Energetic Riff-Raff Not Welcomed:
Protect Your Energy With Grounding Practices

(Meditation Included)

By Amelia Vogler, Grounding and Energy Medicine Specialist

I was born with a unique array of extrasensory sensitivities — seeing energy, hearing messages, tracking others’ energies in my body. I came to Earth with a past-life recall and selected a family who owned a funeral home for 8 generations 250 years, still counting…

My early life was bookended with an awareness of what came before birth and an understanding of what lies ahead light, energy, limitless. 

My journey has been about learning how it is that we can live the light that we are, grounded somewhere between “there” and “here.” And my life’s work is dedicated to helping others reveal and heal the limiting patterns (like not feeling belonging, worthiness, or loveable) that keep them from feeling fully alive or grounded here.

Grounding is a practice often associated with establishing an intentional connection with the Earth whether through our imagination, intention, or by physically going outside and placing our feet on the ground. However, when we are talking about protection, grounding practices help us embody the fullness of yourself, increase your vibratory frequency, and reinforce your boundaries. All of these keep us protected from the energies that aren’t of our authentic and inherent selves (aka energetic riff-raff, as I so often refer to it).

Energetically speaking, when we are grounded, we refer to the state of our energy system as anchored firmly below in Mother Earth, strongly above with a connection to Spirit, and the flow of energy between these points is open and balanced.

Embody the Fullness of Yourself
The energy of Mother Earth is an intelligent energy that blooms us, just as flowers bloom, and supports our becoming and our vitality. The energy of the Spirit is enlightened energy that offers us sustaining energies of the virtues goodness, rightness, peace, love, and grace (to name a few) and keeps us connected to a higher perspective and our own unique Spiritual purpose. With both sources inspiring us, we are constantly being supported in living in our energetic integrity. When we are fully in ourselves, there is no room for anything that is not us, and energetic riff-raff has no place to take up residence in our energy system. This state makes it challenging for errant energies to attach to you. 

Increase your Vibration
When you are connected to Mother Earth and Spirit source energies, these energies flow increases the potential and frequency of your entire energy system. These consistent flows of energies increase the potential of our frequency. They constantly clean, clear, refresh, and boost your personal vibration. A higher vibratory frequency also makes it challenging for entities or hanger-on-ers to connect with you because they usually prey on or are attracted to those who seem vulnerable.

Reinforce your Boundaries
With Earth and Spirit energy feeding and flowing through your energy system, your chakras are consistently fed with pure energies. In a world that has such toxicity, allowing pure energies or absolute energies empower you is as important as eating a clean diet and getting sufficient sleep. As you know, as each chakra spins, they create an associated auric field. When these spin with the high vibrational, pure energies the stronger your energetic fields are. That strength reverberates through the fields to the boundaries of your energy system. The stronger and clearer your fields are, the stronger and clearer your boundaries become. Each auric field is created of a specific frequency associated with a specific chakra and each of these auric fields become a buffer or a boundary between who you are in your authentic self and what you allow or disallow in your relationship with the outside world. These boundaries become a way that you energetically say “No thank you” to that which isn’t healthy and supportive for you.

Introducing a grounding practice to reinforce the integrity to your energy system is essential, not just for protection but for all of the areas of your health and wellbeing. These practices are about coming home to yourself. When you begin to occupy your own space, letting go of everything that is not you, there is no room for anything that isn’t of your own highest vibration in your energy field. As you continue to practice your grounding, your energy system clarifies, your boundaries strengthen, and your vibration increases. Essentially speaking, you can hold your palm up and say “NO” to anything that is not welcomed in your space – both energetically and in everyday reality. 

Want to practice your grounding to increase your safety while the veil thins this fall?

Enjoy this unique Grounding Meditation “Illumination.” Directed, written, and spoken by Amelia. The music composition was written to ground the energy system and created as Amelia watched the energy fields shift. It was recorded and produced by a Grammy-Nominated producer in North Carolina. 

Listen to “Illumination” Grounding Meditation

Preview the Full Album

Amelia Vogler is a Grounding and Energy Medicine Specialist, an internationally respected teacher of energy medicine, and meditation guide. She embeds essential energetic practices in her meditations and teachings to support the betterment of humanity, one individual at a time, one quiet moment at a time. In addition to her teaching and meditation, she has an international private practice. In her 15-year career, she has helped over 7,000 individuals’ re-pattern self-limiting negative beliefs through grounding practices, intuitive insight, and advanced energy medicine. 

Visit Amelia at her Website | Get a Free Grounding Course

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This article appears in: 2021 Catalyst, Issue 16 - The Beyond the Veil Summit
