In this groundbreaking summit with more than 30 prominent speakers, you’ll discover:

  • How to communicate with departed loved ones using mediumship, channeling, tarot, and ancestral research
  • Near-death experiences (NDEs) and what they reveal about the afterlife
  • Sacred oils, crystals, and plant medicines can alter your consciousness and connect you with other realms
  • Intuitive abilities – like clairvoyance – can help you receive messages from spirit guides, angels, and your departed loved ones
  • Scientific research on “veridical perception” that explores the possibility of human consciousness surviving bodily death
  • Ways to transcend grief, trauma, and fear of death through spiritual practices and post-death communications
  • Techniques to achieve altered states of consciousness and channel wisdom from mystical sources
  • How pre-birth planning can help you discover your soul purpose, allowing you to serve humanity’s collective ascension
  • And much more...

Find Closure and Healing: Channel Words of Wisdom From Those Who’ve Crossed Over

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Sign up now to receive these two FREE recordings and to be notified about our next Beyond the Veil Summit:

  • View From the Other Side with Anita Moorjani
  • Your Noetic Signature: Understanding Your Unique Intuitive Abilities with Helané Wahbeh, ND

Featured Speakers

Anita Moorjani
Anita Moorjani
View From the Other Side
Suzanne Giesemann
Suzanne Giesemann
Reasons Why You Can't Connect With Spirit
James Van Praagh
James Van Praagh
The Mechanics of Mediumship
Eben Alexander, MD
Eben Alexander, MD
The Gift of an NDE Perspective
Brian D. Smith
Brian D. Smith
From Grief to Growth: How Tragedy Led to My Life's Mission
Karen Newell
Karen Newell
The Gift of an NDE Perspective
Dr. Cassandra Ricks
Dr. Cassandra Ricks
Journeying to the Other Side: Harnessing the Power of NDEs and Mediumship for Personal Growth and Healing
Rob Schwartz
Rob Schwartz
Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born
Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer
Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer
Perception Beyond The Veil
Paul Levy
Paul Levy
Undreaming Wetiko
Sheila Vijeyarasa
Sheila Vijeyarasa
How to Channel Your Spirit Guides
Bill McKenna
Bill McKenna
Clear Communications: A Physical Way to Connect With Those Beyond The Veil
Sherrie Dillard
Sherrie Dillard
How You Help The Other Side
Helané Wahbeh, ND
Helané Wahbeh, ND
Your Noetic Signature: Understanding Your Unique Intuitive Abilities
Dr. Keesha Ewers, PhD
Dr. Keesha Ewers, PhD
How Childhood Trauma Encourages Near Death Experiences
Dr. Mona Sobhani
Dr. Mona Sobhani
Neuroscience & Spirituality: A Personal Crisis
Dr. William Bloom
Dr. William Bloom
The Difference Between Angels, Fairies, Archetypes, and Spirits
William Peters, MA
William Peters, MA
Divine Communication Across the Veil: How Spiritual Support Can Prepare and Guide You Through Life's Biggest Challenges
Sky Pelletier Waterpeace
Sky Pelletier Waterpeace
Being Active: Active Being
Marie Manuchehri, RN
Marie Manuchehri, RN
Death is an Exhilarating Experience
Erika Robinson
Erika Robinson
Lenormand for Mediumship
Tina Zion
Tina Zion
What Does it Take to Become a Medium?
Karen Frances McCarthy
Karen Frances McCarthy
Mysticism and Mediumship
Nancy Hendrickson
Nancy Hendrickson
Communicate With the Beloved Dead Using Tarot
Liz Larson
Liz Larson
Clear Communications: A Physical Way to Connect With Those Beyond The Veil
Christine Cunningham Ashworth
Christine Cunningham Ashworth
The Path Taken: Honoring the Life and Legacy of a Wiccan Trailblazer
Felicity Warner
Felicity Warner
Divine Alchemy: Harnessing Sacred Oils to Reach Beyond the Veil
Perdita Finn
Perdita Finn
Entangled Souls: How Together We Weave the Veil
Dr. Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD
Dr. Christopher Kerr, MD, PhD
Validating Dreams and Visions at End of Life
Jean Else, MA
Jean Else, MA
Half a Century of Serving Spirit: The Life and Legacy of Mavis Pittilla
Liesel Fricke
Liesel Fricke
Discovering the Real Meaning of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born
Felice DiMartino
Felice DiMartino
Sacred Passage: The Love That Welcomes Us Home
Kevin Jeffers
Kevin Jeffers
Exploring Consciousness Through The Pattern
Natalia O'Sullivan, BSc (Hons)
Natalia O'Sullivan, BSc (Hons)
Being a Soul Rescuer: Becoming A Bridge Between Realms

With Host:

Lisa Bonnice
Program Host at The Shift Network and Award-Winning Author

And Guest Host:

Scott M. Taylor, EdD
Academic, Educator & President of the Expanded Awareness Institute

Radically Liberate Your Paradigm of Life, Death, and “The Veil Between”

The sign from your loved one, in itself, will not be significant. It becomes significant when you become aware of its message.
Angie Corbett-Kuiper

In that sacred space where the veil between the living and the departed grows thin, there exists a realm of profound spiritual connection that transcends the boundaries of grief, the labyrinth of trauma, and the ubiquitous fear of death.

