Seeing the Divine in Life. Standing in the Shoes of the "Other."

Theme and Practice for Global Oneness Day 2016
By Anna-Mari Pieterse

“You never really know a man until you understand things from his point of view, until you climb into his skin and walk around in it.
~ Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird

Up to now, as human beings we have done very well to understand, appreciate, and to live in separation and disconnection. This is evident in the ongoing wars, violence, greed and poverty in the world. At this time too however we find that we are at an actual stage of development that reverses this condition, and during which we are able to look at all of the separate parts of life in such a way that we can actually feel the Oneness with ‘the other’ which is What/Who we really Are.

One of the most important and basic instruments for this development and for raising our level of consciousness is to take on more and more perspectives. This is possible when we take on the role of the other.

It is through the regular practice of standing in the shoes of the other (that includes the recognition of our shadow sides that may prevent us from owning sabotaging aspects of our self), that we are able to see what the other is seeing and to go beyond identifying only with our own family, culture, religion, etc., (us vs them). When we stand in the shoes of the other we experience mutual understanding, forgiveness and compassion and we identify with and embrace all humans, all events, and all other beings. At last, we are able to care for everyone and to feel a Oneness, a fullness, and a completeness; the likes of which we have never ever imagined was possible. We see the Divine in Life.

To assist people with the practice of standing in the shoes of the other during the days leading up to Global Oneness Day and on Global Oneness Day itself, Humanity’s Team has compiled the following list of inspiring ideas:

  • Standing in the shoes of the ‘other’ daily exercise

This can be done anywhere, any time, but set the attention ahead of time who you will be taking the role of: your spouse/partner, your child, the shop-owner, your boss, your employee, the gardener, the cashier at the store, the car guard, the taxi driver, etc.:

Three times per day, in the shoes of the other:

  • Allow yourself to be curious – this is an exploration without being right or wrong
  • Imagine that you are this person. Take on their view as fully as you can
  • Look at the world. What does it look like from that person’s point of view? What does it feel like to be that person? What do you notice as this person?
  • Maintain this perspective for 2 – 3 minutes each time.

When we manage to truly stand in the shoes of ‘the other’ our own brokenness is healed. And our own wholing or healing goes along with the wholing and healing of the other and the whole world.

“Consciousness, ultimately, is the ability to take perspectives. The more perspectives you can take, the more conscious you are.” ~ Ken Wilber. Bentinho Massaro’s description of Enlightenment as ‘the creation of new habits,’ adds a fascinating perspective to the whole question of Consciousness, and, if we wanted to have an answer as to “how,” Neale Donald Walsch would say: “through sheer willingness.’

Register free of charge for the Global Oneness Summit.

Anna-Mari Pieterse who is the Country Coordinator for Humanity’s Team in South Africa has also been serving in Humanity’s Team on a Worldwide level as a member of the WW Core Team and the WW Support Team since 2005. In South Africa Anna-Mari has been playing a great role in taking uBuntu – I Am because We Are to the global stage as Africa’s gift of Oneness to the world. Anna-Mari is also the author of her forthcoming book: uBuntu. My African Dream. Find Anna-Mari on Facebook - click here. To learn more about Anna-Mari and Reclaim and Live uBuntu - click here.


Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2016 Catalyst, Issue 18: Heaven on Earth & Global Oneness Day
