2021 Catalyst, Issue 16 – The Beyond the Veil Summit
Shift Network Update
By Lisa Bonnice, host of the Beyond the Veil Summit
Hi. I'm Lisa Bonnice, your host for The Shift Network's second Beyond the Veil Summit, a free online event from October 11-15.
I love this summit because it takes a subject that some folks are a little squeamish about and makes it entirely approachable, understandable, and downright fascinating.
The conversations in Beyond the Veil go further than just an exploration of life and death — and what lies between — into the nature of our existence. The human race is rapidly evolving both technologically and spiritually, and that is reflected in the conversations in this summit.
I learned, from reliable experts, about scientific evidence that communication with “the other side” is measurable and that devices to enhance that communication exist. Between Dr. Mark Pitstick of the University of Arizona at Tucson... medium and researcher Mark Anthony... and Dr. Helané Wahbeh, director of research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, there is no doubt in my mind that the science is solid.
I also learned new ways to communicate, using my own inherent abilities, with loved ones, ancestors, and spirit guides. My conversations with mediums like Suzanne Giesemann and soul-painter Anne Pryor blew my mind as they helped me connect and heal a relationship with one of my parents who made their transition with a lot of unfinished business between us.
My wish is for you to do the same. You can register for free here.
Let’s not forget the subject of near-death experiences (NDE) or even shared-death experiences (SDE). Dr. Raymond Moody presents a composite picture of God based on the countless NDE stories he's heard over the years.
William Peters, Founder of Shared Crossing Project, tells us about folks who experience the crossing of the veil with their loved ones as they transition, and how common this phenomenon is.
Francisco Valentin tells a gorgeous story of astral travel, an ability which he discovered after his own NDE.
Dianna Good Sky shares the story of her father’s NDE, which led him away from a self-destructive path and toward becoming a leader in his community on the local Ojibwe reservation.
I also talked with Dr. Linda Backman and Rob Schwartz, experts in past-life regression therapy, about between-life planning and what to do with confirmable information received during a past-life regression.
There are so many other stories that I don’t have the space here to tell you about, each and every one a valuable contribution to this summit. You may not recognize all of their names, but each speaker has a powerful gift of unique insight to share with you.
Register here for the FREE event and tune in to as many as you can squeeze into your schedule. You won’t want to miss a single one. I’ll see you there!
The uplifting stories in this issue’s “The Nicest Thing” section come from summit host Lisa Bonnice, and speakers Dr. Raymond Moody, Cyndi Dale, and Suzanne Giesemann.
To catch up on all the Nicest Thing stories, click here.
A Personal Invitation to the Beyond the Veil Summit (October 11– 15) From Your Host, Lisa Bonnice
Hi, I’m Lisa Bonnice and I’m hosting The Shift Network’s second annual Beyond the Veil Summit, where we’ll explore the nature of the veil between the worlds.
Like many of you, I’ve wondered about the meanings of life and death and what lies between. I’ve been intrigued by stories of near-death experiences and communication from loved ones who have passed on. I’ve been both skeptical and hopeful, always careful to not fall for con artists who claim to be receiving messages from the “Great Beyond” in exchange for crossing their palms with silver.
To watch this 3-minute video and read the rest of your invitation, click here.
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We are seeking unique and talented individuals for important positions at The Shift Network. If you're inspired and passionate about joining our team, please click here for more information about these positions. The Shift Network is committed to creating a diverse environment and is an equal-opportunity employer.
The Nicest Thing
Dr. Raymond Moody’s Story
Physician and author known for his book Life After Life, and a featured speaker in the Beyond the Veil Summit
EXCERPT: My second year, there was this Philosophy honors program you could be in where you didn't have to go to any classes. All you had to do was a one-on-one session in which you would write a paper on some particular philosophical question, and you would sit there for an hour or so while your tutor... You read your paper and every word was, "What do you mean by that?" And so it was a very wonderful exercise in critical thinking.
To watch the video and read the transcript of Raymond’s 2-minute tribute to his college mentors, click here.
