National Native American Sacred Sites Day and World Peace and Prayer Day

By Chief Arvol Looking Horse

At this time I would like to remind the People of significant days of prayer in Honor of Sacred Sites; June 20th – National Native American Sacred Sites Day and June 21st – International Day to Honor Sacred Sites world wide, also known as World Peace and Prayer Day.

Time has come when all of our Nation’s Prophecies upon Grandmother Earth are weaving together with strength in messages to take notice of our responsibility. In this momentous time in history, we once again humbly request on behalf of Grandmother Earth, to gather “all nations, all faiths, one prayer” to create an energy shift of healing for all the spiritual beings of the two legged, those that swim, those that crawl, the winged ones, the plant nations and four legged.

As we are taking this time to journey to our Sacred Sites, whether it be churches, mosques, temples, pyramids, significant natural places of prayer, where the spirits live from our ancestors beliefs in the creator, may you have safe journeys.

Our significant sacred animals belonging to the different Nations upon this Grandmother Earth have now all shown their sacred color - which is white, the only way for the two-legged to listen and take notice. They are warning us of these times prophesied when many things are now out of balance that will affect us forever if we do not take this time to change our paths that we are on. These signs of changes prophesied are now evident in the global climate changes, the daily extinction of the plant and animal Nations and our human relationships with one another causing pain and to destroy one another, whether it be major war or within relatives. We must unite this global community to pray for a healing for Grandmother Earth, for all her living beings, for our future generation’s well being.

In a Sacred Hoop of Life, where there is no ending and no beginning!

Ho ana-h’opta po
Hear my words!

Chief Arvol Looking Horse
19th Generation Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe

Catalyst is produced by The Shift Network to feature inspiring stories and provide information to help shift consciousness and take practical action. To receive Catalyst twice a month, sign up here.

This article appears in: 2014 Catalyst, Issue 23: Global Indigenous Wisdom
