The Mystical Gifts for Medical Intuition Within Your Chakras

By Cyndi Dale

My client wanted to know if she might require surgery for a knee problem. Instantly, my own knee throbbed. Meditating on the pain for a moment, I asked what might occur to the knee pain, which I had empathically “borrowed” from my client, if she didn’t have the surgery.

The pain intensified.

I took the other approach. “What could happen if the client does have surgery?”

The pain disappeared.

I relayed these events to my client, and then had her walk through the same exercise for herself. She also received a bodily affirmation for surgery. In the end, she decided that she would, in fact, follow her doctor’s advice and undergo a knee replacement. She was thrilled with the results, happy to be able to walk and exercise again.

From a chakra point-of-view, I was tuning in to my client’s issues through my first chakra. This hip-based chakra holds the gift of physical empathy, allowing us to sense what is transpiring in our own or another’s body. Each chakra carries its own intuitive gift, and understanding them all is key to performing medical intuition — to figuring out what might be wrong and the reasons for it. As my example shows, we can also assess for choices and make decisions that might assist us in improving our life on any level — physical, psychological, and spiritual.

What are the different mystical insights provided through the various chakras? I work with a twelve-chakra system, which I developed decades ago. I’ll go in-depth with the seven basic in-body chakras, which are the most well-known, but also give you a few tips about the five out-of-body chakras.

It’s time to access these amazing gateways of knowledge and light.

First Chakra: Physical Sensation
Your first chakra, located in the hips, is the master of physical empathy. Through this gift, you receive sensations that indicate what is happening in your own and others’ bodies, as well as the environment.

Think of how often your body “talks” to you. Imagine that you’re daydreaming at a baseball game and a sharp crick in your neck causes you to look sidewise. A ball whizzes by, barely missing you. The pain disappears as you realize that the sensation saved you from being hit. Physical aches, pains, sensations, and desires can all indicate that your first chakra is expressing itself.

Besides speaking for your body, your first chakra can mirror another’s physical issues. For instance, you might sense throbbing in your shoulder and find out that a friend has a frozen shoulder. Through the first chakra, you might also sense a current or upcoming environmental event. An impression of intense chill could mean a snowstorm is on the way. It’s easiest to interpret your first chakra’s communiques when meditating, asking your inner spirit to reveal the source and meaning of the physical sensation.

Second Chakra: Emotional Sensitivity
Who amongst us hasn’t known that someone else was actually sad (or angry, scared, or embarrassed), even when acting happy? Likewise, we’ve all felt pressured to feel a certain way, even though our inner self disagreed. Your second chakra relates through emotional empathy, conveying the true nature of your own or another’s feelings.

Based in the abdomen, your second chakra is tasked with emotional truthfulness. It will prompt you toward honest emotional assessments, helping you differentiate between the five major feeling constellations: fear, sadness, joy, anger, and disgust. This sensitivity calls forth compassion, the ability to deliver love where it is needed.

Third Chakra: Mental Awareness
Have you ever known something without knowing how you know it? As convoluted as this sentence, you are probably nodding your head. The third chakra, housed in the solar plexus, forms factual information that sometimes mystifies the logical mind.

Via our third chakra, we intuitively gather mental impressions that reveal what is truly going on. This process is called mental empathy. The resulting conclusions can be used to create goals and action plans. Did your boss say you had two days to deliver the project, but your “gut” is suggesting a quicker turn-around? Pulling the all-nighter is probably worth it, as your third chakra “knows best.”

Fourth Chakra: Relational Knowing
Love might make the world go around, but we still have to discern between what is more — or less — loving, when making a decision. Your fourth chakra, positioned in your chest, is expert at revealing the most loving path.

Does a friend need a hug or a listening ear? Your fourth chakra will know. Your arms, extensions of this chakra, will reach out to give a bear hug or remain at your side. Is a particular relationship healthy for you or not? Ponder the question and focus on your heart area and perform relational empathy. If your energy becomes deflated and depressed, the answer is probably “no.” If you’re filled with excitement and joy, proceed happily. You can use the latter tip to ask any question of your fourth chakra.

Fifth Chakra: Verbal Messages
Have a question? Need advice? Open your fifth chakra’s doorway by reflecting upon your need and await an audible or psychic revelation, which might show up as a whisper, shout, essay, chant, or song. Verbal revelation or clairaudience is the job of this throat-based chakra, which loves to commune.

Sometimes fifth chakra insights pop into the head. The tone might indicate that an inner self is speaking or that a spiritual guide is advising. Other times, a verbal epiphany comes in a dream or is packaged within a radio song. Be open to the verbal illuminations your fifth chakra shares and more will show up.

