of 18. (Shift Network courses and programs are for adults 18 and over.)
  • Use common sense and listen in moderation and discontinue if you feel any sign of discomfort, strain or negative reaction.

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