Lisa Bonnice’s Story
Shift Network Program Host and host of the Beyond the Veil Summit
EXCERPT: Anyway, my few minutes were quickly over and I went back to the conference, which was already in progress. And I was on cloud nine already when Neale made a point to track me down and find me out of all those people to tell me that he’d been flipping through the book and he just absolutely loved it. He went on and on about it, that he’d never seen anything like it and he wanted to do whatever he could to help me get it out there. And he gave me his contact information, his phone number and email address, and offered to write a foreword for the next edition.
To watch the video and read the transcript of Lisa’s 6-minute story about her dream encounter with a famous author, click here.
Cyndi Dale’s Story
Energy healer, Shift faculty, and a featured speaker in the Beyond the Veil Summit
EXCERPT: And so I decided that I wanted to die. I decided I was done. I decided I was going to leave. And so I told my parents, “I’m going to die.” And they looked at me like they did with many of the phrases that I would utter. And they said, "Whatever," and between themselves said, "Isn’t she imaginative?" And I woke up the next morning really, really ill. I had the flu, I had a fever. I was very sick.
To watch the video and read the transcript of Cyndi’s 10-minute story about the supernatural voice that saved her life, click here.
Suzanne Giesemann’s story
Mystic, medium, and author, and a featured speaker in the Beyond the Veil Summit
EXCERPT: We ended up getting off a ferry in Croatia for the final leg of the trip. We needed a taxi or we needed a bus and basically we were dumped out in this parking lot and there was nobody around but this tow truck. We had to get back to our boat. We didn’t speak the language. We were exhausted. We were numb from the grief. I looked over at this tow truck and I said to my husband Ty, “Well, that’s our only hope right there.”
To watch the video and read the transcript of Suzanne’s harrowing 11-minute story about tragic loss and finding some measure of healing in a vacant parking lot in Croatia, click here.
Feature Articles
Facilitating the Transfer of Consciousness
By William Bloom, a featured speaker in the Beyond the Veil Summit
Death is a great and inevitable transition. Classical spiritual traditions teach concepts and strategies for approaching and passing through it. The grief of personal loss is, of course, terrible. Nevertheless, from this classical spiritual perspective, death is a great adventure. How different would our lives and our society be if we understood and lived harmoniously with it as a befriended companion.
The purpose of this article is to share with you an easy strategy for helping a companion who is dying. Specifically, it shows you how to bring comfort where there might be fear and how to ease the transfer of consciousness from the physical body across into the realms of more subtle energy.
To read more, click here.
Energetic Riff-Raff Not Welcomed: Protect your Energy with Grounding Practices (Meditation Included)
By Amelia Vogler, a featured speaker in the Beyond the Veil Summit
I was born with a unique array of extrasensory sensitivities — seeing energy, hearing messages, tracking others’ energies in my body. I came to Earth with a past-life recall and selected a family who owned a funeral home for eight generations - 250 years, still counting… My early life was bookended with an awareness of what came before birth and an understanding of what lies ahead – light, energy, limitless.
To read more, click here.
Do All Good Pets Connect from “Beyond the Veil?” Honey Sure Does
By Cyndi Dale, a featured speaker in the Beyond the Veil Summit
There are many reasons we seek guidance beyond the veil. We want to connect with a deceased loved one. We require the higher-level advisement that only a Master can provide. We know an angel would be mighty helpful in a certain situation. One of the most common questions that people ask me, however, is this: Can we ever connect with our deceased pets from the other side? The companion bond not only endures but it sometimes draws the actual pet back into our lives. Take Honey. (Please.)
To read more, click here.
Kryon on Near-Death Experience
By Monika Muranyi, a featured speaker in the Beyond the Veil Summit
Have you ever had a near-death experience, or do you know someone who has? Thousands of individuals have reported that they have. Today, there are many books, articles, and full websites dedicated to exploring this phenomenon. Yet there is still a lot of mystery surrounding NDEs. What if I told you that every person who has experienced an NDE, gave permission for it at a soul level before they incarnated on Earth?
To read more, click here.
