A Personal Invitation to the August 9-13 Sound Healing Summit

From Co-Host Christine Stevens

Our third annual Sound Healing Summit, co-hosted by Christine Stevens, Alec Sims, and Phyllis Anne Douglass, takes place August 9-13.

As a uniquely vibrational being, you can attune to your highest level of being through the beauty of sound healing. Vibrational medicine works on an intuitive level that bypasses thought and guides you into a gratified state of tranquility for an instantaneous way to quiet your overactive mind.

In this free summit, you’ll experience myriad vibrational methodologies — including harmonics, tuning forks, sound baths, and voice. These self-soothing practices can bring your body into resonance, relieve stress, lower your heart rate, stimulate immune response, and activate blood cell vitality.

Sound healing enables you to surrender anxious thoughts, begin to heal trauma and treat addiction, and so much more. These ancient sound-healing methods are fast becoming the medicine of the future.

To register for free, click here.

Hi, I’m Christine Stevens. I’m a faculty at The Shift Network and I want to invite you to the Sound Healing Summit online. This is a place where you can learn tools of sound for your own self-care, your own evolution. Sound really is the stream, an ancient lineage full of healing properties and spiritual upliftment.

I will be joined by co-hosts Alec Sims and Phyllis Anne Douglass in interviewing more than 30 pioneers and leaders, researchers, practitioners with a very wide variety of tools, from singing bowls to tuning forks, from drums to flutes, to many things between sacred gongs and more.

This is a great opportunity for everyone at no charge to expand your skills and to be involved in the practices that uplift us in difficult times. That can be devotional chanting, it can be toning, humming. We are instruments — the drum that is your heartbeat, the voice that is your song.

It is a good time now to awaken that music in you and to connect with this tradition of sound healing that is really growing right now because we’re tuning ourselves in sound baths and participation in sound and all the tools that have been scientifically shown. We have some great researchers sharing cutting-edge information in science that is now documenting what ancient people have always known.

So come and hear the teachings of such renowned people as Professor Jerilyn Glass, Eileen McKusick, Stephen Halpern, Jonathan Goldman, and the first lady of the Native American flute, Mary Youngblood. I will see you there.

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2021 Catalyst, Issue 12 - Sound Healing Summit
