Extraordinary Aging: The Art of Reinvention

By Cynthia James

I am in the third “trimester” of my life. I can honestly say that I am more comfortable in my skin then I have ever been. I feel on purpose, in tune, and aligned with my destiny. I would love to tell you that it was a straight route to this point. However, there have been many twists and turns. There were times when I questioned my sanity and my choices but, miraculously, I was always guided and supported.

I am a seeker and a lifetime student. I have always looked for new ways to express and step into different adventures. I truly feel that I am a reinvention master. Even in high school I found ways to support myself, meet interesting people, and travel. I believe that pattern of operating is what has allowed me to live a fabulous life and journey into magical and mystical life experiences.

I am in my sixties. Three years ago when many of my peers were thinking about retiring, I was feeling compelled to leave my full-time job and start a business. I had been counseling and coaching people for years, writing books, and speaking around the world. However, none of those things were my sole income.

The inner call was so strong that I could not ignore it. The interesting thing is that there was nothing wrong with my life. I have a great husband, a marriage of 18 years, my children and grandchildren are doing well, and I am respected as a new thought leader. I was an associate minister at a large new thought community and had many followers supporting thousands of people.

In a matter of months, I had several dreams about starting a business. People I didn’t know came up to me and asked if I was leaving my position. Invitations to speak and teach amplified and my intuition told me to get an office.

I would love to tell you that I gave in easily. NO! I had huge resistance. My mind kept screaming “Are you crazy. You cannot step out of this security and leap into the unknown….YOU ARE TOO OLD!”

I teach the principles of infinite possibility and so there was a part of me that asked me to look at my limiting thinking. I felt conflicted and anxious. Then, while I was journaling, this statement came through: “You have always reinvented yourself….why stop now?” A peace came over me and in that moment I knew I could leap and succeed.

I am a practical person. I knew that I needed a reinvention plan for moving forward. Here are the steps I used:

1) I needed to know what I didn't know about being a solo entrepreneur. So I invested in a leadership program.

2) I had heard bestselling author and coach Lisa Nichols speak about being a parallel-preneur. In that moment, I put into place how I could stay in my current position while anchoring my new structure.

3) I got a coach to support me in creating a more powerful relationship with my finances and managing abundance.

4) I put in place a radical self-care program that was non-negotiable. That meant changing my diet, expanding my exercise program, and creating a focused schedule to support my transition.

5) I know questions are powerful when used in a certain way. So I created a list of 15 questions to support my shift. I asked these questions daily and then began to activate an expectancy of good in my spiritual practice. Here are some sample questions:

— What is my unique genius and message?

— How can I deliver that genius in powerful and expansive ways?

— How can my life get better than this?

— How does synchronicity amplify to bring the ideal clients, venues, and partnerships into my life now?

— Who are my perfect strategic alliances?

— How do my perfect team members align with me?

— How do I step into financial freedom with grace and ease?

The results have been astounding:

— feel better than I did 20 years ago. I am vital and my energy level is incredible.

— My speaking and teaching business is growing and I get to choose the places I want to be in service.

— I have a full coaching/counseling practice of inspired and enthusiastic clients.

— I have a support team that is efficient and aligned with my work in the world.

— My husband and I are in a deeply committed and supportive relationship that is powerful.

— My income more than supports my lifestyle.

— I train coaches to carry on my work in the world.

Here is the best part: my attitude about aging has completely shifted. I am 100 percent clear that even though we are all aging we do not have to decay. We can use the pathways of reinvention to thrive until the day we leave this planet.

Wherever you are in your process, know that an extraordinary life is not only possible… it is available now. You are a unique imprint on this planet and there are people awaiting your wisdom and gifts. Fear about aging is just non-supportive energy wanting to find a home. Turn your back on it and Leap! The net will appear and a life you cannot imagine will manifest.

Why not start today…..REINVENT YOU!

Cynthia James is a transformational coach, helping women connect more deeply to their authentic selves so they can create richer, fuller lives. If you want to transform your life into the one you’ve always dreamed of, you can explore her website offerings here.


Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2017 Catalyst, Issue 22: Thriving in Your Third Act
