2021 – A Special Year for 11 Days of Global Unity Sept. 11-21

PLUS: WE Power America & The Global Regeneration Corps! By Rick Ulfik, Founder of We, The World at WE.net



There are some who believe humanity is at an "inflection point". We are living at a time when a confluence of multiple intersecting crises not only threaten humanity’s survival , they can also erode our confidence that we can actually work together to address these challenges. That is why moments of collective action and celebration like 11 Days of Global Unity are so important.

2021 is 20 years after the terrorist attacks on September 11th 2001. And 2021 is also 40 years after Avon Mattison worked hard for the UN to pass a resolution establishing the International Day of Peace. Those two occurrences form the surprising origin of 11 Days of Global Unity. And on September 11th to start off 11 Days this year, there is an online public Tribute to Avon Mattison and her decades of work for unity and peace during which she and others are speaking. See below for Tribute details and all the featured participants in 11 Days this year.

At this crucial moment in the USA when national green jobs and infrastructure plans are meeting so much opposition, and the levels of political polarization are so extreme, the WE Power America Renewable Energy Media Campaign and Movement is designed to engage multiple movements and mobilize at least 2 million people to take action and create the change we need. During 11 Days of Global Unity you are invited to join and collaborate with WE Power America! See below for more.

Humanity Rising is also announcing a new program, The Global Regeneration Corps, in response to the latest frightening Climate Report by the IPCC, known as “Code Red For The Planet”. See below for more info on the GRC.

Origins of 11 Days of Global Unity

Since 1981 the UN celebrated the International Day of Peace on the opening day of each new General Assembly Session in September. In 2001 that Session was scheduled for September 11th. So that year the International Day of Peace actually coincided with the tragedy of 9/11. A U.N. resolution permanently placing the International Day of Peace on September 21st went into effect in 2002.

In 2004 We, The World brought together global partners to launch 11 Days of Global Unity September 11-21 symbolically marking that transformative global journey from fear (Sept 11) to hope (Sept 21). Since then, 11 Days has become a worldwide platform for changemakers with 11 Campaigns for the promotion of peace, justice, sustainability and transformation. Participants have included: Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Daniel Ellsberg, Hazel Henderson, Bill McKibben, Eve Ensler, Ralph Nader, Vandana Shiva, Arun Gandhi, and many others.

The 17th Anniversary of 11 Days of Global Unity Sept. 11-21, 2021
Moving From Vision To Action


Be Part of it: https://partners.we.net/participate
Global Unity Calendar - See the events and post your own for a global audience!
Full 11 Days Schedule at

Event Highlights

We are in deeply grateful to Jim Garrison, Ubiquity University and Humanity Rising! For 11 Days of Global Unity, Ubiquity University is donating 11 Masters Degree Scholarships for people (mostly young people) volunteering on each of the 11 Campaigns!

Partial Schedule - see full Schedule at WE.net

September 9th at 11:11AM in every Time Zone - Global Drumming Circle – Jim Graywolf Petruzzi

September 11th at 11AM Eastern Time – Tribute to Avon Mattison

September 11-21 Culminating on the UN International Day of Peace

We, The World and Humanity Rising Present
11 Days of Global Unity Summit 2021 -
September 11-21

11 Powerful Dialogues on Each of the 11 Campaigns For Change
All Hosted By Rick Ulfik (Founder of We, The World) and Coordinators of Each Campaign

Sept. 11 UNITY - ShaRon Rea, Host (No Judgment Just Love), Teri Angel Miller (Peace On Earth Tour)

Sept. 12 INTERDEPENDENCE - Shannon CrossBear, Host (Born in a Cloud of Smoke), Gwen Downing (Connect All), Brian Allain (Writing for Your Life)

Sept. 13 ENVIRONMENT - Educating for a Culture of Peace on Earth and Peace with Earth - Sue Blythe, Host (Climate Collaboratory), Anne Adamn, PhD (Elders Action Network), Sherie Stark (journalist, Elders Climate Action), Angela Terrell (Arts Education Advocate); Empatharian World House with Lolo Lesser, Tomorrow’s Dreamers

Sept. 14 ECONOMIC JUSTICE – Jack Strasburg, Host, Hazel Henderson (Ethical Markets Media); Conscious Business - Dr. Larry Clay, (Humanitys Team); Jana Larsen, Host, Poor People’s Campaign, Mother Earth project, Sage Lewis/Homelessness Campaign; WE Change Agent Network Branches: Angelina Gabaitse (Botswana), Didier Nshimirimana (Burundi), Joseph Akinola (Nigeria), Ali Nawar (Egypt), Leah Kang, (New Zealand), Nikorerimana Eric (Rwanda), and others

Sept. 15 HEALTH - Kathryn Davis, Host (Heart of Mind Radio, Qigong Teacher)

Sept. 16 CHILDREN & YOUTH - Heidi Little, Host (International Children’s Month, Omnipresent Media), Raheen Fatima, Abba Ali Mustapha, Adrian Alvarez and others

Sept. 17 WOMEN - Karen Palmer, Host (We, The World and Peace Pals International), Antoinette “Rootsdawtah” Hall, Sande Hart (SARAH: Spiritual and Religious Alliance for Hope), Joumana Rizk, Wendi Gilbert, Guest from National Girl Scouts