Those who seek solace from the shadow of life-shattering loss, that heavy cloak enveloping the heart…

… turn again and again to time-tested practices that unfold like ancient scrolls, revealing the secrets of existence beyond the corporeal.

During the Beyond the Veil Summit, you’ll hear from leading medical professionals, spirit communicators, and near-death experience (NDE) experts…

… who will share effective ways to remove some of the major energetic blocks that may be preventing you from connecting with deceased loved ones.

Whether you’re already a seasoned practitioner, or new to the exploration of communications tools such as mediumship and channeling that can open divine portals to connect with those on the Other Side…

… you’ll discover a wide range of necromancy practices that will expand your awareness and inspire your healing journey — empowering you to view dying in a brand-new way.

Guided by the wisdom of mystics and clues from beyond the veil, you’ll discover multiple ways to navigate altered states of consciousness

… unlocking secret doorways to realms where time folds in upon itself  — for you and your clients.

Through the delicate art of post-death communication, you may vibrationally brush fingertips with those beloved souls who’ve already slipped through the earthly veil.

This communion may take myriad forms, creating a cosmic symphony that includes mediumship, channeling, the divinatory language of tarot, NDEs, and the wondrous excavation of ancestral powers.

As your divination path expands, both personally and professionally, these channels can serve as direct lines to the Other Side, resonating with authentic soul-to-soul connection.

This spiritual journey delves into profound truths, inviting those who seek direct contact with the departed to master t echniques to unravel the fabric of reality — accessing the esoteric mysteries that await your reawakening as an eternal soul.

Here’s some of what our brilliant teachers will be sharing with you...

Anita Moorjani will reveal her near-death experiences in the other realm, and what it was that finally saved her life and brought her back from death’s door.

Bill McKenna and Liz Larson will offer a beginner’s approach to establishing clear and direct communication with the Other Side. 

Dr. Cassandra Ricks will take you on a deep dive into the world of near-death experiences and mediumship, and their powerful potential for healing. 

Eben Alexander, MD, and Karen Newell will impart how relationships do not end with physical death – and how the binding force of love continues to connect us.

Sheila Vijeyarasa will describe the top 3 tools needed to channel your spirit guides, and how you can embody their wisdom.

James Van Praagh will talk about the basic mechanics and groundwork for creating a successful mediumship experience.

Suzanne Giesemann will reveal that you’re already home, already whole, and eternally connected to Spirit.

Dr. William Bloom will describe the characteristics and purpose of the various subtle beings – including fairies, nature spirits, angels, and archangels.

Brian D. Smith will unveil how experiencing unimaginable tragedy can lead you to discovering your life’s true mission.

Helané Wahbeh, ND, will share 12 Noetic Signature characteristics that show how you receive and express information and energy beyond your five senses. 

Sherrie Dillard will explain how the earthly challenges and issues between you and your departed loved ones continue to benefit you.


And much more...

Explore the Varied Language of Spirit Communication

Psychic and paranormal phenomena will always be a source of controversy, because it is an inconvenient reminder that there is more to our reality than meets the eye.
Anthon St. Maarten

During the Beyond the Veil Summit, you’ll hear illuminating insights from medical professionals, researchers, those who have tasted death and come back, and experts who can help you communicate with those who have crossed over.

This life-enriching online summit will explore an abundance of practical teachings designed to expand your conscious awareness of your connection to Spirit.

You’ll also discover how to overcome communication barriers and enhance your ability to connect with the spiritual realm…

… as well as how premonitions, angelic visits, and shared-death experiences can both prepare and guide you through life’s most difficult situations.

By activating your innate intuitive abilities — such as clairvoyance — you may start receiving messages from caring spirit guides

… lifting the veil between the seen and unseen realms even higher, allowing you to communicate directly with your own ancestors, as well as with dearly departed loved ones on behalf of your clients.

Another way to open this communication portal even further is by exploring NDEs that offer a kaleidoscope of revelations, providing you with far-reaching glimpses into the afterlife…

… further supported by recent scientific inquiry uncovering “veridical perception,” where consciousness persists beyond the confines of the human body — shedding light on the enigma of consciousness outlasting the mortal coil.

