Source Breath

By Paul L. Hannah, MD

It gives me great joy to talk about Source Breath. I am inspired by the power of breath. Breath is the essential energy for creating and maintaining human life and the root basis of successful meditation and healing.

Breath is composed of two components — Inhalation and Exhalation. Inhalation begins at birth, which activates the brain, heart wave, and lung function. Exhalation occurs at physical death when the brain, heart wave, and lung cease functioning.

As a healer, physician, teacher, qigong master, and internal martial artist, breath cultivation has developed and increased my subtle energy skills, Intuition, perception, creativity, relaxation confidence, and compassion. I AM growing stronger day by day.

Students, patients, and clients are usually unaware of how breath affects their health and energy. As they become aware and incorporate breath cultivation into their lives, positive changes occur. They are more relaxed, aware, balanced with increased energy, radiant healthy, and feel more inner freedom.

Breath cultivation is the cornerstone for the unfolding expansion of one’s subtle energy. The intention of focusing on love energy raises one’s vibrational frequency. Each individual must decide what school of life they will cultivate. The two schools on planet Earth are Love school or Fear school.

There is a Universal Energetic Law which states: whatever you focus on expands and manifests in one’s life. Given the ancient and scientific validity of this law, I am focusing on Love school. Love is the energy that inherently integrates and increases positive vibration frequencies and synchronicity. It emits caring, co-creation, endurance and nurturing to maximize purification and harmonization.

One practices Source Breath with the intention of increasing love vibration frequency. The practice is the beginning of self-purification of the mind, body, emotions, intellect, and psychic bodies, as well as universal harmonization.

Purification requires one to have a burning desire, discipline, and determination to be successful. The physical body does not want to be disciplined due to a variety of addictions — food, substance abuse, video games, gambling, and sex, all of which decrease vibrational frequency and increase mental, emotional, and physical toxicity.

Source Breath is beneficial in applying to one’s self the fundamental law of healing — doing NO HARM TO ANY LIFE FORM. One’s inner healing initiates having pure thoughts, behaving in a joyful way with caring and compassion, and speaking honestly and truthfully from one’s heart.

Source Breath has optimal benefit for qigong masters, shamanic healers, reiki masters, tantric lovers, meditators using mantras, students, scientists, patients, acupuncturists, and academicians.

In essence, the cultivation of Source Breath will optimize a diligent practitioner’s radiant health, subtle energy, intuition, and give them greater perception and receptivity. They will experience an inner peace and an attitude of gratitude for life.

Consciously inhaling LOVE and exhaling HARMONY promotes purposeful unity and planetary harmonization.

I invite all qigong masters, teachers, and students to join me in the practice of Source Breath. This will amplify and expedite love frequency vibration and universal harmony.

Always smile love into your heart.
— Dr. Paul Hannah

Paul L. Hannah, MD, is a vessel through which energy, light, and love flow in abundance. When he smiles and shakes your hand, it shakes your heart. Dr. Hannah is a high-energy, creative, compassionate master teacher and master healer who dedicates his generous life force to teaching people how to create the balance, health, joy ,and prosperity that they desire in their lives. A board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Hannah graduated from the UCLA Berkeley Medical Acupuncture Program for Physicians and completed training with the Chinese Cultural Center under supervision of Grandmaster T.K. Shih, as well as in Nanjing University in China. His areas of specialty include auricular therapy and acupuncture.

Dr. Hannah is an apprentice of Grandmaster Hong Lui, with whom he studied and learned the arts of qigong and energy healing. Dr. David Berry taught Dr. Hannah the art of healing from the metaphysical spiritual quantum field and accepted him as his spiritual son.

To visit Dr. Hannah’s website, click here. To email Dr. Hannah, click here.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2018 Catalyst, Issue 18: Qigong Global Summit