Sixth Chakra: Visual Pictures
Clairvoyants have long advised kings and their courts, as well as everyday seekers of truth. You too have the ability to receive visions through your sixth chakra, located in your forehead, through your clairvoyance, which means “clear seeing.”

Visions often appear psychically, as images that appear on the inner mind screen. These might be literal or metaphorical, colorful or black and white, and replete with symbols, shapes, and numbers. Your sixth chakra can also catch your eye on images in the environment. Who amongst us hasn’t laughed because a license plate or billboard spelled out the perfect advice? Cultivate this gift by asking for psychic visions and paying attention to nightly dreams and natural signs.

Seventh Chakra: Spiritual Revelation
This light-filled chakra glows brightly, sharing our unique light with the world. Atop the head, this center links us to the Spirit, our own spirit, and all the spirits supporting our higher purpose. Through it, we can use spiritual empathy to know what is best for self and other.

Through this chakra, we become aware of what actions, relationships, and ways of being reflect our truest self. Revelations are felt consciously, as deep awareness and knowing, indicating the presence of our soul. We might also sense the presence of our spiritual guides, who gently prod us toward enlightenment, the embodiment of our spiritual self in everyday reality. Prayer, meditation, and contemplation are useful tools for aligning with this chakra.

The Five Out-of-Body Chakras
While the basic seven chakras are located in the spine, knowing the gifts located in these additional out-of-body chakras can greatly expand your intuitive repertoire.

  • Eighth Chakra: Shamanism. Right above the head, this beautiful black and silver chakra reflects our shamanic capabilities. Through it, you can access alternate dimensions and connect to otherworldly beings. Use it to delve into all levels of healing mysteries and invite assistance from beyond.
  • Ninth Chakra: Harmony. Gold and about two feet above our head, this special chakra attunes us into communities and groups. It also holds codes that when brought into the body energetically can yield transformation.
  • Tenth Chakra: Naturalism. Animals, plants, the stars...Through this extraordinary chakra, which is brown and lies under the ground, we link to Nature and any of the beings in it. Why not obtain a sign from the environment in response to a question?
  • Eleventh Chakra: Commanding. Natural and supernatural forces can be detected and commanded through this powerful chakra, which is pink and woven into the outer energy field. It is also accessible through the hands and feet. Need to change the weather? This is the conduit for such activities.
  • Twelfth Chakra: Unique. This special chakra is found on the outside of the auric field. I usually perceive it as translucent. Shimmering, it holds a supernatural ability that is unique to you.

Your chakras are the ultimate doorways to the heavens and earth. As you cultivate their individual specialties, you can discover nearly anything you need about yourself — and often, another. As your chakras shine brighter, so will you.


Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, intuitive healer, and business consultant. Her groundbreaking books on chakras and intuition include Energy Healing for Trauma, Stress & Chronic Illnesses ... The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy ... Energy Wellness for Your Pets ... Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Chakras ... Awaken Clairvoyance ... and Energetic Boundaries: How to Stay Protected and Connected in Work, Love, and Life .

Cyndi, who’s been a natural intuitive since she was young, offers these gifts to clients and groups seeking to make real and positive change. Her passion includes helping people open their "essential energy" — the powers and perspectives unique to them. She works with thousands of individuals a year, in the United States and internationally. She believes that once an individual understands their own essence, they can tap into the energies of, and beyond, the world, joining a community of like-minded people who want to better themselves and others.

Cyndi has presented seminars and workshops in Russia, England, Wales, Amsterdam, Iceland, and Scotland, and has led groups across South and Central America and into Africa. Her training encompasses shamanism and healing, and has taken her to the Peruvian, Belizean, Hawaiian, and Costa Rican jungles, the Moroccan sands, the Venezuelan savannahs, and the glaciers of Iceland. Her two favorite workshops to lead are her Apprenticeship Program, a 9-month exploration of intuitive and healing powers; and The Subtle Body Certificate Program, led through Normandale College. She seeks to unify the world’s most vital spiritual messages, encouraging understanding and community among all peoples.

Cyndi works with clients and groups on a daily basis, serving as an intuitive coach and energy healer. Clients are commonly referred by professionals, including psychiatrists, medical doctors, and therapists. She continues to hone her ability to help people discover their essential selves so they can make healthy and positive changes in their lives.

Click here to visit Cyndi’s website.

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This article appears in: 2021 Catalyst, Issue 9 - Intuitive Medicine Summit