Your Dreams Are Doorways for Lucid Adventure, Travel, and Healing
By Shift faculty Robert Moss
Dreams are real experiences and a fully remembered dream is its own interpretation. The meaning of a dream is inside the dream itself. We release it by learning to go back inside our dreams in a relaxed state. By learning how to reenter dreams, you will develop the ability to clarify messages about future events, resume contact with inner teachers, and resolve unfinished business. Through this method, you will place yourself in closer attunement with the creative source from which dream images flow.
To read more, click here.
Racial Healing & Justice
Indigenous Peoples in the Americas: An Invitation to Help Reclaim Native Truth
From Rev. Dr. Aliah MaJon:
Getting to share the things that I do regarding Racial Healing and Justice in each issue of Catalyst is truly a blessing in my life. Such topics are squarely in my wheelhouse as the Chief Inclusion Officer, and Shift’s intention to have a positive impact and bring about change oftentimes presents me with complex and delicate considerations. However, I’m committed to showing up for this and it’s very important that I never lose sight of the fact that this column is about healing. That means that each contribution that I have the great honor of creating and sharing with you will always be about reconciliation and repair — or a sincere invitation to us all to help to make things right.
Today, I wish to talk about the First Nations people in the United States of America, which will require you and I to examine certain layers of the complexity that I spoke about due to how history has unfolded and the longstanding harm of the racial divides.
For example, I personally identify as African American and I live my life as a Black woman with other BIPOC roots. My heritage includes the Poarch Creek Nation of Alabama on my mother's side and, although no one ever voiced this to me in clear terms, my father's people in Mississippi repeatedly said that my paternal relatives were part “Indian,” so they were likely from Choctaw, Natchez, or Chickasaw lineages. In fact, the small farming community where my father grew up is called Tchula, Mississippi. Tchula is a name derived from the Choctaw language purported to mean fox. In other words, who I am reflects a certain complexity. But, enough about me, let me shine a light on an organization for Indigenous Americans that Shift wishes to continue to lift up and build a long term relationship with. Their name is the First Nation Development Institute, and Shift selected them in 2020 to be the recipients of the highest monetary donation that we have ever given to any one organization. If you scroll down you will find links to learn more about who they are. And here is a bit of background information:
Established in 1980, The First Nations Development Institute was the first nonprofit social enterprise exclusively committed to Native control of tribal assets. Since then, they have become a leading Native-led nonprofit in service of strengthening Native economies and communities. First Nations Development Institute believes that when armed with the appropriate resources, Native Peoples hold the capacity and ingenuity to ensure the sustainable, economic, spiritual and cultural wellbeing of their communities.
Now, most especially, I would like to share the exciting thing that I found exploring their web pages. It's an initiative called Reclaiming Native Truth, the central focus of which is to update and/or replace the inaccurate narrative, images, and understanding about the Native American people in this country. They learned through special research how needed this is. Their work evolved to tell the truth about who First Nations peoples really are, in their own words and using their own stories. I was delighted to see this taking place, and I personally can't wait to delve deeper into their process through the possibility of collaborating — and because Shift is continuing our support!
So, rather than me try to be a spokesperson, I will offer the following description that I read on their website, and also point you to the informative video they created below:
Reclaiming Native Truth is a national effort to foster cultural, social and policy change by empowering Native Americans to counter discrimination, invisibility and the dominant narratives that limit Native opportunity, access to justice, health and self-determination. Reclaiming Native Truth’s goal is to move hearts and minds toward greater respect, inclusion and social justice for Native Americans.
Wisdom Council on Cultural Appropriation
Let's have a real conversation about cultural appropriation.
The Shift Network hosted a wisdom council of healers, shamans, mystics, and evolutionaries to discuss this nuanced topic — exploring what cultural appropriation and its associated trauma truly means and how it impacts us. The group also delved deeply into what is needed to nurture the process of healing.
Hosted by Rev. Dr. Aliah MaJon, Chief Inclusion Officer for The Shift Network, deep wisdom is shared from don Oscar Miro-Quesada, Lyla Johnston, Beverly Little Thunder, Shawna Bluestar Newcomb, Lawrence Ellis, and Mirabai Starr.
