A Personal Thank You From Maggie Doyne, the Co-Founder and CEO of BlinkNow


Maggie recently sent the following email to everyone who made a donation to the organization:


I thought of supporters like you late the other night when I was out buying winter jackets at an outlet store in Kathmandu for all the kids. The very small room was filled to the brim with people and jackets of all different sizes and colors spilling out onto the floor. The guy working had to go into the back to look for more kid sizes for us while Jeremy and I took turns diving in. “Do you think this one will fit Prabin? Sita? Yeah, that looks good for Alina.” We made a big pile to bring back home for all the kids just in time for winter. Our cement house has been cold and the kids have been wearing them ever since.

I think of you every single day at school lunch when I watch the kids pile up their plates with hot rice and lentils and veggies, and a banana or hard boiled egg for afternoon snack. It was so nice not having to think twice to increase our food costs to be able to provide an afternoon snack after a survey we gave revealed that our kids weren’t getting enough nutrition. I think of you every time a carpenter builds a new desk. Every time something in the house breaks that needs fixing. Every time our house manager Shangkar needs to call the plumber, the electrician, or the solar guys yet again.

I think of you every time we admit a new student. Every time payroll comes around for our team, who are working hard to empower Nepal’s children and take care of their own families too. Every time I watch our caregivers Sachyam and Aakriti take one of the children to the hospital, I breathe a sigh of relief that you are all by my side. I think about you when it’s time for immunizations and deworming and backpack distribution and when a neighbor comes to us in need and we are able to help or when the Women’s Center buys a new loom or measures the kids for new school uniforms. I think of you every time we put our annual budgets together around this time of year…how can we keep growing? What services do we need to cut? Can I finally buy that minivan I’ve always wanted?

You are the air that keeps us breathing, the roots that keep us strong and growing, the act of kindness behind our impact. I try to live with an awareness of how lucky we are to have supporters like you, and never take a moment or a single contribution for granted. It’s a privilege to be one of the people that puts your donations into action and bear witness to it all.

Thank you for wanting to make an impact with me, for helping my children and our organization grow, and for making it easier for me to sleep at night.

In this season of gratitude know how grateful I am to you, near and far, for the change we are bringing here in Nepal.


Maggie Doyne, Co-Founder & CEO
The BlinkNow Foundation | Kopila Valley Children's Home & School
maggie@blinknow.org | www.blinknow.org

Click here to watch an astonishing 5-minute video in which Maggie shares how BlinkOne came to be.

Click here to watch a Q&A with Maggie.

For more information on BlinkNow, click here.

To make a donation to BlinkNow, click here.

Click here to watch the poignant and moving story of Anjali, one of the many girls who found a home through BlinkNow.


Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2018 Catalyst, Issue 25: Perspectives on Spirituality