Sept. 18 HUMAN RIGHTS – Callum Cintron, Host - Indigenous voices speak about colonialism's effects and challenges faced locally while learning how to support their fights; Launch of Rethinking Community; How to be an Ally - Trans & Envy Folx

Sept. 19 FREEDOM – Yvette Dubel, Host (Freedom Film Fest), Rabbi Michael Lerner (Editor of Tikkun Magazine, Founder of Network of Spiritual Progressives),

Peter Gabel (Editor-at-Large of Tikkun Magazine, Author of “The Desire for Mutual Recognition: Social Movements and the DIssolution of the False Self”); Bridging Synergy Circle of Source of Synergy Foundation - Kurt Johnson, Host (VoiceAmerica, Convergence Radio, Light On Light Publications), Rick Ulfik (We, The World) Discussion of Freedom and Democracy 

Sept. 20 DISARMAMENT – Alyn Ware – Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Unfold Zero, NoFirstUse Global, Abolition 2000), Audrey Kitagawa (President/Founder of the International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation)

Sept. 21 PEACE – Teri Angel, Host (Peace On Earth Tour), Dr. Marty K. Casey (Founder or UnGun Institute), Karen Palmer (Peace Pals International), Fumi Johns Stewart (May Peace Prevail On Earth International); David Wick (Ashland Culture of Peace Commission), Pace e Bene Nonviolent Campaign, Rotary E-club

Featured 11 Days 2021 Participants (only a partial listing):

We, The World, Humanity Rising,
Trends in Global Grassroots Organizing Magazine - https://Trends.WE.net
Unity Earth, Unify, Humanity’s Team, SINE Network, Shift Network, Purpose Earth, UnGun Institute, Pathways To Peace, United Religions Initiative
Hazel Henderson - Ethical Markets Media
Rabbi Michael Lerner – Tikkun Magazine, Network of Spiritual Progressives
Peter Gabel - Author of The Desire for Mutual Recognition: Social Movements and the Dissolution of the False Self, Editor-at-Large of Tikkun Magazine
Avon Mattison - Pathways To Peace, Culture of Peace Initiative
Kurt Johnson - VoiceAmerica, Convergence Radio, Light On Light Publications
Alyn Ware – Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation, Unfold Zero, Abolition 2000
Mitchell Rabin – A Better World TV
Audrey Kitagawa - International Academy for Multicultural Cooperation
Saturday Night Alive - Debra Giusti and Scott Catamas
Lisa Parker - Peace Day Philly
Bob Atkinson – One Planet PEACE Forum September 24th – 26th, 2021
Good News Planet - Peace Day Party Sept. 21, 2021 in Times Square, New York City
Evening Peace celebrates 11 Days of Global Unity By offering a Free Song For Global Peace
Lanny Smith – Song “Love's Gonna Win”
Fumi Johns Stewart - May Peace Prevail On Earth International
Heart of Mind Radio, Kathryn Davis
Jude Currivan & Whole World-View: Feel the Pulse - 11 Days of Pulses for 11 Days of Global Unity (A Powerful Message For Each Theme of 11 Days of Global Unity)
The Hague Center for Global Governance, Innovation & Emergence
Rotary E-Club
Pace e Bene
Prof. William Halal - TECHCAST
Yul D. Anderson - African American Future Society

WE Power America Renewable Energy Media Campaign and Movement

Some of our most vexing problems in the United States are what I call the "3 Ps" - Poverty, Pollution and Polarization. And yet, we are seeing such extreme political polarization that even public health and the pandemic are getting politicized - tearing Americans apart, endangering our democracy, and making it almost impossible for Congress to move forward and pass legislation that actually meets people's needs at this perilous moment.

This is why we are excited to invite you to be part of WE Power America! It is a Renewable Energy Media Campaign as well as an on-the-ground movement builder.

WE Power America is designed to engage multiple movements and mobilize at least 2 million people to take action - building the public support and political will we need to make sure we have a Livable Future – in the US and around the world.

WE Power is People Power. It is through the power of WE that society can be transformed. 

Will you join WE Power America? Find out more by going to we.net/wpa

Through WE Power America, perhaps millions of people will begin to realize that WE Power might actually be the Ultimate Renewable Energy Source!

The Global Regeneration Corps - Regeneration is the only Antidote to Extinction

We are now entering the climate tipping point that scientists have been warning about for decades. Some scientists are predicting that humanity will experience an “extinction event” by 2026 (Arctic News) when global temperatures are projected to pass 3 degrees Centigrade in certain regions of the planetary ecosystem.

To survive the escalating turbulence and thrive, we must seize the opportunity inherent in the unfolding crisis itself. The only antidote to extinction is regeneration.

To get involved, contact Jim Garrison, Rick Buckley and Humanity Rising at https://www.humanityrising.solutions

Thank you for becoming part of the 17th Anniversary of 11 Days of Global Unity! Together let’s create the world we want to live in –a world that works for all.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2021 Catalyst, Issue 13 - Awakening With Spirit Summit
