Kiara Windrider answers the question:

What is the nicest thing a non-family member has ever done for you?


Hmm, great question. Well, there's a lot of people who have inspired me a lot, but when you ask about the nicest thing, I would have to go back quite a few years to my early childhood. I grew up in India. I was a very shy, very introverted young child, didn't have so many friends. My mother eventually started a teaching job at an international school in Kodaikanal. And so when I was 14, we ended up there and that was a big turning point for me. It was in the middle of this beautiful forest, in the jungles of South India, which just went on and on and on. So during that time, much of my life I was spending out on the weekends hiking in the jungles, running through the forest, and I'd developed some close friendships with a group of people from all over the world.

There was one incident which stands out in all of this. I'd been very interested in nature, interested in wanting to do something on behalf of the earth and nature, and always felt a sense of despair and hopelessness because I could see where we were going and there didn't seem to be much we could do about it. One day a group of us were out hiking and we came to this beautiful waterfalls where we used to go on many occasions. And on this occasion, one friend and I were up ahead. We came to the edge of the waterfalls, looked over, tried to climb down as much as possible, and ended up falling. We fell about 200 feet, both of us, and it was just interminable. It seemed like that was it, but somehow we both managed to survive. It's a longish story, but through that I became very close to this one family, the Wiebes. Two of the kids who were on this hike with me became my best friends, Wendell and Rolly [Wiebe], and we philosophized together, hiked together, spoke about everything under the sun.

It also was the beginning of a spiritual search for me, realizing that I'd fallen all that distance with very little chance of survival and somehow I'd pulled through. Why? What was I here for? And so I graduated [from Kodai School] ultimately. And then two years later I got this invitation from the parents, John and Carol Wiebe. John was the one who pulled me up from the crevice that I’d landed up in. And so they invited me to come. They sponsored all my tuition and room-and-board costs in the U.S. I ended up at a Mennonite college in Kansas where I was able to do a major in peace studies and environmental studies, which was my heart's desire. And that was the beginning of a whole new period of my life. This family became very, very close; it was like a second family. And one thing about them was they were just so totally accepting and open and curious about everything.

And so it became a place where we could just talk about things. They had this beautiful home in California on the coast. And through all the remaining years of my time in the U.S…. I ended up doing a master's in transpersonal psychology. I worked at alternative psychiatric institutions and healing centers, got interested in all kinds of shamanic practices — but through all of that, this was the heart base. And I would have been in a completely different world if it wasn't for that invitation, for those friendships, for those relationships.

And the biggest thing that I got from all this was an expansion of my vision. Moving out from being more interested in personal stories and personal lives to [stretching] out to become a planetary citizen. I remember when I was very young [seven or eight years old], I wrote this poem. It started off with the words:

Where God and nature and mankind meet,
There a journey with tired feet.
To create a world as best I can 
Where man lives with nature and God lives with man.

It was a beautiful vision. But how to manifest that? And so later in my life, this became part of the manifestation, looking at various mystical spiritual paths: Sri Aurobindo and the teachings about the supramental energies, the unified field that's dropping in, and how we can participate in this. It led to all kinds of research into cosmic evolutionary cycles — on galactic levels as well as planetary levels — and the awakening of the earth as well as humanity into a completely new species. So this has been the vision that's driven me, and the Wiebes have been a big part of that. And still, every year we have a family reunion; they’ve become my family, up in Trinidad on the coast of California.

So when I look back at how different my life would have been if it wasn't for this meeting, for this relationship, I'm curious where I would be. And I feel like whenever there's a strong intention, whenever there's a vision, the universe always responds. In terms of this quantum Qi series, I would say that there is one cosmic energy that moves through all of us across many dimensions of life. And as we connect with this, miraculous things happen, synchronicities happen in ways that we may not expect. 

And so this story for me is a “pay it forward” kind of story. I've been hoping that what they were able to do for me, in my small way I've been able to do for others. And this is how we can all create a better world together. 

So thank you for being part of this story with me, The Shift Network and everything that goes with it — we are all part of this transformational evolutionary journey that's not just personal, but a deeply universal and planetary journey. So I'm deeply grateful to be part of this with you, thank you.

Kiara Windrider is a transpersonal therapist and science researcher, exploring connections between galactic cycles, climate change, ancient history, quantum physics, human behavior, and spiritual awakening. He has evolved a profound healing system known as Ilahinoor, designed to activate a supramental descent of unified light. He is well versed in the Advaita and Yogic traditions of India, Sufi mysticism, Egyptian mysteries, and Andean shamanism.

As an outcome of his extensive research he has come to the firm conviction that we stand collectively at the brink of a quantum evolutionary leap beyond our wildest dreams. His greatest desire is to live in the miracle of each moment and to help awaken this beautiful planet to its luminous destiny.

Kiara Windrider is the author of several books, including Gaia Luminous: Emergence of the New Earth... Ilahinoor: Awakening the Divine Human... and Homo Luminous: A Workbook for Conscious Evolution. He leads workshops and retreats around the world for awakening to our infinite potential.

Click here to visit Kiara’s website.


Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2019 Catalyst, Issue 18: Qigong Global Summit and International Day of Peace Weekend
