Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD
Scholar in Religious Studies, Spirituality & Psychology

Neil Douglas-Klotz, PhD, is a renowned writer, researcher, meditation teacher, and musician in the fields of Middle Eastern spirituality and the translation and interpretation of the ancient Semitic languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic.

Living in Scotland, he was for many years the co-chair of the Mysticism Group of the American Academy of Religion. He also co-founded the International Network of the Dances of Universal Peace in 1982.

A frequent speaker and workshop leader, he is the author of several well-known books. His books on the Aramaic spirituality of Jesus include Prayers of the Cosmos…, The Hidden Gospel…, Original MeditationBlessings of the Cosmos…, Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus…, and his latest work, The Aramaic Jesus Book of Days

Neil’s books on a comparative view of native Middle Eastern spirituality include Desert Wisdom: A Nomad’s Guide to Life’s Big Questions and The Tent of Abraham, with Rabbi Arthur Waskow and Sr. Joan Chittister.

His books on Sufi spirituality include The Sufi Book of Life: 99 Pathways of the Heart for the Modern Dervish and A Little Book of Sufi Stories. He has also edited four collections of the work of Middle Eastern mystic Kahlil Gibran and written a mystery novel set in the first century C.E. Holy Land entitled A Murder at Armageddon

His biographical collections of the works of his Sufi teachers include Gardens of Vision and Initiation: The Life Journey of Samuel L. Lewis and Illuminating the Shadow: The Life, Love and Laughter of a 20th century Sufi.

Advancing Along the Way of Aramaic Jesus
The Way of Aramaic Jesus


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