Martin Rutte
Founder: Project Heaven on Earth, Co-Author Chicken Soup for the Soul™ at Work

Martin Rutte a dynamic international speaker and consultant, is president of Livelihood, a management consulting firm, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. The company's areas of service include: strategic vision, corporate spirit, performance management, facilitated dialogue, and creative leadership. 

He is co-author of The New York Times Business Bestseller, Co-Author Chicken Soup for the Soul™ at Work, translated into over 20 languages.

For over 15 years he has been exploring peoples' vision for the kind of world they deeply long for – Project Heaven on Earth. He has contributed chapters on Heaven on Earth in: How to Achieve A Heaven on EarthSeeking the Sacred, and Glimpses of Heaven on Earth. He is currently completing his new book on this subject: What 3 Questions Will Change the World? He sees Heaven on Earth as the new story of what it means to be a human and what it means to be Humanity.

Martin has worked with many corporations assisting them to expand their outlook and position themselves for the future. In the US he has worked with: Sony Pictures Entertainment, Southern California Edison, Virgin Records, Apple Computer and Marion Merrell Dow. In Canada, he has worked with Esso Petroleum, London Life Insurance and Labatt Breweries. He was the first Canadian to address the Corporate Leadership & Ethics Forum of The Harvard Business School returning for four consecutive years as keynote speaker. He has also twice addressed joint meetings of the American and Canadian Chambers of Commerce in Hong Kong. 

Martin’s pioneering work on spirituality in the workplace was featured in an address he gave to The World Bank which was shown in part on the ABC-TV special, Creativity: Touching the Divine.  He was a keynote speaker at all six international conferences on spirituality in business in Mexico. Martin was also co-founder and Chair of the Board of the Centre for Spirituality and the Workplace, Sobey School of Business, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada.

He has given talks and workshops globally in: Mexico, Brazil, South Africa, New Zealand, Britain, Spain, The Netherlands, Sweden, Germany & the U.S. Articles on his innovative work have appeared in: The New York Times, The Miami Herald, The Wall Street Journal, South China Morning Post, Personnel Journal, US News and World Report, The Toronto Star and The Boston Globe. Martin has served as a board member of Money Concepts Canada, Global Family, The Hunger Project Canada, and as a committee member of The Canadian Cancer Society.  He has been happily married to Maida for over 40 years.


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