Take a Stand for People & Planet at the Sustainability Innovation Summit

By William Grace Frost, Senior Innovation Facilitator and Trainer at New & Improved

On November 14-16 in beautiful Sonoma Valley, California, the heartland of sustainability, creativity and biodynamic vineyards, we’ll be convening 50 motivated individuals at the Sustainability Innovation Summit to immerse ourselves in a powerfully creative design-thinking process and its application to the sustainability issues that you care most about. And you can be one of them!

It doesn’t matter who you are or what your position in life, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE if you have the right tools and you’re willing to take a stand for humankind and the planet.

Whether you’re a Product Development Manager… Innovation Team Member or Leader… Sustainability Officer… Supply Chain Manager… Passionately Pro-Environment Strategist… Concerned Parent… or Community Activist… you will benefit from working individually and collaboratively on developing creative, sustainable solutions to the issues of your choice.

No more “innovating” purely for the sake of increased consumption and profits. No more waiting on the sidelines for others to save the planet, to move our corporations towards being more socially-responsible or to bring eco-sanity to our cities, communities and families.

You can make a difference and it’s time to take a stand.

Join us when we convene at the amazing biodynamic Benziger Family Winery from November 14-16, and invite other good-thinking, action-oriented folks to come with you. We have room for no more than 50 participants. Will you be one of them? Click here for more details and to register.

If you’re otherwise committed that week and want to learn these specific creative problem-solving skills anyway, you can join us in Houston, Texas from October 11-12. The same skill set will be taught, but not specifically designed with a sustainability focus. Click here for more details and to register.


New & Improved is a consulting company that helps leading companies create growth through innovation. By helping groups of individuals think creatively and work productively together. We work with you to create Innovation Teams that work towards creative solutions that yield results. How do we do that? By creating programs and organizational interventions that provide new skills, methods, techniques and approaches to the work your people do and the challenges they face.

Sometimes our work looks like a training program. Sometimes it’s structured like a keynote speech. At times it looks like a facilitated group problem solving session. Frequently it involves team-building. Usually it's some combination of things that fit together in a package of sophisticated organizational development initiatives. But the bottom line is that we customize programs to help people work together and create great things: New & Improved solutions, systems, processes, places, and people. Click here to read their Innovation Blog.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2017 Catalyst, Issue 18: 11 Days of Global Unity & California Vision 2020
