What I Love About Jesus

By Stephen Dinan

I honor Jesus for blazing the trail forward on this planet to demonstrate truly living in a divine way: connected to God, in service to those around you.

I have been humbled to contemplate the intense devotion and trust it took for Jesus to walk into his own crucifixion. I have wondered whether I would be able to bear that kind of cross in the moment of truth.

I honor what a powerful demonstration it was for how to be crucified by “enemies” but love them regardless, an embodiment of his core teaching around loving one’s enemy. “Forgive them father, for they know not what they do.”  Amazing.

I am grateful for Jesus’ demonstration of the social gospel in his short ministry, showing us that it is not enough to awaken spiritually and bask in our enjoyment of that but that we must commit ourselves to bettering our society.  He particularly offered an inspiring example for us of how to relate to the sick, the mentally ill, and those with low social status.  He showed through this that we must truly behave as if we are truly one in Spirit – we cannot let our brothers and sisters suffer because we ourselves suffer when that happens.  We are all connected.  The poor, the downtrodden, the diseased, and the abused are all part of each of us.

I respect that he held Mary Magdalene close to him in his public ministry even though it was a patriarchal time and the male disciples were likely threatened by his closeness to her.

I am grateful that he walked a pathway of peace and nonviolence, even when those around him wanted to create him into their prophesied Messiah – the vision for which married spiritual realization and actual worldly power - effectively a new Hebrew king.  Even though many Zealots wanted him to take on that King role and overthrow the old powers with violence, Jesus chose the way of peace and nonviolence.

And I love the Sacred Heart he incarnated so beautifully.  His love is a powerful thing that I experienced in a particularly powerful way once on the inner planes in this life, for several days in a row.  I was brought to my knees more than once by the blessing of the experience.  Jesus’ presence literally made me weep as I received his love.  It was beautiful.

Finally, I am so grateful that Jesus was the first to demonstrate as a human being that becoming a Christ being is possible on this planet, even in the midst of a fearful and violent culture.  As we evolve modern cultures with more protected rights, we can take heart that it becomes easier every year for advanced beings to emerge without persecuting them or putting them to death.

Because Jesus was so far ahead of his time and became a Christ being without any peers, he put himself at considerable risk, leading to his premature death and the curtailment of his ministry, and I honor him for being willing to break new ground for all of us.

Thank you, beloved Jesus, for lighting the way and offering such love on the path!

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This article appears in: 2015 Catalyst, Issue 7: The Christ Path and Indigenous Summit of the Americas
