CymaScope Institute — Assessed Essay Service

(to earn Continuing Education Units)

The CymaScope Institute, a division of are offering students the potential to earn two Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) in collaboration with The Shift Network, in respect of John Stuart Reid’s course: Advanced Secrets of Frequency Medicine, Sonic Science & Cymatics. This course is bundled with the foundational course, Explore the Secrets of Sonic Science & Cymatics. Both courses are available from The Shift Network at this link:

Students of the advanced course have an option to earn two Continuing Education Units — one CEU for participation in the foundational course and advanced course, and one CEU for submitting an original essay of not less than 3,000 words and not more than 5,000 words, based on any of the topics covered in the course, but including an element of the student’s own conjecture and/or original conclusions.

The two CEU’s are conjoined in the sense that award of the first is granted only in combination with award of the second, in order to demonstrate that the student has sufficiently absorbed and integrated the material from both the foundational course and the advanced course.

The student’s essay will be professionally assessed for competence, typically within 30-days of receipt, and if the CymaScope Institute deem that adjustments to the manuscript are necessary, prior to issuing the CEU Certificate the student will be sent notes by email to identify additional work needed. The essay must be received by the CymaScope Institute within 90 days of the end of the advanced course*, or the end of April 2023, and sent to the following address together with a covering letter, addressed to John Stuart Reid:

Following satisfactory assessment, the CymaScope Institute certificate, bearing the name of the student, will be sent digitally to the student for self printing.

* If an essay is received later than the end of April 2023 The CymaScope Institute reserve the right to return it un-assessed, in which case a refund of 90% of the assessment fee will be made. 10% ($40) will be retained to cover administrative costs.

Notes on conversion of CEU’s to Academic Credit Hours

It may be possible to convert earned CEU’s to Academic Credit Hours. This is achieved by both higher education institutions and special examining and assessment services. Academic credit can only be granted for CEUs if (1) the subject matter and nature of the CEU experience is approved as applicable to consideration for academic credit; (2) the continuing education experience has been analyzed for content and level and, if necessary, the person holding the CEUs has been examined; and (3) a formal recommendation is made by competent academic authorities (faculty, review board, etc.) based on an agreed conversion formula. CEUs are most commonly converted via a formula that considers at least ten (10) CEUs to equal a single academic credit hour. For further information please refer to:

Assessed Essay Service fee: $400

Be Selected to Visit John's CymaScope Lab in the UK

The winner of the best essay, following professional assessment, will be invited to spend an afternoon or morning in the CymaScope lab, working with the CymaScope instrument, with personal instruction from John Stuart Reid. (The prize does not include travel arrangements to the UK CymaScope lab.)