Listen: Exclusive Preview of the Wisdom Council on Cultural Appropriation
ATTN: SPIRITUAL TEACHERS & COACHES: If you personally utilize or share practices out in the world as a part of your professional services that even slightly reference Indigenous wisdom, Shift has prepared a special resource for you below so you can go even deeper and explore ways to help build healing around cultural appropriation:
Featured Media
The Shift Network Ancestral Healing Summit 2021
Session with Suzanne Giesemann, a featured speaker in the Beyond the Veil Summit
Enjoy Suzanne Giesemann's session during the Ancestral Healing Summit 2021, a previous free online event featuring leading ancestral healing experts and inspiring teachers sharing a powerful synthesis of spirituality, science, and ancient wisdom. Suzanne addressed “Connecting with the Past to Heal Your Future: Relationship Repair Beyond the Veil.” She shared evidence that our ancestors are not in a far-off heaven. They walk among us, right here, right now, guiding us and hoping for our healing in this life. Our relationships can be healed by connecting with those in spirit, and that healing can positively impact our lives and even generations to come.
Watch this 44-minute video here.
Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
Helané Wahbeh, a featured speaker in The Beyond the Veil Summit
• A broad definition of channeling.
• Everybody has the capacity to channel and many have done so without knowing it.
• We are undergoing a paradigm shift. Abundant evidence challenges the materialist worldview and is shifting the predominant paradigm to an understanding that consciousness extends beyond the brain. This is important because it better explains our reality.
• The ancient history of channeling. The respect traditional cultures had for channelers (shamans, medicine men, etc.)
• And much more...
Sacred America, Sacred World
Infused with visionary power, this book by Stephen Dinan, Shift Network’s co-founder and CEO, is a manifesto for our country’s evolution that is both political and deeply spiritual. It offers profound hope that America can grow beyond our current challenges and manifest our noblest destiny, which the book shows is rooted in sacred principles that transcend left or right political views. To order your copy, click here.
Sacred America, Sacred World is so crucial to the times we’re in that we are serializing it in every issue of Catalyst. You can read the seventh installment (as well as the previous one) here.
Movement News
The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times
By Jane Goodall and Douglas Abrams
Jane Goodall, the world’s most famous living naturalist and Douglas Abrams, internationally-bestselling author, explore — through intimate and thought-provoking dialogue — one of the most sought after and least understood elements of human nature: hope.
Told through stories from a remarkable career and fascinating research, The Book of Hope touches on vital questions including: How do we stay hopeful when everything seems hopeless? Filled with engaging dialogue and pictures from Jane’s storied career, The Book of Hope is a deeply personal conversation with one of the most beloved figures in today’s world.
We invite you to discover more about Jane Goodall — and the new book.
Watch Jane’s Book Trailer Video
The Big Three: Three Ways Spirit Is Trying To Get Your Attention And How To Get Back Into The Flow
By Zalah
In a world where more and more people feel lost, disconnected, or disenchanted with their lives, The Big Three book offers more than a whisper of hope and guidance. It provides clarity on the main areas of life where we all face issues and gives some simple tools to begin to move beyond our struggles and recapture meaning and magic in life. This small book highlights life's challenges and offers a new perspective on how changing our thoughts and evoking a more peaceful and present way of being can begin to truly transform our lives. Zalah currently teaches at The Centre for Transformation™ (The CFT™) in Calgary, Canada. For 20 years, his powerful teachings have helped students make sense out of their life experience and dynamics. Through a series of teachings and events, Zalah helps his students find the magic in their lives again.
Learn more about Zalah’s new book.
The Science of Channeling: Why You Should Trust Your Intuition and Embrace the Force That Connects Us All
By Helané Wahbeh, ND, MCR
From the Director of Research at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) — a nonprofit parapsychological research institute cofounded by astronaut Edgar Mitchell — this groundbreaking guide explores the cutting-edge science behind channeling, and offers powerful tools to help you hone your own abilities.
