An Ending and a Beginning

Letter from Louise Diamond

Dear Friends,

I have reached that moment when, for health and age reasons, it’s time to bring my professional life to a gentle close. I am celebrating that passage by making my life’s work available to all on a new/renewed website:

In addition to much of the writing I’ve done over four decades (books, articles, e-newsletters, etc.), I’ve also included on this site the material from many of the courses I’ve taught, lectures I’ve given, and films or videos I’ve made.

The highlight of this last category is my new video memoir: Shazam! Stories from a Life of Spirit-in-Action. Not having the mental attention to write my memoirs, and having lived a most exciting and somewhat extraordinary life, I’ve chosen to share special moments of my journey by telling stories on video, with plenty of pictures for visual interest. I count it a great blessing that I can share this gift with you.

While much of my work life has had me traveling around the world, now it’s time for me to travel in the vastness of inner consciousness in preparation for that final transition. From here on my writing will take the form of a personal blog called Are We Having Fun Yet? Approaching Death with a Joyful Heart.

I am deeply grateful that our paths have crossed over these years, and wish you peace galore as you continue on in our shared commitment to make a better world.

In the Spirit of Peace,
Louise Diamond

Louise Diamond’s life is devoted to fostering peace and right relations at every level of human society. She founded Global Systems Initiatives to bring a systems perspective on global affairs in our inter-connected world to the Washington policy community. Previously she co-founded The Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy (IMTD) in Washington, D.C., where she worked as a peacebuilder in places of violent conflict around the world. She also started The Peace Company to show that peace is good business and to bridge the gap between the non-profit and for-profit worlds. Trainer, consultant, and public speaker, Louise is the author of four books on peace, including a best-seller, The Peace Book: 108 Simple Ways to Make a More Peaceful World. She has studied Native American and Tibetan Buddhist ancient wisdom for 35 years, and has a Ph.D in Peace Studies from the Union Institute and University.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2013 Catalyst - Issue 22
