Philip Carr-Gomm
Psychologist, Author, and a Leader of the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids

Philip Carr-Gomm combines inspiration from the worlds of psychology and spirituality to help us access our own wellsprings of happiness, creativity, and meaning. Rooted in the nature spirituality of Druidry, Philip also draws on his training in psychology, psychosynthesis psychotherapy, and sophrology. He is founder of the Sophrology Institute.

Philip helps participants in his talks and workshops transform their lives through the imaginative use of conversation, plant and animal oracles, music and poetry, meditation, and ritual. He has authored or co-authored 20 books, including The Druid Animal Oracle and The Druidcraft Tarot. He has worked in the field of psychedelic therapy with the Synthesis Institute and the ACER Integration Program.

The Way of the Druid
Druid Wisdom for Psycho-Spiritual Healing


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