Do you have an event in your life that can’t be explained? Perhaps it presented itself as a feeling of intuition, an image, a sense of knowing, or even a full-blown premonition. You may have felt judged when you told someone about it, or even wondered, “did that really happen, or did I just imagine it?” Chock-full of cutting-edge research, this guide will show you just how common this type of phenomenon is — and how you can fine-tune your unique abilities to add richness and depth to your life.
Learn more about Helané Wahbeh’s new book.
Grounding Meditation “Illumination”
Directed, written, and spoken by Amelia Vogler
Want to practice your grounding to increase your safety while the veil thins this fall?
Enjoy this unique Grounding Meditation “Illumination.” Directed, written, and spoken by Amelia Vogler. The music composition was written to ground the energy system and created as Amelia watched the energy fields shift. It was recorded and produced by a Grammy-Nominated producer in North Carolina.
Listen to “Illumination” Meditation | Preview the Full Album
The People's Ecochallenge
(October 6-27, 2021)
Thousands of committed individuals and groups from around the globe will be a part of The People’s Ecochallenge — an annual 21-day program promoting environmental actions and social engagement — this October.
Join our team where you can learn, take action, and gain community support. Take action steps that are aligned with your own values — while practicing and reinforcing healthy sustainable habits.
The People's Ecochallenge harmonizes individual and collective action, creates new collaborations around the world and hosts some friendly competition … all for a better shared future.
Register NOW and join Team Shift! See you there!
Through God’s Eyes: Finding Peace and Purpose in a Troubled World by Phil Bolsta of The Shift Network. Through God’s Eyes is a road map for living a more peaceful, beautiful life. It’s the only book that shows you how dozens of spiritual principles interact, how to weave them together into a cohesive worldview, and how to practically apply this spiritual wisdom to bring joy and vitality to your daily life.
For more information and to order your copy, click here.
To access a free sample chapter on forgiveness, click here.
Through God’s Eyes is a superb book, a truly enlightened piece of work that is an essential read for all people who are truly devoted to the care and refinement of their soul. Phil is a contemporary mystic, a man whose life is a living commitment to spiritual service. I am honored to know him.
— Caroline Myss, Author of Intimate Conversations with the Divine, Anatomy of the Spirit, and Defy Gravity
One of the most important books I’ve ever read. An incredible compilation of spiritual wisdom and insight. It’s the owner’s manual God should give you when you’re born.
– Robert Peterson, Author of Answers Within
For several years, The Shift Network has hosted Indigenous leaders from around the world and invited them to share their sacred knowledge, rituals, and practices to guide us in a way of living that is sustainable, healthy, and just. We’re thus delighted that the Global Indigenous Wisdom Library makes this “virtual council” of leaders and their wisdom available for everyone, everywhere for free.
The Global Indigenous Wisdom Library is a collection of audio and video interviews featuring Indigenous leaders from around the world sharing prayers, sacred songs, prophecies, spiritual teachings, and pathways to healing, as well as concrete examples for birthing a new era — one in which all members of the human family are treated with respect, understanding, compassion, and justice. This sacred wisdom is important medicine for us all.
The production of The Global Indigenous Wisdom Library is a gift from The Shift Network, designed to inspire, inform, and involve you by highlighting the voices and important messages of Indigenous leaders from around the world. We want to give a heartfelt thanks to Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr. (“Brother Phil”) for his partnership in helping create this Indigenous Wisdom collection. And we thank all the speakers who have contributed to this body of knowledge. To discover more, click here.
World Peace Library. Designed for the layperson and professional peacebuilder alike, the World Peace Library has over 425 audio and video interviews with some of the most remarkable, inspiring peacebuilders in the world available to you at NO COST. You’ll find hundreds of hours of inspirational, peacebuilding, compassion-spreading talks and trainings at your fingertips with this FREE global resource. There’s no way you can’t come away from the World Peace Library deeply inspired, transformed — and part of the solution. Click here to find out how to take peace to the next level — and help co-create a global culture of peace that leaves a legacy of good for our children, our children’s children and all of humanity and life on earth.
