Honoring Peace Activist Mr. Mohammed Salah Ali Nassr with the Medal of Peace Makers in Yemen for 2014
By Mr. Hossien Alsoragy
Dar Al-Salaam (Arabic: “House of Peace”) Organisation is a small peace organisation based in Sana’a (Yemen), with a tribal identity and a large outreach network spanning the entirety of Yemen. Dar Al-Salaam Organisation presented Mohammed Nasser with the Medal of Peace Makers in Yemen award for 2014.
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“Human rights activist Mohammed Nassr is one of the most prominent human rights defenders in Yemen. Mr. Mohammed Saleh Nassr won the prize of Medal of Peace Makers in Yemen for 2014 in recognition of his role and effective contributions to peacemaking; establishment of landmark peace in Yemen; and the many things he has done for Dar Al-Salaam Organisation and other civil rights organizations, most notably:
Worked as the Officer of Communication and Contact in Dar Al-Salaam Organisation.
Established and operates the room to receive complaints and violations.
Direct intervention in resolving issues and personal rivalries.
Participated in the implementation of several awareness activities on peace and social cohesion, including:
- Research projects and studies for the conflict.
- Seminars, projects, workshops, awareness of community leaders and personalities.
- Participating in demonstrations calling for reduction of arms down to the prohibition and prevention levels.
- Contributing to the formulation of peace projects carried out in the most violent provinces.
- Going into the field to identify sites of conflict and the nature of the conflict and processors.
- His work as a researcher in the strategic areas of conflict.
Sponsorship for many special events and the codification of conflict analysis.
Active participation in conferences and seminars as a lecturer.
Successful management of community events.
These and other activities make activist Nassr deserving of the Medal of Peace Makers in Yemen. We wish him him luck and hope that more businesses and events will honour him to further inspire him to even more fruitful and constructive efforts and creativity.
Mr. Hossien Alsoragy is the Executive Manager of Dar Al-Salaam
The Dar Al-Salaam Organisation (“DASO”) was founded in 1997 by Sheikh Abdulrahman Al-Marwani. The sheikh, a devout Sufi, was moved to work as a peace activist after surviving the blast from an extremist’s bomb; he wished to respond by resolving and preventing violence. Violence, he believed, is brought about mostly from ignorance, and can be resolved through dialogue.
Eventually his work was mainly consumed in two areas: firstly, as a mediator between tribal disputes and conflicts, and; secondly, as a proponent of what is technically known as ‘micro-disarmament’, that is, the counter-proliferation and reduction of ‘small arms’ or ‘light weapons’. These were the most acute violent threats in Yemen, a nation with a strong tribal identity and extant availability of small arms to civilians.
DASO remains staunchly a-political and dedicated to peace activism, conflict prevention and conflict intervention. DASO is an IANSA [iansa.org] member and is also being profiled as a local peace-builder in the Insight on Conflict [insightonconflict.org] project of UK NGO Peace Direct.
DASO was also featured in a twenty minute Al-Jazeera International documentary in 2009 from the series Witness, in an episode called “The Peace-maker”. To learn more about DASO, click here.
تكريم الناشط محمد نسر بوسام السلام 2014م .
لقد تم تكريم الناشط الحقوقي وأحد أبرز المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان في اليمن الأستاذ محمد صالح نسر بوسام السلام للعام 2014م حيث لم يكن هذا التكريم من فراغ وإنما كان تقديراً لدوره وإسهاماته الحافلة بصناعة وإرساء معالم السلام في اليمن وذلك من خلال أشياء كثيرة قام بها في منظمة دار السلام وغيرها من المنظمات المدنية الحقوقية التي عمل بها أبرزها :
1- عمله مسئولاً للتواصل والإتصال .
2- تأسيسه غرفة عمليات لغستقبال الشكاوى والإنتهاكات .
3- تدخله المباشر في حل القضايا والخصومات الشخصية والقبلية .
4- مشاركته في تنفيذ العديد من الأنشطة التوعوية الخاصة بالسلام والتماسك الإجتماعي أهمها :
أ- مشاريع البحوث والدراسات الخاصة بالنزاعات .
ب- مشاريع الندوات وورش العمل التوعوية للقيادات والشخصيات المجتمعية .
ت- المشاركة في تظاهرات تقنين حمل السلاح وصولاً لتحريمه ومنعه .
ث- مساهمته في صياغة مشاريع السلام التي نفذت في المحافظات الأكثر عنفاً .
ج- نزوله الميداني لمواقع النزاع وتدوين ماهية الصراع والمعالجات .
ح- عمله كباحث استراتيجي في مناطق الصراع .
5- رعايته للعديد من الفعاليات الخاصة بتدوين الصراع وتحليله .
6- مشاركته الفاعلة في المؤتمرات والندوات كمحاضر .
7- إدارته الناجحة للفعاليات المجتمعية .
هذه وغيرها مما استحق بموجبها الناشط نسر وسام السلام متمنين له التوفيق والمزيد من الأعمال والفعاليات ليكون التكريم حافزاً له للمزيد من الجهد والإبداع المثمر والبناء .
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This article appears in: 2014 Catalyst, Issue 20: Global Oneness Day