Shift Women’s Healing Resources

Women have borne the greater burden of managing the stresses of pandemic life at home and at work, and women are burning out in record numbers, eroding our mental and physical health, as well as our careers.

At Shift, women’s empowerment is one of our core impact areas, and we are committed to helping create a world that truly works for all women. 

So we’ve put together a number of healing resources from our archives that we are happy to offer at no cost, in service to women everywhere. Please feel free to share these resources far and wide, to anyone who might benefit. 

You’ll find those resources below.

Our Shift community is filled with creative visionaries — and we encourage you to join us in mounting a wave of healing support for women around the globe. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for… and our time is now. Let’s be the change — together.



You are the Medicine: Protecting Your Gift from Burnout with Joan Borysenko (audio only)


In this session you will learn: 

  • How burnout is different from everyday stress.
  • The stages of burnout and how to diagnose your own stage and begin to treat it.
  • Ways to tap into a divine source which can flow through you and minimize your burnout. 

Burnout, Breathing and 'Intensation' with Dr. Ela Manga, Hosted by Jim Morningstar


In this session we explore:

  • Why burnout has become an epidemic and the physiological mechanisms through which breathing impacts health and energy
  • The psycho-physiological mechanisms through which conscious breathing supports healing.
  • How conscious breathing can be practically applied to manage energy and prevent burnout.
  • How to apply the wide range of available breathing techniques through the 'A-R-T' ( Awareness, Regulation and Transformation) of breathwork framework.

Qigong Practices to Generate Warmth & Wellbeing with Daisy Lee (audio only)


In this session, you’ll explore:

  • A quick, easy Qigong technique to warm the body in a pinch — Hint: pinch!
  • The one article of clothing that every Qigong practitioner has in his or her closet to protect their health — Hint: NOT hat, gloves, or boots!
  • How to tap into the mind’s powerful force to warm or regulate the body

Mindfulness and Meditation Practices for Families with Mallika Chopra


In this session, you’ll explore:

  • Practices to help you feel more grounded, aligned, and centered
  • Ways to use breath for more peace and clarity
  • How to use the I AM mantra and the simplicity of practice with mantra for children

Ancestral Help and Healing Tools for an Anxious World with Rabbi Dr. Tirzah Firestone


In this session, you’ll explore:

  • How to call on your ancestors for wisdom and guidance regarding your current life issues
  • How trauma works and how to address it in your own body... so you can help calm the current strife and turbulence in the world
  • How contact with our ancestral allies can increase your sense of purpose and belonging in your life, as well as new channels of energy

Transforming Anxiety through Breathwork with Anthony Abbagnano


In this session, you’ll explore:

  • How to witness anxiety as an external force
  • The Coherence breath technique
  • The Transformer breath technique

Lineage Clearing Ritual by Devaa Haley Mitchell & Isis Indriya


In this session, you’ll explore:

  • Ritual to bring in creator and destroyer energy, and a shake to lose everything from this year that has been challenging
  • Ritual to call upon our highest self for forgiveness
  • Meditation using the light of the sun to transform the heart

Silent Legacies: A Family Constellation Lens by Suzi Tucker


In this session, you’ll explore:
  • Personal issues can be better understood and thus resolved within the larger context of the family lineage and the historical events that impacted it
  • Our so-called patterns are usually connected with hidden loyalties that create the condition where we have one foot in the present and one in the past
  • Family Constellation is a gorgeously democratic work in which people find in themselves what they may have always looked to others for

Protection Against Stress, Burnout & Adrenal Exhaustion using Herbs with David Crow (Audio only)


In this session you’ll learn:

  • How many aspects of stress and burnout can be prevented with lifestyle changes, good nutrition, time management and other methods.
  • How medical plants can offer strong protection for the body and mind in stressful times through a wide range of physiological actions including nutritive support, relaxation of the nervous system, harmonizing of the endocrine system and rejuvenation of adrenal functions. 
  • How to use herbs not only to recover from over-stimulated exhaustion, but to build greater resistance to stress over time. 

The Shift App


The Shift App is here for you as part of your healing journey! Never further than your phone and full of just-right bites of wisdom, relaxation, and insight, the Shift App helps you with all aspects of growing your best self and upleveling the world around you. Find tools to help you succeed in a way that’s aligned with your most audacious vision for your life. Whether you need help managing anxiety, want insight as you meet family members with differing opinions, or just want to relax with some of the most inspiring content on earth, we’ve got you covered.

The Shift Network partners with wisdom keepers from every lineage and every school of personal development, spirituality, and consciousness — to tune you in to the most enlightened teachings in the world. The app makes it easier than ever for you to access on-demand, life-changing content when it’s convenient for you. It’s rich in variety and depth, and is easily accessible to everyone — anytime and anywhere. Featured teachers and experts include Michael B. Beckwith, Marianne Williamson, Sandra Ingerman, Deepak Chopra, Dr. Judith Orloff, Bruce Lipton, Dereca Blackmon, Lee Holden, and many, many more.

With new content released each week, the Shift App is the perfect companion for Shifting your mindset with a morning meditation, midday pick-me-up, or evening gratitude practice. It’s the place to go to explore fresh perspectives on how we can change our world together — and put it into practice in the real world.

Are you experiencing stress or anxiety this holiday season? Or expecting to?

Often, we can’t control or even change our uncomfortable situations. However, we can learn to have power over how we react to them. Let the Shift App be your guide... helping you dive deeper into learning how to be mindful, calm, and happy in a stressful environment.
We invite you to access the app and claim more truth, beauty, and goodness in your life. When you shift your world, the ripples go everywhere!

First... Access the Shift App

Then... Do you need some support and insight about familial healing? This Ancestral Healing Journey will give you fresh insights and new ways to approach longstanding hurts.

AND... get insight on the power of care and curiosity with this mini-course on Radical Healing & Truth Telling from our very own Rev. Dr. Aliah MaJon.


Great Reads


Social Impact Heroes: Devaa & The Shift Network
By Yitzi Weiner

As part of my series about “individuals and organizations making an important social impact,” I had the pleasure of interviewing Devaa Haley Mitchell, the co-founder and Chief Impact Officer of The Shift Network, where she guides and oversees Shift’s social change initiatives as well as its philanthropic activities, leveraging its educational and network assets for the greatest public benefit. 

