Do All Good Pets Connect from “Beyond the Veil?”

Honey Sure Does

By Cyndi Dale

There are many reasons we seek guidance beyond the veil. We want to connect with a deceased loved one. We require the higher-level advisement that only a Master can provide. We know an angel would be mighty helpful in a certain situation.

One of the most common questions that people ask me, however, is this:

Can we ever connect with our deceased pets from the other side?

The companion bond not only endures but it sometimes draws the actual pet back into our lives. 

Take Honey. (Please.)

I’m currently raising (or rather, being raised by) Honey III. I knew he was reincarnating a few years ago when I was awakened by a voice.

“I’m on my way!” 

Deep in my gut, I knew it was Honey, who had died about three years earlier. I feel guilty to admit this, but he had been such a busy and contrary soul, I decided to ignore the message by returning to sleep. It didn’t do any good. A few hours later, I was awakened by my youngest son, who had been up early googling dogs—just because he “felt like it.” We had been discussing the matter. The house was already a zoo, what with the current menagerie of two dogs, a guinea pig, and a cat.

“This is the one we’re supposed to get,” my son had insisted, however, ignoring my wariness. He showed me the image of a puppy from Pennsylvania named Tank.

I need to back up.

When my ex was growing up, his family had owned a male Golden Retriever named Honey. I’ll call him Honey I.

I heard many a story about Honey I. As a puppy, he had joined the Italian family with a full cadre of idiosyncrasies. Above all, he loved his people. No matter what time of day he caught a glimpse of a family member, he’d greet them with incessant barking. That included extended members, like cousins and in-laws. So much to tell! So many matters to communicate! 

And then, there was his love of food.

The family lived next to Yarusso Bros, an authentic Italian restaurant in St. Paul, MN. Not only was Honey I committed to incessant barking, but also to uninterrupted eating.

At dawn, Honey I would sneak out the side door and sit patiently on the back stoop of the cafe. Eventually, the owner would crack open the door and throw out a few meatballs. Partially satisfied, Honey I would saunter down the block and await his dues at another restaurant. After making the rounds, he would settle under the breakfast table at home for his final morning meal.

Years later, when I was ready to buy a dog for my youngest son, my ex-husband asked if I would be willing to keep up the Honey tradition. I was hesitant. In fact, I’d already picked out a cute black Labrador puppy. Wanting to keep up the “all-in-the-family” theme, however, I caved.

Along came Honey II, yet another male Golden Retriever, who reiterated every tradition of Honey I. 

First, there was the constant chit-chat. Every time my son arrived home from school, Honey II would leap on the couch near the front window and yap. Then again, he barked at absolutely everyone and everything, even people walking on the other side of the block. 

Then there was his appetite.

His first night in our home, Honey II ate a chocolate Easter bunny that was hidden in a cupboard, along with the aluminum foil. I called the Emergency Veterinarian and they outlined symptoms that would demand immediate care. Fortunately, Honey II was perfectly fine, what with his steel stomach. Nothing controlled his appetite, or the lengths he would go to satisfy it.

Case in point, one day a huge cement truck pulled up in front of my house. A man in a construction uniform got out and rang the door.

“Do you own a Golden Retriever?” He asked.

I said “yes.” 

I walked outside and peered into the truck cab. Of course, there sat Honey II, grinning. Apparently, he had snuck into the cab through an open window and eaten the men’s lunches.

Not long after that, my son threw a piece of pizza under my new green leather couch. Thinking the couch an extension of the crust, Honey II nibbled away the entire couch. What did not pass through his system was left in tatters in the living room.

Needless to say, my son and I were devastated when Honey II died. I wasn’t completely ignorant, however, about how my life was going to be shaped that morning eight years ago when Honey III — yes, the very same soul who had been passed down through my ex-husband’s family — happily announced his return.

I had no choice but to purchase Tank (aka Honey). There were too many signs to say no.

Amazon delivered honey to the house. We hadn’t ordered honey.

My son and I saw tanks everywhere. Outdoor billboards for GI Joe tanks and toilet tanks appeared where they hadn’t existed before. 

A flyer for a storage tank came the same day as a bulletin to vote for a potential congressman named—yes, Mr. Tank.

Still, I resisted. I wasn’t overly eager to have yet another compulsive talker and eater in the house.

I gave up after visiting my therapist. I was sharing about the doggie’s voice from beyond the veil, and all the signs, on my way out the door. I stated, “I need one more sign.”

What greeted me in the hallway of the office building but a dog carrying a leash? The doggie handed me his leash.

I am now eight years into enjoying the company of Honey III. He never stops talking; when we run in the morning, quite early, may I add, he’ll stop every so often. 

“Bark!” I know we must reverse the path. 

“Bark! It’s time to leave. 

“Bark!” He’s worn out and must be fortified with a snack. 

In addition, Honey III eats at least five “snackies” off the street during every walk, to include tossed napkins, dead mice, and other more unrecognizable items. But you know, he loves us.

And we love him. 

I’m just not sure if I’ll be ready for Honey IV in a few years. 

Cyndi Dale is an internationally renowned author, speaker, intuitive healer, and business consultant. Her groundbreaking books on chakras and intuition include The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy... Energy Healing for Trauma, Stress & Chronic Illness... Energy Wellness for Your Pet... Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Chakras... and Awaken Clairvoyant Energy.

Cyndi, who's been a natural intuitive since she was young, works worldwide as an intuitive coach and energy healer, serving thousands of individuals seeking to make healthy and positive changes in their lives. She is passionate about helping people open their “essential energy” — the powers and perspectives unique to them — and believes that once an individual understands their own essence, they can tap into the energies of and beyond the world.

Seeking to unify the world’s most vital spiritual messages, encouraging understanding and community among all peoples, Cyndi has presented seminars and workshops in Russia, England, Wales, Amsterdam, and Scotland, and has led groups across South and Central America and Africa. Her training, which encompasses shamanism and healing, has taken her to the Peruvian, Belizean, Hawaiian, and Costa Rican jungles, the Moroccan sands, the Venezuelan savannahs, and the glaciers of Iceland.

You can visit Cyndi at her website here.

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This article appears in: 2021 Catalyst, Issue 16 - The Beyond the Veil Summit
