Bioenergetically Tap Into Your Heart’s Guidance to Experience Peace in a Polarizing World

By Dr. Shamini Jain

Have you been wondering whether humanity is capable of finding some type of common ground these days?

Like you, I’ve been witnessing the growing divisiveness in our human family, even in the holistic and spiritual community. These days, it seems strong opinions get more energy than anything else.

But one thing I’ve noticed that brings me a sense of optimism and hope is that all of us know that greater healing is possible.

I continue to be inspired by so many leaders in healing, and their belief in the power and resiliency of the human spirit to help us heal ourselves. Combine that with the promise of the biofield to help us connect the dots between consciousness and healing — and ultimately, we can step into our full power as human healing agents.

If you’re not familiar with the "biofield," it refers to the fields of energy and information that connect us. In my view, it is also the bridge that links our consciousness with profound healing — spiritually, physically, emotionally, mentally, and interpersonally.

I’m so grateful to Tami Simon and Sounds True for encouraging me to write my new book, Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health. In its pages, I invite you to learn how ancient wisdom traditions described the vital role of the biofield and karma in healing, as well as dig into cutting-edge, peer-reviewed research exploring how the biofield fosters healing all the way down to our cells.

But it won’t just stop with science. You’ll also receive the Healing Keys, a biofield-based self-care guide that will light up your own healing journey with supportive practices and meditations.

Perhaps the most crucial Healing Key for our times is to bioenergetically tap into our heart’s guidance — to bring us peace in a polarizing world. That is where we notice and feel our support systems helping us connect with the spirit of Love that always surrounds us. Then, our sense of duality begins to fade and we can begin to see each other as connected through the great Oneness of who we truly are.

The practice is simple, yet powerful. (You can also find an audio version on Insight Timer.)

  • Take a moment to follow your breath, into your body. Feel the flow of prana, fresh life energy, as it fills your lungs and flows down your whole body.
  • Notice the sensations that are present and just keep breathing, effortlessly, with nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no one to be. Enjoy the breath as it flows in and out of your body, noticing, perhaps, relative places of stuckness and places of flow.
  • Take a moment now to focus on your heart, both the front and back of your heart. Invite any ancestors, guides, or support systems to connect with you at this time.
  • Take a few moments, allowing for the flow of energy to come through the back and front of the heart, and rest in the energy of this support for a few moments. Let your sense of Spirit flow through your entire body, receiving it with openness, perhaps even a sense of awe for this beautiful and instantaneous connection.
  • Close with gratitude, for those who chose to be with you at this time, and for yourself for giving time for your practice.

I hope you’ll continue to stand in solidarity for healing during this time by simply returning to your heart and the power of your biofield. If you choose to dive into Healing Ourselves, may it continue to add light to your path of joy, unity, and growth.

Dr. Shamini Jain, a member of the Evolutionary Leaders Circle, is a psychologist, scientist, and social entrepreneur. She is the founder and CEO of the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), a nonprofit collaborative accelerator that connects scientists, health practitioners, educators, and artists to help lead humanity to heal ourselves. 

CHI was formed through Shamini’s deep desire to bring key stakeholders together to create a coherent and effective movement to move us beyond models of “disease thinking” and the “decade of the brain,” into the study of systems-based healing processes, and personal and societal empowerment. She is also an assistant professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UC San Diego, and a member of UC San Diego's Center for Integrative Medicine.

Shamini integrates her background in clinical psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, Jain spiritual wisdom, and the healing arts to teach people how they can best heal themselves and live life with joy and spiritual alignment. She teaches fundamental principles and practices from Jainism, an ancient East Indian philosophy that is thousands of years old, which has influenced social change leaders and freedom fighters such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mohandas K. Gandhi. She is a student of Reverend Rosalyn Bruyere in the healing arts.

Shamini teaches regularly at leading retreat centers, including Esalen and Kripalu. Her research has been featured in TIME, US News and World Report, CNN, and other news media. She also shares research on the science of healing in diverse venues, including NATO, TEDx, major universities and medical centers, health-related conferences, and corporations. Her first book, Healing Ourselves: Biofield Science and the Future of Health, is published by Sounds True.

Shamini serves as a board member and scientific advisor for several social-benefit companies, including Greenheart Wacuri, Modern Spirit, and Leap Forward.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2021 Catalyst, Issue 15 - The Future of Plant Medicine Summit
