Dr. Steven Farmer
President - Earth Magic, Inc.

Dr. Steven Farmer is a world-renowned author, teacher, and shamanic practitioner. He has published several best-selling books and other products, including Earth Magic®, Earth Magic® Oracle Cards, Animal Spirit Guides, Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals, Sacred Ceremony, Healing Ancestral Karma, Power Animal Oracle Cards, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards, Power Animals, Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides guided meditation CD, and for children the Children’s Spirit Animal Cards and Children’s Spirit Animal Stories CD vols I and II.

In addition Dr. Farmer is a licensed psychotherapist, former college professor, Reiki Master, and an ordained minister in the Circle of Sacred Earth Church. He brings a wealth of skills and experience to his writing, teaching, and spiritual healing, offering clients a unique and powerful synthesis of his many years of experience as spiritual psychotherapist, shamanic practitioner, and hypnotherapist to afford quick and effective results. In addition to workshops on Animal Spirit Guides, Earth Magic®, shamanism, and earth-centered spirituality, Dr. Farmer offers private consultations for Shamanic Healing and readings in person or remotely by phone or Zoom as well as his Spiritual Mentoring Program.

Dr. Farmer's education includes a B.A. in psychology from the University of California, an M.A. in Counseling Psychology from Chapman University, and a Ph.D. from Madison University. He is passionate about his work, and enjoys hobbies such as singing and songwriting, camping, hiking, kayaking, and skiing. He makes his home in Dana Point, California with his wife Jesseca and stepdaughters Serena and Arianna.

For more information about privates sessions, special events and workshops please visit his website or Facebook page.

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