Awaken Your Inner Ganges

By Masami Covey

After completing the spinal tap procedure to further investigate my Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis, as the two nurses transferred me from the operation table to my wheelchair, the doctor asked if I wanted to see my very own cerebrospinal fluid.

I nodded with an enthusiastic “Yes!”

“What do you think your CSF is going to look like?” he asked.

“Hmmm… I bet it looks a little bit like diluted milk.” I replied.

He smiled and said, “Then you will be very surprised to see this,” and handed me a sealed glass vial.

Cerebrospinal fluid is essential to Life. This fluid of ultra refined blood plasma surrounds and buoys your brain. It flows through the spaces between the cells, cushions the tissues, supplies nutrients to the central nervous system, gets rid of waste products, and protects you from neurodegenerative inflammation. Many neurotransmitters and signaling molecules make their home inside CSF, and therefore, your quality of life depends on its health.

“This came out of my body?” Surprised, I gently held the tall vial filled with shimmering liquid light between my hands.

He nodded with a beaming smile.

In the presence of this pure essence, my eyes began to well up with another kind of glowing light.

“It’s so beautiful…” My eyes fixated on the Divine Spirit in liquid form. “This is God! This is where God exists in me!”

Soon after the procedure I began experiencing a condition called “CSF leak”, where some of the fluids release out of the area that was punctured, causing debilitating headaches. My head could not be lifted higher than the pillow, or I experienced crushing pressure, accompanied by dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. I had no choice but to be bed-rested until the puncture could close.

For ten days, my body lay completely still. In the profound inner quietude I entered into a dreamlike liminal space, and all the while the drip of life-giving divine liquid replenished my sacral channels and fed my Root Charka, nourishing all my energy wheels up and down the spine, awakening my crown center. I had let go of the familiar and crossed over into the realm of the not yet known.

And there I became unified with the Universe, the Cosmic Flow. Like an ice cube melting in a warm hand, the field of “me” merged into the cosmic river. I was first gazing out the window at the trees, and then I became the trees. I became a bird catching the wind underneath its wings. Then the wind became me and I mingled with the clouds which also became me. Soon there was no “me” — just clouds... just raindrops... just sun rays… mountains… forests… rocks… sand… oceans… stars.

In that immense field of timelessness, I was all that was, is, and will ever be.

An Indian guru of nondualism, Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj, purportedly said, “Fluids come together and the ‘I Am’ appears.” This quote has been recited by physicians like Dr. Mauro Zappaterra and others to demonstrate the power of cerebrospinal fluid. And Dr. Randolph Stone, who was the founder of polarity therapy, often taught about the beauty and the power of the CSF, saying that “the soul swims in the CSF.”

From my studies in Ayurveda and Yoga, I learned that the horn of the lateral ventricle in the brain, where the cerebrospinal fluid is secreted, is called Ganga. So there is a Ganga, or the Ganges River, in India, and there is also a Ganga in your brain—and this is where the celestial river flows, while nourishing, protecting, and coordinating the Mind, Body, and Spirit in unity and healing. 

My profound encounter with this divine liquid and the replenishment of CSF up and down my energy centers, and the experience of deep congruence with the universal consciousness guided me to dive deeper into learning about our inner Ganga.

When I began to explore this river inside, I realized that there are many “opportunities” for all of us to come into contact with the awakening I experienced, through daily awareness and practices. As a Health Intuitive and Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I spend most my days educating and guiding clients and groups on what they can do to reignite their innate wholeness and health. And giving them practical tools is one of the most important aspects of my work.

Therefore when it comes to enhancing the quality and the health of your cerebrospinal fluid, the following 5 daily tools not only support your nourishing CSF, but they may also bring you closer to the Unified Field of Consciousness that is always here with us.

I call these daily practices The 5 S’s...

The first is SLEEP. We all know that a good night of sleep is vital to your overall health, but when it comes to enhancing your CSF flow, you want to focus on being asleep before midnight every night. This is when you enter the state of oneness with God, the Universe, and enter the Cosmic river. 

The next “S” is SINUSES, meaning breathing through your nose, especially when it comes to inhalation. You can assist the CSF flow much more effectively by breathing through your nostrils and activating the sinus cavities than you can by mouth breathing.

The third “S” is SAFETY. Just as Steven Porges stated, “feeling safe is the prescription”. Without the sense of safety within and around yourself, it’s very difficult to shift your consciousness, and therefore it is very important to feel comfortable and safe when you practice these S’s.

The fourth “S” is SOUND. Humming, chanting, and singing all enhance the vibrational frequencies of CSF.

And lastly, and most importantly, find as many ways as possible to create SILENCE (and STILLNESS). We live in a highly stimulated, constantly triggered world. When you bring moments of quiet and pause into your daily life, this becomes the gateway for you to awaken your inner Ganges.

Masami Covey is an experienced Health Intuitive, somatic practitioner, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP), Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT), Positive Neuroplasticity Practitioner, applied linguist, and faculty member at The Shift Network.

Masami believes that we are each our own primary healer. She offers a dynamic framework for connecting our subtle “body language” with physiology, anatomy, emotion, nutrition, and lifestyle practices. She embraces the power of both scientific knowledge and focused intuition to reveal the interconnection of body, mind, and spirit.

Nutrition has become a central aspect of Masami’s work. After working with clients since 1999, she experienced a complete physical breakdown of her body with an initial diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis in 2011 and injuries from a severe car accident in 2012. She discovered in her own practice that nutrition was the missing element in healing and supporting long-lasting health.

Visit Masami’s website to discover more.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2021 Catalyst, Issue 13 - Awakening With Spirit Summit
