As We Celebrate the 15th Anniversary of 11 Days of Global Unity September 11-21, What Can WE Do Together That We Can't Do On Our Own?

By Rick Ulfik, Founder of We, The World and the WE Campaign at

Saving our planet is not a spectator sport! Back in the 1990s I used to be a full-time musician who appreciated the work of Amnesty International, Greenpeace, and other groups that were creating a better world. Unfortunately, though, it didn’t seem like the world was getting better.

I reached a level of frustration with what was going on in society and the world. Have you reached that level of disenchantment yet yourself? That would make perfect sense to me given the challenges we see around us on a daily basis: socially, politically, economically and environmentally.

For me, I got tired of reading headlines about intolerance, militarism and environmental damage. So I started to get personally involved, working with groups like Michael Lerner’s Foundation For Ethics and Meaning.

Eventually I took a chance and created We, The World (at as a collaboration- based organization that answers the simple question, “What can WE do together that we can’t do on our own?”

One of our most exciting answers to that question is 11 Days of Global Unity September 11-21: an international convergence of Events, Campaigns and Broadcasts by changemakers working for peace, justice, sustainability and transformation.

This year for the 15th Anniversary of 11 Days of Global Unity I am totally inspired by all who are participating:

Highlights of our 11 Days of Global Unity 2019 Partners and Allies (for more see

  • The Opening Event of 11 Days of Global Unity is an extraordinary 9/11 Tribute called "Table of Silence" ( by the Buglisi Dance Theatre at the Plaza in Lincoln Center in Manhattan, New York City September 11th at 8:15AM and it will be livestreamed.
  • The High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace September 13, 2019 at United Nations Headquarters, New York. Webcast Recording at This Forum will celebrate and carry forward the 20th Anniversary of the adoption of 'UN Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace' on 13 September 1999 by the UN General Assembly. Key UN and civil society leaders, including Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury, the President of the General Assembly, and the UN Secretary-General , discuss strategies for resolving and preventing conflicts and implementing the UN Programme of Action on the Culture of Peace.
  • We, The World will do a Facebook Live Broadcast each day from Sept 11th through Sept 21st at 1PM Eastern Time on each of the 11 Campaigns For Change. featuring some of the most visionary leaders and activists of our time including: Hazel Henderson, Chief Phil Lane Jr., Rev. Sylvia Sumter, Tarek Mounib, Monica Willard, Jonathan Granoff, Sande Hart and many others! For more info go to
  • 11 Gardens of Global Unity for 11 Days of Global Unity
  • Global Voice Global Town Hall in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania September 19-20, 2019.
  • UN International Day of Peace September 21st – 2019 Theme is Climate Action For Peace
  • Global Climate Strike (September 20, 2019)
  • Day of Nonviolence in Prisons on the International Day of Peace September 21st 2019 – Church of the Larger Fellowship and Worthy Now Prison Ministry Network in Partnership with We, The World.
  • The Vigil For Peace and Ecology Festival at the Central Park Bandshell in New York City September 15th 10AM to 5PM.
  • Move The Nuclear Weapons Money
  • Parliamentarians For Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND) – International Day For the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons – September 26th
  • #PledgeToListen Day of Unity
  • Unify World Peace Weekend September 20 — See
  • Media, and Other Allies include:

Peoples Climate Movement
Convergence Radio on VoiceAmerica
Light On Light Magazine
A Better World TV and Radio
Heart of Mind Radio
International Children’s Month
The Center For Advancement in Social Emotional learning
The Earth Charter Initiative
Générations Futures
Peaceday Party in Times Square, New York City on 9/21/19: Woodstock Forever: Peace, Love & HOPE. Be part of a giant Human Peace Sign in Times Square!
Love Glasses – Spread the Love where it is needed the most.
Watch Past Broadcasts of our Welcome to WE! Show on our YouTube Channel:

Have you reached the point in your life where you are ready to take action? If so, will you join me and WE? Then together, WE can accomplish so much more than we can on our own! Here are 3 ways you and I can walk and work together :

Thank you for becoming part of the 15th Anniversary of 11 Days of Global Unity. Next, who in your life thinks that saving our planet is a spectator sport? Maybe now it’s time for them to get involved!

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2019 Catalyst, Issue 17: Sound Healing Global Summit
