Growing Your Money and Changing the World

© 2013 by Corinne McLaughlin
Are your personal finances creating a better life for you and our world or are they a source of stress?  Would you like to grow your money and expand your income so you can contribute to the world in a positive way?
Your money can grow abundantly like a lush garden, when the right seeds of intention are planted in the fertile, prepared ground of your subconscious, watered with your love, and energized with the sunlight of your soul. You need to keep removing the weeds of negative thoughts and beliefs so your harvest will be abundant. You can learn from nature how to be a good gardener with your money.
Begin with clear intentions about your money—they are the seeds that you plant.  What fruits would you like your seeds to produce?  If you create positive intentions and ask for the help of Spirit and a benevolent Universe, you can become magnetic and attract money more easily. As you focus on thoughts and intentions that benefit the wider community, your magnetic attraction of money will become more powerful.
For rapid growth, be sure to plant your seeds in a place where they’ll receive sufficient sunlight, which is the light of your soul’s purpose. Spirit is ultimately the source of your abundance, so develop an attitude of gratitude for what you’ve already been given and stay aligned with your values.  See yourself as a custodian, rather than an owner of money and material things.
Plant the seeds of your intentions in a rich, healthy soil for a productive harvest. A healthy soil is your subconscious—the deep, fertile support you’ll need.  Prepare your soil by clearing out the weeds of negative, dysfunctional patterns before you plant your seeds.  Work on identifying and removing negative beliefs about money, including issues from your early family life, such as seeing money as the root of evil. A healthy attitude realizes that money is simply energy, neither good nor bad in itself.  Your intentions and how you use it give it value.
If your intention for the seeds you plant is to increase your income through your current job or a new job or business, be sure your job or business is aligned with your personal values. If your intention is to increase your income through wise investments, make sure your financial advisor is in resonance with you and your values and has good communication and transparency. A harmonious field of money relationships can act as fertilizer for your garden.
Just as diversification creates a healthy eco-system in nature, so financial diversification can protect your investments for a more robust yield. Invest your money in companies that serve the good of their community, their employees and the environment. Protect your investments from destructive insects like high fees, big gambles and profit obsession. And avoid keeping your money in mega banks with predatory practices.
Water your money seeds with your awareness and your love.  Pay attention to what’s going on with your money—track it carefully--both your income and your expenses.  Don’t ignore it--know your flow!  Prune your investments or your spending when they are out of balance. Cultivate a garden of beauty in your life with your money so you can experience true joy and to help grow a better world.
Avoid the inner split or dualism that believes money is only connected with worldly things, with pleasure, comfort and desire, while spirituality is a world set apart.  Avoid being too abstracted, living only in the higher spiritual worlds, unconnected to the earth and practical living.
Spirituality and financial abundance are not mutually exclusive.  It all depends on how consciously you use your money and whether you can help others in some way.  Is it held as sacred trust and responsibility?  Money can be an expression of our soul’s purpose and can be a spiritual asset for helping create a better world.
Since money is a medium of exchange, when you are isolated and not involved in an energetic exchange with the world, you may not be able to attract money to yourself because of your ambivalence in earning it or asking for it.
Needing to attract money to sustain yourself keeps you grounded and connected with meeting the true needs of others. Money creates relationships with those you share it with, and relationships can help your spiritual development.  Money can be a wonderful mirror of your inner state so you can see yourself more clearly. Developing a conscious relationship to money is a very fulfilling spiritual practice with many benefits.
Money is needed today to help change the world and support all the amazing innovative solutions to our problems. You can donate money to a good non-profit and/or invest in socially responsible businesses that support their community, their employees and the environment. And now crowd-funding platforms make it easier to donate, loan or invest in good initiatives, regardless of whether your funds are large or small.
It is important to realize that physical living, when motivated from the spiritual levels, is an essential aspect of spiritual practice. One of the greatest gifts you can give to the world is the example of a well-balanced and nourishing life that also gives to others –balancing spirit and matter.

Corinne McLaughlin is Director of The Center for Visionary Leadership in the San Francisco area and co-author of The Practical Visionary, Spiritual Politics and Builders of the Dawn.  She directed a national task force for President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development and is a Fellow of The World Business Academy and the Findhorn Foundation and a member of the Transformational Leadership Council.  She is co-founder of Sirius Community, a spiritual/environmental center in Massachusetts.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2013 Catalyst - Issue 19
