Help us save lives with clean water filters

By Devaa Haley Mitchell

In just a few days I will be winging my way towards India, along with Shift Co-Founder Stephen Dinan (who is also my husband). Together we’ll be leading a fabulous group of pilgrims on a journey of heart and soul. One of the key aspects of our trip will be the seva service projects we'll be doing in partnership with the Parmarth Niketan ashram and the Divine Shakti Foundation.

And we’ve learned that one of the biggest issues in this region of India is CLEAN WATER.

Water is the lifeblood of planet earth and the most essential foundation for living here. Having access to clean water is a luxury that many of us take for granted, yet some 780 million people are still without healthy, clean water.

This situation is estimated to cause 801,000 deaths globally every year in children younger than 5 years of age (according to the US Center for Disease Control). Children are particularly vulnerable to poor sanitation, making it a true humanitarian tragedy.

In January of 2015, the World Economic Forum announced the water crisis as the #1 global risk to society (as a measure of devastation). So that’s why ensuring clean water for EVERYONE on the planet simply must be the foundation for a new era.

So in honor of International Women’s Day coming up on March 8th, I have decided to step forward as a Team Leader for the Waterbearers project, along with dozens of other women from across the globe, to provide clean water to 1 million people between now and World Water Day (March 22nd).

On International Women’s Day, I’ll be speaking at an event in Haridwar India called the Yoga Maha Kumbha, encouraging Indian women to join our global effort (stay tuned for details on the global broadcast, in partnership with UPLIFT).

Then as part of Shift Network’s philanthropic efforts, our team of Shift Network pilgrims will be the very first team from the Waterbearers project to distribute high-tech, long-term water filters to schools, medical camps, and villages in India that do not have clean water.

These simple $50 filters can literally save the lives for whole villages of peoples. Just one filter will provide enough clean water for 100 people per day. And if maintained properly, each filter will last for many years. So it's truly a gratifying way to make an impact (and also minimize the waste of bottled water and boiling).

Last year we led a team of folks from The Shift Network to Ecuador where we distributed these same filters to Indigenous groups in both the Amazon as well as in the high Andes, and it was so gratifying! Today the folks both in the rain forest and the high mountains are using these simple filters to bring health and wholeness to their communities.

We'd be so grateful for your financial support for one or more clean water filters at $50 each (but ANY donation truly does help!)

Donate Here: Clean Water for Rural India

We would love your partnership in taking this important step to save lives and give people the most sacred blessing for life.

And if you are a woman who is inspired and would like to be one of the first Team Leaders yourself, please consider stepping forward to join our women-led movement.

Here’s how:

1) Watch this 2 minute video: click here.

2) Take a look at the Team Leader Requirements and Benefits to see if you can commit - click here.

3) If you're a YES (like we are!), click here and click "LEAD A TEAM" and take your place in history as a Waterbearer Team Leader.


Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2016 Catalyst, Issue 4: International Women's Day & Transforming Aging
