Deborah Eden Tull
Zen Meditation Teacher, Author, and Founder of Mindful Living Revolution

Deborah Eden Tull, founder of Mindful Living Revolution, is a Zen meditation and engaged mindfulness teacher, author, activist, deep ecologist, and sustainability educator. She teaches the integration of compassionate awareness into every aspect of our lives. Eden spent seven years training as a Buddhist monk at a silent Zen monastery, and has been teaching dharma for 20 years. Eden has also been living in, and teaching about, sustainable communities and the essential wisdom of nature for over 25 years. 

Her teaching style is grounded in compassionate awareness, experiential learning, meditative inquiry, and an unwavering commitment to personal transformation. She teaches engaged awareness practice, which emphasizes embodiment and the connection between personal awakening and collective transformation, helping people make connections between conditioned beliefs and systemic biases. 

Eden draws upon her own experience and embodiment of teachings from the natural world, shamanism, deep ecology, and wisdom from diverse spiritual traditions. She walks her talk as a practitioner and teacher, and emphasizes the joy and responsibility of daily practice. Eden brings relational mindfulness, conscious movement, and gentle yet fierce compassion into all that she teaches.

Eden is author of Relational Mindfulness: A Handbook for Deepening Our Connection with Our Self, Each Other, and Our Planet  and The Natural Kitchen: Your Guide for the Sustainable Food Revolution. Her work has been featured in The Los Angeles Times, Tricycle, Yogi Times, GOOP, Shambhala Times, and The Ecologist. She also teaches The Work That Reconnects, a program created by Buddhist scholar Joanna Macy, and teaches for UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center. Eden offers retreats, trainings, online courses, and consultations internationally. 

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