How to Talk with Potential Clients so they Practically Talk Themselves into Working with You

By Sharla Jacobs

Many people whose work is all about service to the greater good have a hard time with selling. They don’t want to be perceived as pushy, manipulative or obnoxious.

My husband, Jesse Koren, and I felt the same way when we first started our coaching and acupuncture practices. So we had to find a way to sell without losing our integrity.

Fortunately, we got a “Divine Download” of our signature Heartselling™ system that helped us grow our own private practices and then led us to over $10M in sales by teaching others this same system.

When you use Heartselling™ in your conversations with potential clients, they will talk themselves into working with you, if it’s a good match. I’ll be sharing more about this system during my interview with Stephen for the Enlightened Business Summit.

For now, I want you to understand what Heartselling™ is all about.   

Chinese Medicine and Feng Shui use the lens of the 5 Elements to review how everything around us is either in balance or out of balance. The 5 Elements was the focus of my training as an acupuncturist.

So when I was first learning how to have conversations with potential clients, I couldn’t help but create a framework around selling that fit within the model of the 5 Elements.  

When you master the 5 Elements of Heartselling™, you’ve got a heart-centered formula to have amazing conversations with potential clients and quickly increase your income.

The 5 Elements are the foundation of Heartselling™. And what makes Heartselling™ different from any other sales training out there is that it is a holistic model. It isn’t full of techniques and gimmicks, instead it’s about showing up with heart and integrity in every conversation you have with a potential client.

The 5 Elements are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood. And we human beings are made up of all 5 Elements, reflecting the wisdom and beauty of nature.

The Heartselling™ Model is made up of the same 5 Elements.

When we created the Heartselling™ System, we took one key quality from each of the 5 Elements to make our sales conversations effective:

Fire = Connect

Earth = Serve

Metal = Acknowledge

Water = Be Curious

Wood = Give them a Choice

In Chinese Medicine, when any of the Elements are out of balance, your health suffers. The same is true with Heartselling™. If you’re missing one of the Elements or you’re out of balance, the conversation falls flat and you usually won’t get the client or a referral. Worse than that, your potential client may have left the conversation thinking you were pushy or salesy.

However, when all 5 Elements are present, chances are your potential clients will say “YES!” to your services, if it’s a match.

Jesse and I teach the 5 Elements during our Client Attraction Summit in a way that you will embody each of the Elements and can start getting new clients immediately.

In the meantime, I’ll go through how each of the 5 Elements works in a Heartselling™ conversation during my Enlightened Business Summit interview with Stephen on October 10.  I hope to “see” you there!

Award-Winning million dollar mentor, Sharla Jacobs, and her husband, Jesse Koren, are famous for turning ordinary coaches and holistic practitioners into transformational leaders who make a 6-figure income. When they first started out, they struggled to get enough clients to make ends meet. Fortunately, they figured out an effective and heart-based method for attracting tons of new clients. In their first year together, they went from 0-$175,000. They have now taught their step-by-step system to over 25,000 people. Jesse and Sharla also believe in giving back. They have given over 10 million dollars in scholarships to their own events, and they have contributed over $100,000 to causes they believe in. To learn more:

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2014 Catalyst, Issue 21: Enlightened Business
