Smooth Out Your Inner Turmoil & Unrest Through Breathwork!

By Kathleen Booker, a featured speaker in the Breathwork Summit

Many of us have been there!

Your thoughts go back and forth with doubt, indecision, anxiety, and uncertainty — keeping you standing still. You are too wary to move.

However, deep within you can feel a quiet spot in your heart speaking your true desires and encouraging you to move forward and take action!

Your inner mind says, “Well, how the heck can we do that? We have no idea which direction to go, what action to take... and we are afraid!”

So, you sit unmoving, stagnant with doubt, fear, and uncertainty.

Please know I am not judging you... I have been there!

You are not alone!

As an example, I had a Breathwork session with a client who was rife with indecision and self loathing for being indecisive.

That is quite a loop of pain to keep going. It is exhausting!

My client began the session saying things like:

  • I keep getting myself into this type of situation.
  • I am tired of being in situations like this.
  • I keep allowing people to walk all over me.
  • I do not want people to walk all over me anymore!
  • I have to figure this out.
  • I do not know how to make this work for me.
  • Why isn’t life working for me... it is working for everyone else.
  • I am ready for a change in my life.

(Any of the above sound familiar to YOU?)

As you can see, the client went back and forth between wanting to release painful past habits/mis-beliefs AND simultaneously with an air of resignation staying in the comfortable-ness of the un -comfortable because they have done that for so long, it has become a deeply rooted habit.

Habits can be changed!

As our session progressed, my client was able to become aware of their self-sabotaging, contradicting mis-beliefs.

With the Breath we began to give awareness to the contradicting thoughts.

With the Breath we began to give awareness to the habits the client desired.

With a Breathwork practice we can create new neural pathways in our brain to create NEW life thriving habits!

Yes, indeed! YOU can create new habits.

We used the Breath to imprint on a cellular level the client’s desired new habit.

The beauty of the Breathwork exercises we used is the deep relaxation of the mind/body for the client. The Breath enhanced the client’s ability to focus and to see the issues with higher consciousness, vision, and focus.

After the Breathwork exercises, my client began to create a do-able and structured list of steps forward. The steps created were done with ease and a can-do/want-to-do attitude.

The Breath can move mountains and smooth roads!

Let’s Breathe together...

Just take an easy inhale through the nose and an easy exhale through the nose.

Let’s do an exercise:

Grab a piece of paper or your journal and a pen... take a seat at your fave spot in your home or in the park.

Now, take another easy inhale through the nose and an easy exhale through the nose. On a clean piece of paper draw a line down the middle of the page.

Title the left side, What I say now is; and then title the right side, I now desire to say.

Just take an easy inhale through the nose and an easy exhale through the nose. Now, write out at least ten (10) statements like the following example...


What I say now is:
Why isn’t life working for me? It works for everyone else.
I have done this all my life; it won’t change, ever!

I now desire to say:
I am ready for a change in my life.
I want to change how I live.

Once you have completed your statements take a moment again to take a few Breaths.

You have given awareness to your places of inner turmoil...the Breath has smoothed out that turmoil by releasing cortisol (stress) from your body and relaxing your mind.

As you feel comfortable with gentle inner tenderness to yourself lovingly write down a few doable steps.

Not a lot of steps... make it doable .

When (not if ) you feel anxious writing a step, put the pen down, take a Breath or two, look at that step again, and gently listen if that step is a keeper OR something for later.

Remember, keep your Breath going and listen gently...your Breath will tell you. Take a few more Breaths.

Move forward with your steps ... yes, you can!

So, what can you expect doing Breathwork and this exercise?

  • New healthy habit created to soften and release unrest/indecision from your mind
  • Deep relaxation
  • Clarity in your mind
  • Ease/peace in your mind
  • Shift self-sabotaging mis-beliefs to remembering the truth of your wholeness
  • Courage to step forward with healthy life thriving actions and thoughts
  • Highly functioning immune system

Breathe... step forward... Breathe... step forward. YOU got THIS!

Kathleen Booker, The Jedi of Calm, is an effervescent native New Yorker, whose energy is infectious. Passionate about conscious and connected breathwork therapy, Kathleen knows firsthand the energy, healing, peace, and joy it creates in one’s life. As a certified and insured breathwork coach, she has worked with many masters in the field of conscious connected breathwork therapy. For more than 10 years, she has used her coaching and intuitive skills to support individuals in clearly identifying areas in need of growth, healing, and focused goal creation. Kathleen’s instinctive sense of what will motivate and empower her clients helps catalyze their transformation.

Explore more at her website.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2022 Catalyst, Issue 2: Breathwork Summit