Shift Spotlight
Discover the 4 Fear Signatures, Self-Empowering Fear Melters® and How to Befriend Fear — A free video event with author and evolutionary catalyst Dr. Katie Hendricks, co-founder of the Foundation for Conscious Living. Imagine living without fear as you learn practical, easy-to-access, mind-body practices to release it... and expand your view of life for greater presence, connection, and wellbeing. Wednesday, October 13, at 5:30pm Pacific
Sacred Devotional Kirtan Chanting and Healing Bhakti Practices With Jai Uttal — A free video event with Kirtan artist and Grammy-nominated sacred musician Jai Uttal. Experience higher consciousness through the practice of sacred kirtan chants and bhakti, as you devote yourself to the Divine and open yourself to more profound love, compassion, and connection to others. Saturday, October 16, at 10:00am Pacific
Energy Medicine to Discover Your “God Spot” and Vitalize Your 7 Molecules of Joy — A free video event With author, speaker, and intuitive energy healer Cyndi Dale. Experience a profound guided visualization to glimpse your own Book of Life kept by the Divine for loving insights on how to transform a current challenge… during an hour that expertly weaves the healing powers of science, spirituality, and energy medicine. Wednesday, October 20, at 5:30pm Pacific
Experience Shamanic Lucid Dreaming to Find Your Soul Direction & Life Calling — A free video event with bestselling author and dream archeologist Robert Moss. Experience a shamanic lucid dreaming journey to retrieve a soul memory or lost part of yourself and return with the gifts of greater self-knowledge, wholeness, and wellbeing. Saturday, October 23, at 10:00am Pacific
Empowered Intuitive Living for Empaths — With author, speaker, and teacher Wendy De Rosa, founder of the School of Intuitive Studies. Cultivate your empathic power, enhance your intuitive gifts, and embody your divine light with guided practices to clear and soothe your chakras, set potent energetic boundaries, and ground yourself in your deepest truth. New 10-Week Live Video Training Starts Tuesday, October 12
Expand Your Consciousness & Ignite Multisensory Wellbeing With Medical Intuition — With energy-medicine healer and medium Marie Manuchehri. Activate your senses and medical-intuitive skills with a guided journey through the layers of your auric field that unlocks the incredible power of your emotions to spark accelerated manifestation and healing… and immediately change the trajectory of your life. New 7-Week Live Video Training Starts Tuesday, October 26
Perform Energy Clearings on Yourself, Other People, Plants & Animals — With Jean Haner, Hay House author of five Books about the spiritual side of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Learn the step-by-step process to clear your own energy and the energy of others — and develop a wiser, more compassionate presence... bringing greater balance, joy, vitality, and grace into your life and the world around you. New 7-Week Live Video Training Starts Wednesday, October 27
Boost Your Health & Wellbeing With Gentle Somatic Practices & the Powers of Your 7 Energy Centers to Unleash Your Greatest Potential — With Brian Siddhartha Ingle and Gayatri Schriefer, co-founders of Living Somatics. Explore somatic movement, awakening your chakras and cultivating processes you can return to time and again… to regulate your own health and wellbeing, and bring yourself into a state of rest, repair, and rejuvenation in any circumstance. New 7-Week Live Video Training Starts Thursday, October 28
Mary Magdalene & the Sacred Way of the Rose — With psychotherapist Elayne Kalila Doughty, founder of the Priestess Presence Temple. Take your place in the lineage of the Sisterhood of the Rose that connects you to Mary Magdalene and women who’ve walked this same path throughout time — as you deepen your internal mastery and the flowering of your spiritual heart. New 10-Week Live Video Training Starts Thursday, October 28
Know Thyself & Reawaken to Your Soul’s Divine Power — With Sister Dr. Jenna, recipient of the President’s Lifetime National Community Service Award, Director of the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Museum & Host of the America Meditating Radio Show. Receive profound wisdom and spiritual tools to rediscover your authentic self and your relationship to the Divine — so you can connect with your sacred purpose and embrace all you are and all you do with love, wonder, and joy. New 5-Week Live Video Training Starts Thursday, October 28
Catalyst Back Issues
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