After 20 Years, My Mission Continues with 11 Days of Global Unity!

Will you join me and WE on this Journey?

By Rick Ulfik, Founder of We, The World and the WE Campaign at

It’s been an incredible 20 years since I founded We, The World in 1998 to help usher in a new era of planetary consciousness and conscience at the Millennium. Our big 20th Anniversary celebration is September 12 and you’re invited! (see below) I also want to express deep gratitude to the Shift Network for being a strong Partner and Ally for more than 5 of these 20 years, especially with regard to 11 Days of Global Unity.

What is 11 Days of Global Unity?

In 2004 We, The World brought together partners worldwide to launch 11 Days of Global Unity September 11–21. Since then, 11 Days has become an inspiring international movement with concerts, conferences, festivals, forums, marches, broadcasts and other programs culminating on and supporting the International Day of Peace September 21st. We, The World has worked with the Shift Network to do the acclaimed 11 Days of Global Unity TeleSummit Series. And over the years, thousands of organizations have participated in 11 Days along with visionaries like Desmond Tutu, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Eve Ensler, Arun Gandhi, Daniel Ellsberg, Marianne Williamson, and Ralph Nader offering local and global solutions while touching the lives of millions of people around the world.

At this perilous moment, when new social, political and environmental challenges confront our society seemingly every day, we invite you to participate in 11 Days of Global Unity and take action with 11 Ways to Transform Your World – 11 ongoing Campaigns for change:

Unity, Interdependence, Environment, Economic Justice, Health, Children and Youth, Women, Human Rights, Freedom, Disarmament, and Peace

With compelling and informative programs and events, like the 2018 highlights below, 11 Days partners and allies are creating a new culture – a culture that recognizes that the health and well-being of all depends on the health and well-being of each person and each form of life. We are sparking a cultural shift from "I" to "WE" so that from individual attitudes to government policies, people's circles of empathy and caring include all members of society and the entire web of life!

Highlights of our 11 Days of Global Unity 2018 Partners and Allies (for more see

  • 20th Year Anniversary of We, The World and Good News Planet Interdependence Day September 12th at 6:30PM in New York City and Webcast Online This unforgettable once-in-a-lifetime event at Church of The Village, 201 West 13th St @ 7th Ave in Manhattan features dynamic recording artists Al Smith, Kristin Hoffmann, Heidi Little, the PURE Dancers, inspiring speakers including Deborah Moldow, Monica Willard, Kathryn Davis, a special Video Message from Deepak Chopra., a Tribute to Carole Hart with An Urgent Message From Your Children, a Musical Tribute to Aretha Franklin, plus the World Premiere Live Performance of the song "We, The World"! Tickets and more information at
  • The UN High Level Forum on The Culture of Peace, 5 September 2018 at United Nations Headquarters, New York, NY – Webcast Recording at UN WebTV At this Forum key UN and civil society leaders, including 1992 Nobel Peace Laureate Dr Rigoberta Menchu Tum, the President of the General Assembly and the UN Secretary-General , discuss strategies for resolving and preventing conflicts and implementing the UN Programme of Action on the Culture of Peace. The theme of the Forum is "The Culture of Peace: A Credible Pathway to Sustaining Peace". To learn more:
  • In Botswana, Africa - On September 21st in the city of Gabarone Angelina Gabaitse and We, The World Botswana are planning a day focused on serving children in vulnerable families at the UNDP offices.
  • The Florida Earth Charter Initiative, in collaboration with Florida Gulf Coast University is presenting the Climate Conversations TeleSummit during 11 Days of Global Unity September 11–21 - dialogues on each of the 11 Themes for Change.
  • The Global Unity Games September 8–23. The 2018 September Compassion Games is a 16-day challenge to unify communities around the world in an expression of globally synchronized intentions with locally organized compassionate action. Players and teams challenge and inspire each other to organize actions that build bridges between peace, prosperity, and the planet.
  • is launching a Fundraising and Media Platform for Non-Profits in collaboration with We, The World at
  • Free Film Screening of "Enemies of Peace: Preventing Another War in the Middle East" Sept 16, 2018 – 2pm–4:30pm Santa Monica, California (followed by discussion with James Gelvin, Professor of Middle East Studies, UCLA. Pease RSVP to #11DaysOfGlobalUnity
  • Unity Foundation's 10th Anniversary Peace Day Global Broadcast, September 21–24, streaming 72 hours of continuous peace programming to millions of people in more than 132 countries. Hosted on non-profit, the only 24/7 online network featuring around-the-clock music, news and views about peace, prosperity and protecting the planet. now hosts four more annual broadcast events: International Women's Day, Earth Day, World Refugee Day, and Human Rights Day.

As I embark on the next 20 years of my journey with We, The World, will you join me and WE? Then together, WE can accomplish so much more than we can on our own! Here are 3 ways you and I can walk and work together :

Together let’s Inspire, Inform and Involve millions more people in creating a world that actually works – for all!

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2018 Catalyst, Issue 18: Qigong Global Summit
