Global Oneness Day - Turning the World Right Side Up

By Steve Farrell

What if the world as we know it operates on a false premise, a premise that everything is separate from everything else? What if ultimate reality is something different than what we believe in the mainstream? What if we can create Heaven on Earth by simply living as who we really are?

Global Oneness Day was created precisely to address these things.

It is an ancient truth, a timeless truth, that we are all One with the Divine, each other and all of life. We are not separate, even though it appears that we are when we look out on the world. This wisdom is shared in the Old Testament, Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas, Tao Te Ching, the Upanishads and other Sacred Text. The message that we are all One with the Divine and each other has been shared over the millennia.

In Oneness, we see that what we do for others we are actually doing for our self. It is easy to see how this leads us down a virtuous path. For example, when people are hurting or the earth is crying out for our attention, we respond. But not from a vantage point of a problem that is “out there” because there is no “out there”. Everything is interrelated, interconnected and interdependent so everything is personal and we hold everything close.

In Humanity’s Team we believe this is the missing message. It is the message that turns the world right side up. When we commune with the Divine within and live in connection with the world around us everything starts to come together. We are part of the beautiful planet we inhabit, so we naturally come into service to humanity and all of life.

Imagine what the world looks like when we live in the truth of our connection, our Oneness. Imagine each of us communing with the Divine within and coming into service to the world around us because we know it is part of who we are. Imagine all of us living as our Big Self, not our small self. This is the Heaven on Earth that we’ve all dreamed about. We believe we can make this our reality in this generation.

In 2007 our Humanity’s Team Global Council gathered in Portugal to discuss this. We reflected upon how Earth Day had been created to address the ecological crisis and discussed how a Global Oneness Day might call attention to the illusion of separation that has caused so much dysfunction in the world. We agreed to create an Oneness Petition and to solicit signatures from all over the world. In 2010 we gathered over 50,000 signatures from over 150 countries and arranged a meeting with Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury at the United Nations. On May 20th our team presented the petition and formally requested that the United Nations create a Global Oneness Day.

The rest is history. We were invited to create Global Oneness Day so we did. Our first Global Oneness Day was on October 24th, 2010. We arranged a global conference call with the capacity to handle 1,000 participants. Global Oneness Day has grown considerably each year. Last year 67,000 registered for Global Oneness Day. We are planning for over 75,000 registrants this year and the program is being broadcast from the Amplified, a platform developed for prayer, meditation and healing.

This year our theme is “Seeing the Divine in Life” and “Standing in the shoes of the ‘Other’”. Deepak Chopra is our Honorary Chairman. He will share a 30-minute keynote. Other well known and highly enlightened speakers this year include Michael Bernard Beckwith, Iyanla Vanzant, Doreen Virtue, Neale Donald Walsch, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Panache Desai, Ken Wilber, Stephen Dinan, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden, Lynne McTaggart, Dean Radin, Andrew Harvey, James O’Dea, Jean Houston, Ervin Laszlo, Matt Kahn and Patricia Cota Robles. You can view a complete list of the speakers and the program schedule here: click here

Registration is free. The 12+ hour program is Monday, October 24th but if you miss any or all of the program you can listen-in to the playback for free for 48 hours following the event. To participate in the event, please register free, click here.

Do you dream of a world where humanity rolls up its sleeves and creates a fulfilling, compassionate and sustainable world? When your life is over, do you want to leave a healthy world to the next generation? If yes, please join us!

In Global Oneness Day you will find inspiration, but you’ll find so much more. You’ll hear about organizing going on all over the world to manifest a world that works for everyone and all of life.

Together, we can do this!

Register free here. I look forward to sharing the Global Oneness Day experience with you: Register free here.

In Oneness,

Worldwide Executive Director
Humanity’s Team (click here to learn more)
To contact Steve, click here

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2016 Catalyst, Issue 18: Heaven on Earth & Global Oneness Day