In one particularly fascinating session reflecting results similar to this research, guest speaker William Peters presents an awe-inspiring case study from Sarah F., who had premonitions, visitations from a light being, and a profound shared-death experience that provided her with deep comfort for the tragic loss of her husband on their honeymoon.

Other tools you can use with clients to help them access ethereal entry points into the mysterious world beyond, altering their consciousness to connect with other realms, include sacred oils, crystals, plant medicines…

… as well as a life-changing hypnotherapy that you can use to help them access their pre-birth planning process, unveiling their soul’s true purpose as a guiding beacon committed to serving humanity’s collective ascension. 

With the Beyond the Veil Summit, you’ll be guided to blend science and spirituality to create your own unique, powerful journey

offering closure for difficult losses, healing emotional release, and a more joyous and fully engaged life NOW for you, your loved ones, and your clients! Sign up for this landmark online summit.

Here’s what participants had to say about previous years’ Beyond the Veil Summit ...

“The speakers were impressive and the various viewpoints were interesting.”

The speakers were impressive and the various viewpoints were interesting. The viewpoints were much like putting 10 people around one of the really big redwood trees in California and getting a description of what they are seeing from each one of them. All agree it is a tree, but what they see and explore is all different. All based on the presenter’s truth but still all different, the Other Side is a vast place and it gives me added confidence in what I see when I connect to the Other Side.

– Sharon, Eugene, Oregon

“It’s fascinating and well presented.”

I find your choice of speakers and hosts engaging, well read and/or educated and backed by documented, verifiable information. It’s fascinating and well presented. The sessions are a good length of time and extremely informative. I cannot get enough of it! I also think it’s wonderful how you include info of presenter’s websites, books, and contact info without PUSHING or soliciting. I feel that it is very important to not have a biased agenda to sell. I also love the way we can choose video, audio or transcripts to use. I listen to audio on walks and in the car and video while at home, very helpful when on the go. Looking forward to next year.

– Lisa, Massachusetts

“I have life changing insights because of the wisdom and courage of the people who face death and accept and integrate it into their lives.”

I love the structure of the Beyond The Veil Summit. And I am excited about each and every topic. I have life changing insights because of the wisdom and courage of the people who face death and accept and integrate it into their lives. I appreciate how these interviews liberate and help me face my own fears around death and dying because the summit doesn’t just provide invaluable multidimensional information but also the sense of community that I am not alone with my fears and reminder that of course I’m not the only one facing death at one point. The beautiful empowering messages this summit gives me that I can create my own death or at least prepare myself for it as consciously as I possibly can is invaluable. This is my favourite summit every year!! Crucial and sacred information and topic and amazing people who create it and take part in it, in my opinion! Thank you for offering access for free for a week! I truly appreciate it!!

– Sophia, France

“This was a mind expanding event!!”

This was a mind expanding event!! Hearing the new research was validating; I could respect the information the presenters were sharing. I did learn more in several areas; certainly encourages me to learn more. Thank you for this marvelous summit. I am so glad I could attend it!!

– Barbara, Pleasant Hill, California

“I loved most of your topics and your lineup of presenters was great!”

I loved most of your topics and your lineup of presenters was great! It is so great to hear about experiences and studies that confirm there is, indeed, a lovely afterlife, especially as I have a son who resides there! As I purchased the programme, I am looking forward to listening to all the presentations again, and to trying out the different suggestions and methods to be able to communicate with my boy in that other realm. Thank you for putting on such a wonderful summit!

– Lynn, Nelson, Canada

“[The summit] has been very enlightening.”

I loved that you covered so many different topics within the subject. I learned a lot and found lots of resources that I didn’t know existed. I will be ordering some of the books and checking out websites that were shared. I’m extremely interested in all of this and was able to grasp a better understanding of how it works, what it is about, how to apply it to my own life, and different methods and information to use. I’m so excited to dive deeper into all of this. I want to learn all about it! Thank you for putting this together for people like me, who didn’t even know where to start, or rather had started but became so overwhelmed with where to look for genuine information and help. It has been very enlightening.

– Shannon Davis, Rensselaer, Indiana

“I would highly recommend this summit.”

Such wonderful presenters with helpful information. I appreciated the participatory meditations. I am inspired to develop a mediumship. I would highly recommend this summit.

– Pat, Hampden, Massachusetts

“It provides an excellent overview especially on the opportunities to communicate from the Other Side of the veil where I will be shortly.”

This series would be such a blessing for folks entering the last lap of their life journey. It provides an excellent overview especially on the opportunities to communicate from the Other Side of the veil where I will be shortly. So this has been wonderful preparation for me personally.

– Kendra, Lafayette, California



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