Module 1: Creating the Reality You Deserve

With Niraj Naik

As your journey begins, Niraj will explain how, to get the results you want, attract better relationships, heal from the past, become excited about the future,and be at your best every single day — you first must understand who you truly are...

From this foundation, you can create the reality you deserve.

You’ll discover the hardware vs software representing the body + mind + meta-programming — using higher yogic rituals and SOMA Breathwork techniques to upgrade your mind’s operating system.

In this module you’ll:

  • Understand reality tunnels — your unique worldview that got you to where you are today
  • Decode the eight levels of consciousness and how imprints, hardwired habits, and patterns are formed — so you can understand why people choose to do what they do
  • Explore the nature of reality, to understand where your thoughts really come from — so you can easily upgrade your thinking and get the results you really want
  • Discover the combined power of three of the most powerful transformative modalities — breathwork, visualization, brainwave music — for meta-programming the first four codes
  • Learn the difference between dominant thoughts and normal, conscious thoughts
  • Discover why you feel contracted vs expanded in certain situations — and how common ailments like chronic pain, indigestion, heartburn, headaches, tightness in chest, and muscle cramps arise from your dominant thoughts left unchecked
  • Why people suffer from addictions, neuroses, depression, and disease — and how to prevent and heal them
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Excerpt: Breathwork Musical Meditation Practice

Excerpt: SOMA Breath Shaking Trance

Excerpt: Breathwork Technique: Quiet Your Mind

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Quiet Your Mind 2_4_Pause_4_8_Breathe In Beats
SOMA Breath Shaking Trance

Niraj Naik

Founder of SOMA Breath

Niraj Naik is a former certified pharmacist turned holistic health and breathwork expert. As a “legal drug dealer,” he witnessed many patients going home with bags full of drugs each month, rarely getting better and usually going on to suffer from other diseases. He also saw the debilitating side effects of the prescription medications, which drove many of the patients to need other drugs to ease the side effects from the first round of prescriptions — a vicious cycle.

The stress and overwhelm of dishing out pills got the better of him, and Niraj was housebound for nearly a year with ulcerative colitis, an autoimmune condition. He was left with the option of becoming a guinea pig for a new untested drug, or undergoing a colectomy (removal of the colon). He chose neither option, and began his search to learn from those who had great success in curing themselves (or others) from chronic illness.

He learned a combination of natural treatments, including yogic and Ayurvedic practices, and adopted new dietary recommendations. He studied healing methods through meditation, pranayama, and mind-power techniques like self-hypnosis and NLP. He also discovered powerful techniques of sound and music therapy as tools for reducing stress and promoting self-healing. Today, Niraj lives symptom-free, and has helped hundreds of others do the same.

Niraj is the founder of SOMA Breath — the global wellness and breathwork movement taking the world by storm. SOMA Breath combines the ancient yogic wisdom of pranayama with modern-day science. Taking inspiration from ancient scriptures like the Rig Veda, Niraj has created a breathwork practice that intricately combines science and spirituality. SOMA Breath takes you on a multisensory meditation journey, combining specially crafted brainwave-entrainment music, breathwork, and visualization techniques. Participants regularly describe moments of pure bliss, connection to Source, profound spiritual experiences, and emotional releases.

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Excerpt: Breathwork Musical Meditation Practice: 
Excerpt: SOMA Breath Shaking Trance: 
Excerpt: Breathwork Technique: Quiet Your Mind: 
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Full Class:
Excerpt: Breathwork Musical Meditation Practice:
Excerpt: SOMA Breath Shaking Trance:
Excerpt: Breathwork Technique: Quiet Your Mind: