A New, Emerging World Civilization: An Indigenous Perspective

By Hereditary Chief Phil Lane Jr.

Indigenous prophecies clearly foretell a “New World Civilization” that is inherently harmoniously interrelated, equitable, unified and just. This is not to be confused, even remotely, with the various New World Orders that are fearfully alluded to by various contending sources.

These include:

  • A New World Order where the extremely wealthy or a secret elite enslave most of humanity for their own selfish and greedy purposes
  • A New World Order where everyone is forced to look, act and think the same
  • A New World Order dominated by any one Nation State
  • A New World Order created by an Anti-Christ prior to an Armageddon

This “New World Civilization,” firmly and unshakably rooted in the spiritual understanding and consciousness of the Oneness and Prior Unity of the Human Family and the understanding that the Hurt of One is the Hurt of All and the Honor of One is the Honor of All, was envisioned by Indigenous prophecies across the Americas, including:

  • Mayan
  • Hopi
  • The Reunion of the Condor, Quetzal and Eagle
  • The Eighth Council Fire
  • The Return of the White Buffalo
  • The Day that shall not be followed by night
  • Black Elk
  • Deganawida: The Great Peace Maker
  • Chilam Balam
  • Quetzalcoatl
  • Sweet Medicine
  • Handsome Lake
  • Vera Cocha
  • and many others

From the full spiritual consciousness of this “New World Civilization” naturally unfolds the spiritual understanding and manifestation of:

  • Environmental harmony with all life
  • Equality of men and women
  • Independent investigation of truth
  • Harmonizing the extremes of wealth and poverty
  • Eliminating prejudices of every form
  • A global press free of contending economic and political influences
  • Unity of science and spirituality
  • Universal education for all Members of the Human Family
  • Global inter-communication, free from unjust hindrances and restrictions, that embraces every member of the human family
  • A world, centered where the voices, wisdom and vision of Indigenous Peoples are justly and respectfully represented and,
  • Free, prior and informed consent all members of the Human Family.

We know from the inmost heart of all these Sacred Teachings and Prophecies that a New World Civilization, envisioned and empowered by Indigenous Visionaries, Allies and the Ancient Ones, can only be founded on the full consciousness and awareness of the Oneness of all Humanity and Justice. This is a spiritual truth that the human sciences confirm. Anthropology, physiology, genetics and psychology and other sciences clearly recognize that there is only one Race, the Human Race. In fact, with work on the human genome now substantially complete, the clear result is, except for a few superficial surface features, that we, the human family are all 99.9% the same. We are all related! We are much more alike, than we are different!

The full recognition of this fundamental truth requires the abandonment of all prejudice -- prejudice of every kind -- race, class, sexual orientation, color, creed, nation, sex, and degrees of material civilization: everything that enables human beings to consider themselves superior to others.

This is a great spiritual challenge for all of us, a very, very great spiritual challenge, indeed. But what is the alternative?

With this understanding and vision, we must remember, though the Sacred Path that the Creator has given us to walk, seems, at times, lost in the threatening shadows and storms that are now enveloping a stricken humanity, the spiritual radiance that the Everywhere Spirit is continuously shining upon each one of us is of such brilliance that no earthly darkness can ever eclipse its unwavering spiritual radiance and splendor.

Though we are yet small in numbers and limited in our experiences, powers, and resources, the Spiritual Force that energizes our Sacred Path is boundless in its range and incalculably vast in its potency.

Though our enemies - like spiritual immaturity, fear of the loss of external power, and ignorance of our true spiritual nature, which every acceleration in the progress of our unprecedented, unified work will naturally conjure - are fierce, numerous, and unrelenting, through our perseverance, the invisible Spiritual Force that is with us all, will, as long promised, rush forth to our aid and empower us to fully vanquish any possibility of our destruction and annihilation by the the forces of disunity.

Though the ultimate blessings that will crown the consummation of our ultimate victory, be certain, and the Sacred Promises that have been given to us are firm and irrevocable, yet the measure of the spiritual blessings, which every one of us is to reap, will depend on the extent to which our daily prayers, dedication and efforts will have contributed to resolving the spiritual challenges before us all!

Though our dedication and sacrifice may be long and arduous, yet the spiritual blessings and bounties that our Beloved Creator has chosen to confer upon us are of such preciousness that neither tongue nor pen can fittingly describe them.

Toward this ultimate vision and the fulfillment of these Sacred Prophecies of our Indigenous Peoples, may each and every one of us be fully assured, no matter what may happen in this temporal, transitory plane of existence, that we will be and are always together in both this temporal and transitory world and the spiritual worlds yet to come.

With complete faith in the guiding spiritual principles of our elders, along with the courage and dedication to utilize their wisdom that we will be completely victorious on the path to a peaceful and equitable future. When we enhance the spiritual capacity of our Indigenous brothers, sisters and other members of the Human Family we will find that we have the power and ability to carefully and lovingly remove any barriers that have limited the development of our full potential as human beings and communities.The greater the difficulty in our path, the greater opportunity for our growth and ultimate victory. We can always become more than we have ever been.

Therefore, it is my deepest prayer that with every new sunrise, we can recognize more and more that the most sacred and holy of all the wonderful ceremonies and gifts that the Creator has given us is the birth of a child, and that everything we can do to provide our children and communities with the best possible future is a sacred gift, privilege, and responsibility.

Is not the moment long, long overdue, my beloved relatives, through the unfailing power and love of our good Creator, for us to free ourselves completely from the hurt of both the past and present, so that each and everyone of us may truly soar with the freedom of majestic condors and eagles to the promised greatness of our sacred destiny and future as honored members of the Human Family.

Hereditary Chief Phil Lane, Jr. is a member of the Hinhan Wicasa Oyate, Yankton Sioux Tribe and Chickasaw Nation. For more than 45 years Phil has been working with Indigenous peoples from across the Americas, South East Asia, India, Hawaii and Africa. In 1970‐1971 Phil worked with Indigenous peoples in Bolivia. It was here where he began his lifelong dedication, with other indigenous peoples, toward actualizing the Reunion of the Condor and the Eagle. Phil served 16 years as Associate Professor in Indigenous Education at the University of Lethbridge, where, in 1982, he co-founded, with elders from across North America, the Four Worlds International Institute (FWII). With the guidance of the Four Worlds Elders Council and Phil’s leadership and applied experience, FWII has become an internationally recognized leader in human, community and organizational development because of the institute’s unique focus on the importance of culture and spirituality in all dimensions of development. To learn more about Chief Phil Lane Jr. and the Four Worlds International Institute, click here.


Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2015 Catalyst, Issue 22: Global Indigenous Wisdom
